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16 Cards in this Set

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Euripides' Medea: characterisation, context, and causality

Child killer, violent, vengeful, barbarian, context - Peloponnesian war, causality - barbarianism or agent of Zeus

Apollonius' Medea: characterisation, context, and causality

Young, blameless, good magic, powerful, context - Alexandrian Egypt, causality - Eros made her fall in love

Why do myth and philosophy go together?

Myth is easily interpreted because of its unknowability, it is mythos, not logos and that makes it easy to put philosophical interpretations onto it

How does Porphyry treat The cave of the Nymphs?

He treats it negatively because of his depression, he is looking for negative portrayals of the universe and human existence. His philosophy matches his feelings

How does Gorgias treat The Encomium to Helen?

He treats it positively because he is trying to prove that Helen is innocent, he does this through a philosophical interpretation of language. His philosophy matches his purpose

How do Porphyry and Gorgias differ?

They differ because Porphyry is negative in his philosophy, while Gorgias is positive. They are in places psychologically and this affects the philosophical interpretation that they give

What were the main points of Barthes indicated in lectures?

The meaning of myth is hidden behind the initial language, he is applicable to any myth, his theory can be hard to understand, form + concept = signification

What are some important things from Barthes reading?

The roses/ stapler example; if you put roses on someone's desk it is a sign of love but if you put a stapler on someone's desk it is not a sign of love because of the cultural symbol of the roses meaning for love

Example from one of the texts in class of Barthes' theory

In Euripides' Medea, the form is the myth itself, the concept is prejudice against barbarians, and the signification is ethnocentrism has dire consequences

Lamberton's Sweet Honey in the Rock

Analysis of Porphyry's analysis of Homer's Odyssey 13. Cave is the universe, nymphs are the souls, the loom is the bones, flesh, and blood, the flowing water is the semen and the souls want to become human because of sexual desire. Porphyry's suicidal interpretation

Duncan, Boughn and Coleman's Preliminary notes towards H.Ds book 3

Veil or scarf hides the truth from everyone. A process of god casts glamour at a point of confusion, god takes away a hero, god replaces hero with spirit double. What happens to Helen in Helen in Egypt

Fowler's Mythos and Logos

Mythos vs. Logos = falsehood vs. truth, fictional narrative vs. logical analysis. Mythos = Logos + extra

Bauman's explanation of Barthes

the language of the first order is suppressed by the meaning of the myth which is in the second order so form, concept and signification take precedence over all things

O'Neil's Mourning becomes Electra

A modern interpretation of the Oresteia. Basically, everything that normally happens in the play is in the interpretation but they are all in love with each other and things get weird. Looks at Psychology

H.D's Helen in Egypt

An interpretation of the Iliad where Helen isn't actually in Troy but she has been spirited away to Egypt. Interested in how knowledge of self and where you are plays into the text

Logue's War music

An interpretation of the Iliad, more violent and sexist because of the want to highlight how those concepts have changed from acceptable in Homer's time to unacceptable in a more modern time