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52 Cards in this Set

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Dr. Barrys 3 kinds of losses.
1. what we have
2. when you dont get something you expected (getting into college)
3. When you get something, but it isnt what you imagined.
Dr. Barrys 5 stages of reactions to finding out your terminally ill
1. denail
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. Acceptance
* you might not go through all of these stages, or in this order
Dr. B's Denial
It's a mistake I'm healthy
Dr. B's Anger
This isnt fair
Dr. B's Bargaining
There must be something I can do. Ill stop smoking if it cures my cancer
Dr. B's depression
1. Reactive- recognize what the illness has allready caused you to lose
2. relaize that there is more to come
*largest group
Dr. B's acceptance
only 5% of people reach this stage.
disenfranchised grief.
3 variables.
1. loss- friend, may be viewed as undesirving of grief (pet, home, ability)
2. greif
3. relationship- gay couples who havent come out, cant go to unsuportive parents for support. misstress and wife, not support for misstress
How to justify that a great person has been lost
people want to justify that they should feel greif, saying thisn such as I remember when ... did thsi for me, i've never forgotten it. This justifys that they've lost a gret person.
even if you dont like the person say you are sorry
why attend a funeral
today funerals are a social skill. they are for the living, not the dead
dealing with the terminally ill
they are often abandoned
should you ask if theres something you can do
no, be proactive. Can I bring you dinner tomorow?
Inverted U hypothesis
low anxiety=low preformance
moderate anxiety= high performance
high anxiety= low preformance
minimal responses
may be non verbal (nod of the head) or verval "ok" "yes" "right.". They reaffirm that the counsler is listening, cold display agreement or emphasize a cetrain statment. Clients go to counseling to do the talking not to listen. You dont want to have to ask them their relatives names a second time
reflection of content. relect back to the client what the client has said to the cousnelr not word for word but a different expression, for better understanding
reflection of feelings
reflect back to the client emotional theories. want to encourage clinets to own their feelings. cathariss- healing process of emotional release. try to keep counseling responses short. "your happy" "you feel sad" "I get the impression you are depressed"
reflection of content and feeling
feeling and the reason for the feeling "you feel happy with your new job"
seeing, hearing and feeling modes
people think in different ways.
hearing, seeing and touching language, they should match your clients prefrance.
"i hear what you say" "it sounds as though" "tell me.." (sounds)
"I sence your discomfort" "You touched a raw nerve" "it feels good" touch
asking questions
dont ask too many or the client will learn to expect them. 2 types open and closed. open- encourages additional infor closed- short, specific answers.
relfect back what has been said in a number of statements. feelings and content
exploring options
want client to take responsiblilty for their own actions. eliminate impossible options making a decison easier to reach. must be a sensible option and the client should have a good "gut feeling about it" It is the clients choice and not hte counsler. finding possible solutions for her problems.
2 people view the same event differently. reframe behavior in a positive way. Make statement postivie. My son allways makes me chase him and allways needs my attnention-- i get the impression that youare really importatn to you son and he wants lots of your attetnion.
brining up the clients awarenes of info that is being avoided.
1. breif summary of what is being avioded.
2. counselors present feelings
3. statement of what counselor has noticed or observed w/ out interpretation.
challenging self destructive behaviors
should, must or ought beliefs. orgins from childhood
irrational beliefs- also drived in childhood. you want to make hour client challenge their sdb don not conivnce a client to change an sdb just rasi his awaremenss. provide the rational alternative. I allways make mistakes. the only way not to make mistakes is to do nothing. all active people amke mistakes.
prep about 10 mins b4. "i am concious for the need to finish the session soon, it seems to me that you may need to explor....asseritve and confident. make next appt. dont get dpendent . 3 donts 1. ask a question 2. relfecect back content 3. reflect back feelins
bobs phobias
germs,small spaces, falling,
how bob deals with them
baby steps, shaking hands w/ kleenex
how cj counseling is differnt
1. enviroment- jail
2. style
3. clients- dont want ti.
4. counslers role
5. time-often not enough
family crisis intervention techniques
1.diffusing- seperate. sit them down. can see but not hear
2.breif interview-be impartail listen. dont make suggestions. try to summarize
3. mediation- ask for suggestions to solve prombelm . dont raise anxiety. invert u. explore and agree upon a soultion. follow up
4. referal- civilian counselros come up w/ a long term agreement between parttsy. suggest an angency to fololwou p on agreement.
defense mechanisms
provies a rationalization for the choices we make
denial of relatiy
protecting ones self from unpleasent reality by refusing to accept it or face it.
gratifying frustrated desires in imagery achievement. (bravado)
attempting to prove ones behavior is justifyable and thus worhty of self and social approval
placing blame for difficultys on others
preventing painful or dangerous thoughs from entering conciousness
refuisng to recognize painful or dangerous thoughs that are infact conciuss
retreating to an earlier4 developmental stage. less mature responses. lower asperations/gaols.
associate/ identify with institutions or persons or illustius stanidng
way of covering up weaknesses by empahizing desireale traits
discharging pent up feelings usually of hostility on objescts less anderous than those that initially arsoe the emotions.
holding to attritudes and beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence to contrary
gratifying frustrated desires (freq. sexual) in other activties (DANCING)
gratifying frustrated desires (usually sexual) in other than the origional desirvered objects (person). a\ffairs
acting out
reduce anxiety that caused by forb idden desires by permitting their expressions
rodger 3 basic qualities desirable in a counseler
1. empathy, congruence, and uncoditional positive reguard.
congruence-must be themselves
upr-accepting the client
goal of an orgainzation
growth, stablityy, interaction
two or more persons interact to achieve a goal.
the transmission of an intended message from a sender to areciever.
transitions to help reduce anxiety
1. smooth- they start the interview
2. clear-interupt the interviewee and clarify
3. abrupt- everything breaks down, change topic
response styles to anxiety
1. regression-childlike, defensivedd, dependent
2. aviodance- evasive, oversimplfy responses
3. suspiciousnesess- believe other people have caused their problesm agression
4. dresspression- hope/help less
5.bravado- acting opposite to the way the really feel. act stupidly.
procedure for cousneling
not the same, pattern emerges.
immeidicay of counseling
focus on now, not past or future.