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136 Cards in this Set

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Epaminondas- Epemanadus?
leader of thebes, possibly the general that led to the Thebian domination of the Greek area
middle of nowhere- lots of timber (like today's oil because of ships)- powerful and rich
Philip II
member of Macedonian royalty- powerful war lord type- unexpectadly killed- sent to thebes and learned secrets ;)
members of royal families at Thebes to make sure wouldn't break the treaty
sarissae (GK)
15-21 feet spear- revolutionary weapon- Philip II
Macedonian phalanx
block- lines of men that rushes the enemy- Macedonians are best because of the Sarissae
learned in lots of stuff but criticized for not being as good as all others- said Greek had to have a common enemy to be great
Darius (III)
become king through some ??? stuff- wasn't the best strategist- of Persia I think
raised the alarm about Philip II having too much powerand getting tentacles everywhere by trying to be a hero and worm way into greek life etc.
le but
purpose, goal, aim
Battle of Chaeronea
Philip II dropped pretenses and attacked allied greek force- decisively defeated by Macedon- greeks not independent for another 2,000 years
338 BC
date of battle of Chaeronea
16-year-old son that commanded left wing- took over after father's unexpected death
(oxhead) the horse that Alexander got when no one else could ride it and was a gift from Philip II- black- loved that horse- turned it into the sun
Gordian knot
the complex knot that said no one could conquer Asia unless they unties the knot and he cut it saying he'd done it
Battle of Issus
dominate Persians (600,000 persians)- big, big battle- Darius fled- Alexander got the royal family and money he traveled with
Battle of Guagamela
destroyed army of Darius finally and Babylon and Suza just surrendered to him
ranged from 70 to 90 pounds (suza gave him 40,000 talents!)
323 BC
Alexander died in Babylon after never recovered from march (33)- unexpected and left no provision for an heir
Ptolemaic egypt
Tolamy took egypt
Who got Seria?
Seleucid Syria- Solucous
Who got Greece?
Antigonid Greece- one-eyed Antigonous
growing together of religions (happened a lot after Alexander)
Septuagint (3rd-1st centuries BC)
70- translation of Hebrew bible into greek cause Jews forgot hot to speak Hebrew- means 70 for 70 translators, even though there was 72
Museum (Ptolemy I or II)
temple to the muses (same institution as Library of Alexandria)
Library of Alexandria
library of thousands of books- more like university with scholars and stuff (same institution as Museum)
one of librarians of Library of Alexandria- measured circumfrance of the earth, distance to the moon with 1% error
after 323 BC- Greek diminished to Greeks cause conquered by Macedon, but at the same time, influece of Greek spread all the way to Afghanistan- enormous cultural influence
name for Greek language- means "common"- dumbed down greek for nongreek speakers- became language of whole area Alexander conquered
Roman Gods- nod yes or no and that's it
agricultural goddess of wheat rust (mildowing disease) sacrificed to her and if accepted, wouldn't mildew your crops
god of thresholds (boudary God between inside and outside- god of comings and goings to a minor degree
goddess of hinges
god of actual material door
origionally numan for bridges over water but became god of comings and goings in general (faces back and forward)
goddess like greek Hestia- hearth goddess and very important to Romans (not greeks)- had Vestil virgins
Lares and Penates
every home worshiped them- home gods- type fo anscestor worship- penates- gardians, Lares- pantry- household protectors related to anscestors
equal to Ares in Greek (not important to Greeks) VERY important to romans- Mars origionally agricultural God (wolf, wood pecker)- forceful
king of Gods- indoeuropean sky God associated with lightening and eagles
origionally goddess of agricultural associated with water, became goddess of sex and fertility
P. Claudius Plucher
commander of navy- all enemy ships are in one harbor, conditions are perfect, did chicken test and didn't peck so threw them into the water and epcially lost- everyone said it was b/c killed sacred chickens
preserved founing story of Rome w/ Romulus and Remus- one of the most important historians- wrote Ab Urbe Condita
Ab Urbe Condita
book by Livy meaning history of rome?
Alba Longa
city on coast of Italy- where Romulus and Remus from (said to be started by Aeneas in Virgil's version)
king of Alba Longa- grandfather of Romulus and Remus
Rhea Silvia
daughter of Numitor- raped by Mars after made vestil virgin- gave birth to Romulus and Remus (twins)
Romulus and Remus
thrown into river in a basken by Amulius, suckled by wolf, found by shephard, turned out to be mean like dad, gang went around being evil, found out after stealing Numitor's sheep that they were the rightful heirs- restored Numitor to throne, founded own city, disagreement about where (Remus saw 6, Romulus saw 12)- Remus lept over walls of Romulus' city and was killed
brother of Numitor- staged violent cou and overthre Numitor and put Romulus and Remus in a basket so that they wouldn't rise up
753 BC
historic date of founding of Rome
invited neighboring king to feast- stole women, defended husbands when dads got a force together and established duel kingship but Romulus killed other one
Romulus in God state- cloud took him up from the field of Mars (where troops assembled)
Roman term for violence and physical force- way that foce enables something to get done
told another story of founding of Rome- wrote aneid- didn't write it, but told it- wrote it and tied them to greek roots
had relationship with venus- comes away lame (always do)- she gives him their son
son of Venus and Anchises- escaped from destruction fo troy and founded Alba Longa and royal like Remus and Romulus are products of
Achanius (Iulus)
son of Aeneas
personified with picture of Aeneas carrying father on back, clutching Lares and Penantes and son- refers to reverance to the Gods, ancestors, and upcoming generation
sextus Tarquinius
son of last king of Rome- started comparing wives, dropped in to visit, wanted Collatinus' wife Lucretia and raped her
latin word for king- became a curse word during republic era and even after
his wife was only one doing right things (spinnig wool)
wife of collatinus- threatened to kill her but said ok and then threatened to make it look like she slept with a slave and so let him rape her to save her family honor- killed herself after told husband what happened
personified by Lucretia- means purity and transparency of character- respectability
Lucius Junius Brutus
after Lucretia killed herself, called a lynch mob and king expelled from Rome
who were installed as first two consoles of Rome?
Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus
res publica
the thing of the people
509 BC
when reign of 7 kings ended
external is ginified, serious, self-control, but internal is loyal to one's principles- personified by Lucius Junius Brutus (executed his own sons because they rebelled and were loyal to the kings)
Lars Porsenna
most famous person who helped expelled kings but eveyone likes hhim b/c did it to try to help Rome
Horatius Cocles
Horatio on the bridge across river Tiber- unexpected group of men under Lars Porsenna came and told men to cut bridge while he held off the forces single handedly and jumped into the river- either sunk like a stone, or got off on roman side
Mucius Scaevola
captures by Lars Porsenna- wanted to torture him but he went up to a fire and put his hand into the burning fire and everyone impressed so let him go, but told them everything after they released him anyway
most important in Western Mediterranean- Phonecian colonial city?
How do Romans name men?
few first names to choose from (15), add clan name (back a long time), name for much smaller family brance of a clan (sometimes have a fourth name if do something RIDICULOUS) [Praenomen, nomen, cognomen)
How do Romans name women?
took nomen of father and added feminine ending
few first names (15)
clan name from way back, broad
more specific clan, branch of main clan
how were slaves and freed slaves named?
by a nickname and nomen or cognomen? of person who freed them as their last name
Cursus Honorum
racetrack of course of honors- route every individual in Rome had to go down if they wanted to be a leader
age? number of lictors?
only two- highest office in Rome under normal conditions- had to be 42- 12 lictors- had veto power over each other
had to be 30- second most powerful- judicial functionrs, military functions- get grant of imperium for first time- 6 lictors
other magistracies
other rungs in the ladder to get to prastors and then consuls
in situations of extreme crisis, 24 lictors- supreme authoruty while in power but when crisis finished or in 6 months, power ended
power to command- people voted it to them and then officially had it- some abused it
carried the fasces around powerful individual all the time- wore white inside Rome, black outside of Rome
means sticks- bundle fo sticks, sometime w/ axe- if leader was in, axe not there, out, axe was (sacred space in Rome?)
member of senate (eponym for Cincinnati)- family for legal problems so he had to go live on a farm but great general before- when combined tribes attacked Rome, called on to be dictator- totally dominated and resigned after 16 days even though could have stayed on for 6 months- went back to farming
group of old men that the consuls could call and they elected next king - had to have leadership practice (consuls) - very influenctial and decision-making body but no authority to actually make laws
senatus consultum
opinion of the senate- taken to the assemblies and passed by them and then became law and binding- usually passed (Mos Maiorum)
mos Maiorum
ways of one's anscestors- how Romans did things conservative- were consuls, praetors and other magestracies, the senate, and assemblies
all rest of citizens (no leadership experience)- passed what senate said, different assemblies for different things
Council of Plebs
an assembly that voted on some things???
senatus Populusque Romanus- definition of Rome- senate and people of Rome
Roman general that has political disagreements and left Rome and went to Vulskins and betrayed Rome, but rome sent out his wife, mother, and children, and calmed his anger bus assasinated anyways
Marcus Papirius
old senator- too old to flee rome when Gauls invaded and sacked the city, so stayed and when Gaul tugged on his beard, coulted him with his staff and was stabbed :(
Pyrrhus of Epirus
1st encounter with foreign army- Macedoniana dn commanded Phalynces adn things- come to help city of tyrrentum w/ war elephants- 280 went to war- domintated three times, but each time found new, fresh force- costly each time, so tied in 275 BC and abandoned Tyrrentine and gave up
grades of Roman citizenship
full had special privelidges, Latin and municiple degrees also with certain other rights- set up genius system with conveted thing being Roman citizenship that kept everyone in line- everyone had to donate troops though- if city was good (if soldiers did well), could move up in status
council of the plebs (real one)
emerged as more important legislative body in Rome- Senatus consultum taken directly here- led by 10 tribunes
1st punic war
Rome took up cause of a small city Carthage was bullying. Carthage was navy and Rome army- Rome won and imposed large 3,000 talent fine on it and couldn't pay mercenaries, so they attacked Carthage and Rome annexed territory while they weren't looking
beak-like things that crashed on Carthage ships, allowing Romans to board because they weren't very good at the whole sailing thing yet
under Roman control- first ones were Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
propraetors and proconsuls who were x-consuls and x-praetors who ruled over provinces. Responsibilities were to keep the peace, make sure tribute paid, and sent troops
way to get check sent to Rome- sold privilege to a person who became a publicani and they would pay the debt, but then squeeze all the money out of the province that they could
2nd Punic War
areas had relationships with Rome Carthage pressured them and Rome said violated terms of 1st Punic War pact- imposed 10,000 talents and limited navy to 10 ships max
Hannibal Barca
most feared Rome enemy- put in charge of troops at 2nd Punic war and said to march on Rome by land- dominated epically in open battle- was counting on support of conquered people but only got Gauls- survived for forever and finally took own life
Q. Fabius Maximus (cunctator)
dictator who was given power when Hannibal started tearing it up. Ridiculed for just waiting, but then considered very smart
"Fabian tactics"
tried minni scorch policy- teased Hannibal- engaged in a passive manner- resorted to this after battle of Cannae
P. Cornelius Scipio
another of greatest military mind (studied Hannibal) appointed to lead Roman forces against Hannibal- attacked Carthage supply line in Spain- waited for Hasterbald (last reinforcement) at foot of Alps- besieged Carthage so that they would recall Hannibal- Rome smashed forces at Carthage
Marcus Porcius Cato
Cato the older- kept saying must destroy Carthage- crotchety old man- hated Greek cultural adoption by Romans- thought emasculated Rome
3rd Punic War
besieged Carthage- killed or enslaved all inhabitants- destroyed every building and no one lived in Carthage for 100 years- complete brutality and Punic language lost
146 BC
the year when all Mediterranean world looks to Rome as new power- when Carthage and Corinth destroyed
tiny island that is pirate police- severe earthquake that destroyed navy- all Hellenistic areas- contributed to rebuild navy when destroyed and when they stepped forward to volunteer to mediate between Rome and Carthage, senate killed Rhodes by making island next to them tax exempt
Antiochus IV
king of Macedon- sibling squable in Egypt and stepped forward to help one in exchange for treaty and Rome sent C. Popillus Laenas to tell them no and turned around an entire Macedonian army
C. Popillius Laenas
old senator- drew circle around Antiochus IV and told him to go home or would consider himself at war with Rome and he went
relationship between patronus and cliens- hugely important- kinda like family
higher member of clientela relationship- got big crowd
lower member of clientela relationship- attend patronus in transactions and do his bidding
homines novi
newly made- when a person achieves a high office that no one in his family has before
the known ones- families that over and over serve in high offices of Rome
Spurius Ligustinus
guy who stepped up and quelled uprising
enormous plantations owned by senators- should be 300 acres according to law by 133 BC
ager publicus
public agriculture land that senators took- only supposed to have 300 acres by 133 BC and ignored it- would be good if they gave it up though to give land to landless poor
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
aristocratic youth, followed corsus honorum and became tribune of council of plebs and decided wanted to fix problems of landless poor (some x-soldiers)- wanted in enforce that law, vetoes by tribune and so impeached him- killed by benches
Spurius Ligustinus
guy who stepped up and quelled uprising
133 BC
richer getting richer and poorer getting poorer- beginning of fall of Roman republic
senatus consultum ultimum
ultimate decree- giving permission to suspend due process and kill someone- 1st successful one was with Gaius (tried with Tiberius)
Gaius Sempronius Graachus
was brother of Tiberius- tribune 10 years after his brother- making a lot of bills against senate, scared senate and senate issues senatus consultum ultimum and beat his to death with benches... along with his followers
senate's became to violently kill opposition. how to bring about political change- once precedent, can't change it
path of going through people for getting stuff done (council of plebs)
the best ones- tradition senatorial path of getting things done
Gaius Marius
was homines novi- influential because amazing general- conquered tough African kind- kept electing him because feared Germans- made huge reforms to the army, including keeping legions permanent and intact, perfected marching camp, opened up army to land-less and provided equipment and installed promise that if served general well, got land
mules of marius
what men called themselves because each carried different thing and when broke camp, knew exactly what their job was with their equipment
L. Cornelius Sulla
guy who actually defeated African king- mad that at Gaius Marius' triumph, he didn't honor him
Mithridates VI of Pontus
popular king- got wrath of Rome for doing Asiatic Vespers thing- brilliant, hated Romans
the practice building up immunity to a poison by taking it in small amounts every day
Asiatic Vespers
set up by Mithridates- on appointed day, kill every Roman could get hands on- 88,000?
parade celebrating success of general- knock down wall and build an arch- only time can carry arms in the city- public holiday, make fun of the general- honored like a king- important in getting public good will, even though no official title given