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45 Cards in this Set

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Plessy v Ferguson

"separate but equal" ruling

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka

ended school segregation

Little Rock Nine

nine black students who had to be protected by federal troops in order to attend school

What 1971 court ruling helped end segregation?

implement of racial quotas for school districts


group of lawyers who worked through the court system to make changes

Thurgood Marshall

lawyer who became first black Supreme Court Judge

Rosa Parks

refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man

Martin Luther King, Jr.

main peaceful leader of the civil rights movement

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

worked on nonviolent protests

Montgomery Bus Boycott

black people in Montgomery refused to ride the buses, creating serious economic damage to the city and being a huge success for civil rights


people typically sitting and refusing to leave until their demands were met; nonviolent

Freedom Riders

people who took a bus tour through the south to protest; an extremely dangerous task that many bravely took on

Jackie Robinson

first professional African American baseball player

Malcolm X

originally lead civil rights through violence, joined Islam religion and went to nonviolence.

Black Power Movement

call for African American pride

Civil Rights Act of 1957

created commission to investigate people whose rights were violated

Civil Rights Act of 1964

end voter discrimination; mainly aimed at Jim Crow Laws

Civil Rights Act of 1968

prohibits discrimination in selling/renting homes

Executive Order 11246

lead to a quota system for minorities

Affirmative Action

improved opportunities for people using a quota system

reverse discrimination

the quota system

Public Employment Act

10% of federal contracts is reserved for minority firms

24th Amendment

outlawed Poll Tax

Gloria Steinmen

one leader of the women movement

National Women's Movement

official name given to women's movement


belief that men and women are equal

Equal Pay Act

outlawed different pay scales based on gender

Comparable Worth

the belief that men and women should be payed equally if they are doing the same skill

Title IX

all schools must give equal opportunities for education and extra curricular activities

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

creditors can't discriminate

Roe v Wade

legalized abortion

Russell Means

leader of Native American rights movement

American Indian Movement

official name given to the Native American rights movement

Self-Determination Act of 1975

Tribal governments may administer their own support programs and determine rules for their lands

Cesar Chavez

leader of the migrant workers' union

Bilingual Education

instruction in a student's native language is required

Age Discrimination and Employment Act

protects people 40 and up from discrimination

Disabled Americans Rehabilitation Act

accessible facilities and equal public education

De Jure

by law

De facto

by custom

Describe JFK's death

he was assassinated supposedly by Lee Harvy Oswald alone


flower children, rejected materialism


groups of people who shared everything and dropped out of every day life

Watergate Scandal

Nixon, due to paranoia, wired the democratic headquarters and resigned before being impeached


created an embargo that began America's first oil shortage