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61 Cards in this Set

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13th amendment

Outlawed slavery, overruling the 10th amendment

14th amendment

Promised us citizenship to anyone born in the us, included the due process clause

Due process clause

Ensures all citizens would be offered due process in court as criminal defendants

Equal protection clause

Guaranteed that govt would treat all citizens the same

15th amendment

Prohibited states from denying a vote to anyone "on account if race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Freedmen's bureau

Led to reconstruction programs to rebuild southern states

Civil rights act of 1875

Made it illegal for privately owned places of public accommodation to make distinctions between black and white patrons.

Civil rights cases

Declares the 14th amendment did not confer new powers to Congress.

Jim crow laws

Separate but equal

How did states circumvent the 15th amendment

Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clause, white primary

Plessy v Ferguson

Institutionalized separation, plessy argues violation of the 14yh amendment.


Seeks justice and equality


Director if NAACP, wrote the crisis

Guinn v US

Challenged the grandfather clause

Buchanan v. Warley

Ruled govt imposed residential segregation a constitutional violation.

Smith v allwright

Ended the all white primary

Missouri ex reliever Haines v canada

If a state excludes black students from one institution, that state must provide an equal alternative for those students.

Mclaurin v Oklahoma and sweatt v painter

Separate schools were not equal and that states had to admit black seeking advanced degrees

Kenneth and mamie Clark

Doll experiment proved segregation wa physiologically damaging black children

Brown v board

Ended segregation

Brown ll

With all deliberate speed

Civil rights act of 1965

Prevents states form unequal voter requirements, file suits on unsegregated schools, outlawed discriminatory hiring practices, private businesses cannot discriminate who they serve

Heart of Atlanta motel v us

Cannot discriminate in private businesses

Katzenberg v mcclung

Interstate wa still subject to law because many restaurants items come from out of state

24th amendment

Outlaws poll taxes

Voting rights act of 1965

Preclearance-syayes had to ask for any new voter qualifications, empowered congress and states to oversee state elections in southern states

Shelby v holder

Struck down the formula that determines which districts are covered

Freedom of choice

Placed the transfer burden on the black student

Cooper v aaron

Potential violence was not legal justification to delay compliance with brown

Green v county board of new Kent

Freedom of choice play es weren't satisfactory remedy for integration.

Swann v Charlotte mecklenburg

Assigned students to school districts to meet diversity in that district

Muller v Oregon

State had right to create law that treated women differently

National organization for women.

Encouraged women to apply for Male dominated jobs and go to college

Strict scrutiny

Process courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws

Title IX

Equal funding

The right to choose

Roe v wade

Roe v wade

Right to privacy

Reed v reed

Arbitrarily favored men over women

Craig v boren

Reasonableness standard

Equal rights amendment

Equality of rights under law cannot be denied on account of sex

Obergefell v Hodges

Struck down laws prohibiting same sex marriage

Bowers v hardwicke

Criminalized sodomy

Lawrence v texas

Chat discriminate on a person's sexual orientation

Barron v Baltimore

Did not restraint state action. Boats.

Gitlow v NY

Free speech is not absolute.

Near v Minnesota

Freedom of the press extends through the states through the 14th amendment

Prior restraint

Govt cannot stop publication.

Schenck v us

Established clear and present danger

Yates v US

Smith act under fire.

Us v O Brian

Burned service card.

Brandenburg v Ohio

Cannot punish a speaker unless it can prove the speech was directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless acts


The 1st amendment doesn't protect it, no national standard defines it

Roth v us

Obscene if the average person applying contemporary community standard finds that it appeals to the prurient interest

Cohen v California

F the draft shirt. One man's vulgarity is anothers lyric

Miller v California

Cant mail obscene stuff

Tinker v des Moines

Black arm band. Violation of school code, upheld in court.

Bethel schools v Fraser

Got suspended from school for sexual innuendos during speech

Weeks v us

Exclusionary rule qh in states that evidence the fed govt finds in violation of the 4th amendment can be excluded from trial

Gideon's v Wainwright

States must pay for public defenders if defendants cannot pay for one

Miranda v Arizona

Miranda rights

Griswold v Connecticut

Birth controls holding. Right to privacy.