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89 Cards in this Set

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what is the bill of rights?
the 1st 10 amendments
say the preamble
we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity to ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of America.
what freedoms does the 1st amendment give you?

what does assembly mean?
speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

the right to gather together
what right does the 2nd amendment give you?
the right to bear arms
what protection does the 3rd amendment give you?
government cannon place soldiers in your home during peace time
what does the 4th amendment prohibit
no search and seizure w/o reasonable belief or a warrant.
what protections do the 5th amendment give you
accused by grand jury, double jeopardy, don't have to testify against yourself, due process, eminent domain.
what does the 6th amendment say

what are your rights called when you are arrested
speedy trial, impartial jury, inform accused of their rights, cross examine witness

Miranda rights
7th amendment?

what is a civil trial?
you are guaranteed a jury in a civil federal case

a non-criminal trial, such as contracts, ownership of property or accident trials
9th amendment?
just because the constitution doesn't mention a certain right doesn't mean it doesn't exist
8th amendment?
no cruel or unusual punishment
the 10th amendment says that who can exercise a particular power not assigned to federal government?
the people or the state
what was the first document that gave rights to the people in 1215 in england?
the Magna Carta
how many original colonies were there
who wrote the declaration of independence
Thomas jefferson
what are the 3 branches of government

in what year was the constitution ratified?
judicial executive and legislative.

what laws did we live under before the constitution
the articles of confederation
11th amendment?
a citizen of one state cannot se another state
13th amendment?
slavery is illegal
14th amendment?
citizenship. all citizens, even former slaves are guaranteed equal protection under law
15th amendment
you have the right to vote regardless of race or color
18th amendment
19th amendment
women and the right to vote
21st amendment?
repeals prohibition
22nd amendment
outlines the length of office for the president
26th amendment
18-yr-olds have the right to vote
name 8 cities that have served as the us capitol
York, Lancaster, Trenton, Philadelphia, Princeton, Baltimore, Annapolis, and New York city.
who is the only president buried in washington d.c.
woodrow wilson
who are the only political brothers buried in Arlington national cemetery
JFK and Robert Kennedy
who was the youngest president elected?
Who is on the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills
1: Washington
2: Jefferson
5: Lincoln
how long is a senator's term in office
6 yrs
how long is a representatives term in office
2 yrs
who was the 1st woman in congress
jeanette rankin
who was the oldest president elected
ronald reagan
who was sandra day o'connor
the 1st female supreme court justice
who is the only president to resign
richard nixon
who is the only president not elected
gerald ford
in what city is the statue of liberty located
new york city
how many judges are on the supreme court
what is the maximum time a president can stay in office
10 yrs or 2 terms
how long can a supreme court justice stay on bench
who is the current supreme court justice
john roberts
What are the essential features of a state
population, government, sovereignty, and territory
this philosopher was one of the 1st students of government
the usa's form of government is called what
constitutional republic
this concept is the basis of the constitution of the us
popular sovereignty
american leaders during the revolutionary war were deeply influenced by whom
john locke
what do we call powers that belong to both the national and the state governments
concurrent powers
for a proposed amendment to become part of the constitution it must be ratified by
3/4ths of the 50 states
the elastic clause allows congress to make laws that do what
carry out its expressed powers
to settle regional issues or problems states can form
interstate compacts
the presiding officer of the house of representatives is the
speaker of the house
the president of the us senate is who
the vice president
lobbyists and individuals who lobby government officials are exercising their
right to petition
this presidential power was granted by congress to help control spending but it would require a constitutional amendment
line-item veto
the commander in chief of the us armed forces is the
NASA, the CIA, and the Peace Corps all were started because of waht
the cold war
for the president to release an individual from legal punishment is called what
the decision in this supreme court case changed law enforcement responsibilities regarding info of rights
miranda v. arizona
the decision in this supreme court case established the principle of judicial review.
marbury v. madison
a legal argument set forth in a statement sent to the supreme court is called what
most of the supreme court cases come to the court from
appeals from lower courts
a supreme court decision set a what
this national party convention committee writes the political party's statement of beliefs
platform committee
the lobbyist's strongest tool is what
before primary election, candidates were chosen in private political meetings called what
interest group who influenses the action of government must have this freedom
freedom of assembly
this is the goal of the u.s. system of justice
equal justice under law
a 2 chambered state legislature like the house of reps and the senate is called what
a bicameral legislature
unless you live in alaska, your local school district is this type of government
special district
the trade agreement the u.s. shares w/ canada and mexico is called what
the supreme court can make national policy by doing what?
ruling in the constitutionality of laws
to say that the rights to life liberty and property are unalienable means that they
can't be given up or taken away
the founders believed that the separation of powers was important in order to
prevent the misuse of power
a major weakness of the national government under the articles of confederation was what
no central government
Why did the framers at the constitutional convention adopt the electoral college method of choosing a president
they did not trust the judgment of the people
the 1st political parties in the us developed because of the differences regarding
power of the federal government
the supreme court's decision in the dred scott case helped provoke the civil war by ruling what
congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories
in principle affirmative action programs for women and minorities were designed to
remedy the effects of past discrimination
individuals and groups that organize to lobby government officials are exercising their
right to petition
in a constitutional democracy, citizens are expected to
think critically about public issues and participate in public affairs
people who favor a policy of judicial restraint argue that the
court's power to intervene in executive and legislative functions should be limited
under the principle of federalism the powers of government are divided how
between the national and 50 states governments
among the powers of the president listed in article II of the constitution is the
power to sign or veto bills that have been passed by congress
what are the 3 branches of government
executive, legislative, and judicial
what is the main job of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches?
executive enforces the laws, legislative writes the laws, and judicial interprets the laws.
how many total senators are there
how many total representatives are there in congress