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23 Cards in this Set

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1st Admendment

You have freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.

You have a lot of freedoms.


The right to bear, own, and use any form of arms is protected.

Shooty-Shooty Bang-Bang.


Citizens do not have to quarter/house soldiers during times of peace.

Soldiers can scare off guests.


There will be no unreasonable search or seizure without a search warrant.

We know you like your stuff too.


You do not have to self-incriminate yourself, and double jeopardy is illegal.

O.J. Simpson loves this amendment.

6th Admendment

Everyone has a right to a speedy and public trial.

"It's been three months and I STILL don't know whether I'm going to jail or not! This is rediculous!"

-someone NOT in the U.S.

7th Admendment

Everyone has the right to a trial by jury.

Just one person's opinion is extremely biased.

8th Admendment

Bail will not be increased beyond "reasonable levels" and you cannot be given any cruel or unusual punishment for breaking the law.

"Aww, come on, I only stole a teddy bear from Toys R' Us and my bail is a million bucks?"

-someone NOT from the U.S.

9th Admendment

Citizens have more rights (implied) than what are listed in the Constitution.

"We, the People of the United States, realize that we may be wrong about a lot of things. So, we are giving the Citizens some wriggle room."

10th Admendment

There are some powers reserved to the states.

"Hey, Obama, can you help me get a budget?"


13th Admendment

Slavery is abolished/illegal.

Uncle Tom's Cabin is not a present-day story.

14th Admendment

All people of all races have equal protection under the law (no law is denied to minorites such as blacks)

"You're black, so you're guilty!"

-a very racist judge NOT in the U.S.

15th Admendment

African-American men now have the right to vote.

"Oh, sorry, you're black, so you can't vote."

-a racist talking poll-box NOT in the U.S.

18th Admendment

Prohibition: All alcoholic beverages were banned.


-Some women in the 1920's.

19th Admendment

Women now have the right to vote.

"Sorry, you're a woman, you can't vote."

-a sexist talking poll-box NOT in the U.S.

21st Admendment

The 18th Amendment A.K.A Prohibition is repealed.

"No! We want our alcohol!"

-pretty much every Senator and Rep. ever in the 30's

22nd Admendment

The president can only have two terms.

"I am going to KEEP being President FOREVER!!!! Muhahaha-*dead*"

-FDR in 1945

26th Admendment

The voting age was lowered to 18. (used to be 21)

"You can't give these kids the right to vote! They can't even drink yet! How are they supposed to make rational decisions without alcohol?"

-an alcoholic Senator/Rep. who disapproved this amendment

Due Process

Following established legal procedures.

"We can give you candy... with due process."

-the U.S. government to a little kid

Eminent Domain

The government may take private property for public use if they give you compensation, i.e. money in return.


-The U.S. government

"pleading the fifth"

Refusing to incriminate yourself/give evidence against yourself/say anything at all

"You won't make me say ANYTHING!"

"...He's right. He can't."


A formal charge by a grand jury.

"You are GUILTY!"

-a jury

double jepoardy

Being charged with the same crime twice.

"Hey wait, you said I wasn't guilty! Why are you trying me again?!"

-O.J. Simpson in a lot of people's ideal world