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68 Cards in this Set

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To become a naturalized citizen a person must:
1) be at least 18 years old
2) live in the US for at least 5 years
3) have a basic knowledge of Am. History, English, and Civics
4) take oath of loyalty to the US
People who have lost their homes because of war, starvation, or for political reasons and who go to live in another country
The four basic principles of American government are
1) popular solvereignty
2) limited government
3) seperation of powers
4) federalism
people who have the right to rule themselves
popular solvereignty
the government must have limits, not be all-powerful
limited government
government should be diveded into three branches
seperation of powers
the power to goven is split between the national government and the states
the government’s plan to keep any one branch of government from having more power than another has
checks and balances
duties include
1) obey all national, state and local laws
2) pay taxes
3) serve on a jury
4)defend our nation while in the military
responsiblilies include
1) Voting in elections.
2) Respecting the rights and property of others.
3) Volunteer work in your community
Every state has two senators, regardless of its population. The number of representatives allowed for each state depends on its population
Great Compromise
each slave would be counted as 3/5 of a person
3/5 Compromise
the American people choose electors in the popular vote, and the electors vote for the president in the Electoral College System
Electoral College
People who were for passing the Constitution
People who were against passing the Constitution
The US Constitution divided into three sections
1) The Preamble
2) The Articles
3) The Amendments
tells what America stands for (freedom, liberty, and equality)
The Preamble
tell how the government will be set up (three branches, etc.)
The Articles
additions to the Constitution after it was written.
The Amendments
divided into two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate
When the Constitution set up the government it established three types of governmental powers:
1) Enumerated
2) Reserved
3) Concurrent
powers given specifically to the national government
powers given to only the states
powers shared by both national and state governments
states that there is every a conflict between the state and the national government, the national government will always win the fight
Supremacy Clause
are the first ten amendments of the Constitution. These include such things as Freedom of Religion, Freedom the Press, Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, Right to Jury Trials, No Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Rights of the Accused
The Bill of Rights
an accused person may not be tried for the same crime twice
Double Jeopardy
laws must be reasonable and procedures must be followed in the case of a person being accused of a crime
Due Process
limits the power of the government to take away a person’s private property for public use
Eminent Domain
a defendant is not required to testify against himself during his/her own trial
Some common political labels include:
1) Dove—person who is for peace
2) Hawk—person who is for war
3) Conservative—person who opposes change and big government
4) Liberal—person is for change and wants more government involvement
5) Radical—liberal who wants drastic change
when a candidate is selected by the party to represent them in the campaign. In other words, five Democrats may want to run for the presidency. Only one can be on the ballot in the presidential election. The primary is held to decide which one it will be.
Primary Elections
when registered voters vote for the person they wish to see elected to a particular office, like president or governor.
General Election
Candidates use many ways to try to get themselves elected. Some are listed below:
1) Endorsement
2) Name Calling
3) Glittering Generalities
4) Plain Folk
5) Bandwagon
get a famous person to say they are on your side
making negative comments about your opponent
Name Calling
a statement that sounds good, but is really meaningless. (ex. Vote me because I’m in favor of peace)
Glittering Generalities
when candidate tries to make people think he’s just like them
Plain Folk
trying to get a vote by saying “everyone else is voting for me so you should too”
are fund raising committees who work for large corporations, labor unions, or special interest groups. They raise big bucks to support candidates who agree to pass legislation favorable to their causes.
Political Action Committees
run for reelection every two years. They must be citizens of the U.S. for at least 7 years and be at least 25 years old. They may be reelected as many times as they want.
run for reelection every six years. They must be citizens of the U.S. for at least 9 years and be at least 30 years old. They may be reelected as many times as they want.
The official leader of the House of Representatives
Speakor of the House
The main job of Congress is to write bills that may become laws. However, they have other duties, which include:
1) Impeachment of the President
2) Choosing a President if there is a tie vote in the Electoral College
3) Approving treaties and appointments made by the president
4) Introducing bills about raising taxes or spending government money (appropriations bills)
enforces the nation’s laws
Chief Executive
deals with foreign countries
Chief Diplomat
serves as leader of the armed forces
The president has the power to grant
1) Pardons
2) Reprieves
3) Amnesity
forgiveness for a crime that has been committed (wipes the slate clean)
delays the punishment for someone convicted of a crime
pardon of an entire group of people at one time
The President is in charge of the following groups:
1) The White House
2) Office of Management and Budgets
3) National Security Council
the system of roads, bridges, water, and sewers and other public services for a particular community
on the amount of money you earn. (federal, state, and sometimes local)
Income Tax
on land or other possessions you have. (local--parish)
Property Tax
tax on imported goods (federal)
for your retirement (federal)
Social Security
on things you buy (state and local)
Sales Tax
on certain things you buy like gasoline, cigarettes, liquor (federal, state)
Excise Tax
Important state officials include:
1) Security of State
2) Attorney General
3) State Treasurer
responsible for keeping state’s records
Security of State
acts as state’s lawyer & legal adviser
Attorney General
supervises state’s money and serves as chief tax collector
State Treasurer
enforces laws and collects taxes
determines cause of death and issues death certificates
examines taxable property
chief legal officer of parish
District Attorney
Appeals courts do not decide guilt or innocence and there is no jury at the appellate level. A panel of judges reviews the case information provided by the lower court and determines one of three things:
A) The lower court was right. (Case is UPHELD)
B) The lower court was wrong. (Case is OVERTURNED)
C) The person on trial deserves a new trial (Case is REMANDED back to a lower court)