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70 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between ‘single quotes’ and “double quotes”?

‘single quotes’ are strong quotes and will not allow expansion of variables.“double quotes” are weak quotes and will allow expansion of variables.Ex: If you have a variable var=123echo ‘$var’ will not return the value of that variable.echo “$var” will return the value of that variable (123).

Command: ^s

What it does: halt output to screen

Command: ^d

What it does: end of input


What it does: stop current command


What it does: restart output to screen


What it does: stop current command

Wildcard: ?

any single character

Wildcard: *

any string of characters

Wildcard: [set]

any character in set

Wildcard: [!set]

any character not in set

What is PATH?

An environmental variable that tells SHELL which directory to search for exe files

Describe what #! does. (known as interpreter)

The shebang is a directive to the loader to use the program that’s specified after it and tells Linux what program to run


binaries (executables)


System binaries


/lib/ is essential shared libraries, /libexec is for binary system executables


System configuration


variables (logs, files that support services/programs)




What it does?


path a utility is located


list all files and directories except hidden ones


prints to stdout


manual pages


change directory


prints to stdout


Locates binary, source, and manual pages for a file


create file, if file exist then it will update the timestamps


Masks the permissions, takes them away


change permission of file or directory


create directory


remove directory


remove file


check file types and compare values


Creative environmental variables


input from stdin


test if it is built in command

test -e “filename”

check if the file exists

test -f “filename”

checks if the file is the regular file

test -d “filename”

checks if the file is a directory

test -c “filename”

checks if the file exists and is character special

test -b “filename”

checks if the file exists and is block special

test -r “filename”

checks if the file is readable

test -w “filename”

checks if the file can be written by the user

test -x “filename”

checks if the file can be executed

test -z “filename”

checks if the length of string is zero

test -n “filename”

checks if the length of string is nonzero

ls -a

list all files including hidden

ls -l

display result in long format

ls -d

use in conjunction with the -l option to see details about the dir rather than its contents

ls -r

display results in reverse order

ls -S

sort results by file size

ls -t

sort by modification time

ls -n

sort by numerical order

echo $?

checks if the command ran properly

What is piping?

output of 1st command is inputted into 2nd command

What is the difference between curly brackets { }, square brackets [ ] , parentheses ( ) , and double parentheses (( ))

curly brackets { } string extension

square brackets [ ] conditional string

parentheses ( ) used for subshells

double parentheses (( )) for integer expression




not equal


less than


less than or equal


greater than


greater than or equal


If varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; otherwise return word


If varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; otherwise set it to word and then return it’s value


If varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; otherwise print varname; followed by message, and abort current command or script


Performs substring expansion. It returns the substring of $varname starting at offset and up to length characters. The first character in $varname is position 0


If the pattern matches the beginning of the variable’s value, delete the shortest part that matches and return the rest


If the pattern matches the beginning of the variable’s value, delete the longest part that matches and return the rest


If the pattern matches the end of the variable’s value, delete the shortest part that matches and return the rest


If the pattern matches the end of the variable’s value, delete the longest part that matches and return the rest