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27 Cards in this Set

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Causes of cirrhosis

- alcohol abuse

- chronic hepatitis C (or B)

- NAFLD/NASH (more severe)

- genetic: Wilson's disease, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (supportive), hereditary haemochromastosis, cystic fibrosis

- infection: hepatitis, CMV, EBV

- autoimmune: autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis

- drugs: methotrexate, amiodarone, methyldopa, isoniazid

- neoplasm: HCC, mets

- vascular: Budd-Chiari malformation, RHF, constrictive pericarditis


Clinical features of chronic liver disease

- hands: clubbing, leukonychia (decreased albumin), Terry's nails, palmar erythema, Duputren's contracture
- face: conjunctival pallor, xanthelasma (PBC), parotid enlargement
- trunk: spider naevi, gynaecomastia, loss of 2o sexual hair
- abdomen: striae, hepatomegaly (may be small in late disease), splenomegaly, caput medusae, testicular atrophy


Complications of chronic liver disease

- decompensation (hepatic failure): jaundice, encephalopathy, oedema & ascites (hypoalbuminaemia), bruising (coagulopathy, vitamin K, platelets, FFP, blood), hypoglycaemia

- spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

- portal HTN: SAVE, splenomegaly, ascites (fluid & salt restrict, spirinolactone, furesemide, ascitic tap, daily weight, TIPPS), varices (OGD screening & banding), encephalopathy (lactulose, enema, rifaximin, avoid sedatives)

- increased risk of HCC


Identifying the cause of cirrhosis

- alcohol: increased MCV, increased GGT

- NASH: hyperlipidaemia, increased glucose

- infection: hepatitis, CMV & EBV serology

- hereditary haemochromatosis: ferritin, iron, decreased TIBC

- Wilson's disease: decreased copper & caeruloplasmin, liver biopsy

- alpha-1 antitrypsin: levels decreased in serum

- autoimmune hepatitis: smooth muscle antigen (SMA), anti-liver kidney microsomal, anti-nuclear antibodies (anti-LKM), IgG

- PBC: antimitochondrial antibodies (ANA), IgM

- PSC: antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), ANA

- HCC: alpha-feto protein (AFP), US, liver biopsy

- SBP: ascitic tap with >250mm3 of PMN


Classification of cirrhosis

Child-Pugh grading predicts risk of bleeding, mortality & need for treatment

- albumin

- bilirubin

- clotting

- distension: ascites

- encephalopathy

* >8 is significant risk of variceal bleeding


Definition of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)

An acute bacterial infection of ascitic fluid in those with cirrhosis in which no source is generally identified

- complicated by hepatorenal syndrome in 30%

Aetiology of SBP

Ascitic PMN >250mm3, culture

- aerobic gram negative: e. coli, klebsiella

- aerobic gram positives: strep


Treatment of SBP

- tazocin/cefotaxime, until sensitivities are known

- ciprofloxacin prevents high recurrence


Definition of hepatorenal syndrome

The development of renal failure in those with advanced liver disease

- IV albumin, terlipressin

Managing the causes of chronic liver disease

- general: good nutrition, alcohol abstinence (baclofen for cravings), cholestyramine for pruritis), screen for varices & HCC

- HCV: interferon-alpha

- PNC: ursodeoxycholic acid

- Wilson's disease: penicillinamine

Definition of metabolic syndrome (NAFLD/NASH)

Central obesity (increased waist circumference) & 2 of:

- increased triglycerides

- decreased HDL


- hyperglycaemia: DM, impaired glucose tolerance/fasting glucose


Definition of Budd-Chiari malformation

Obstruction of the hepatic vein which leads to ischaemia & hepatocyte damage causing liver failure/insidious cirrhosis

- hypercoagulable states: myeloproliferative disorders

- local tumour: HCC

- congenital

Definition of hereditary haemochromatosis

An inherited multisystem disorder resulting from abnormal iron metabolism that causes increased intestinal iron absorption and deposition in multiple organs

Clinical features of hereditary haemochromatosis


- myocardial: dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias

- endocrine: DM (pancreas), hypogonadism/infertility (pituitary), hypocalcaemia/osteoporosis (parathyroid gland)

- arthritis: 2nd/3rd MCP, knees, shoulders

- liver: chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, HCC, hepatomegaly

- skin: slate grey discolouration


Treatment of hereditary haemochromatosis

- iron removal: venesection (HCT <0.5), desferrioxamine is 2nd line

- general: monitor DM, low iron diet

- screening: serum ferritin & genotype

- transplant: in cirrhosis


Definition of Wilson's disease

Mutation of copper transporting ATPase that impairs hepatocyte incorporation of copper into caeruloplasmin & excretion into bile which leads to accumulation of copper in the liver and other organs

Clinical features of Wilson's disease


- cornea: Kayser-Fleisher rings (70%)

- liver disease

- arthritis: chondrocalcinosis, osteoporosis

- neurology: parkinsonism, spasticity, dysarthria, dysphagia, ataxia, depression, dementia, psychosis

- kidney: Fanconi syndrome (excess excretion, osteomalacia)

- abortions

- haemolytic anaemia: Coombs negative


Management of Wilson's disease

- diet: avoid high copper foods (liver, chocolate, nuts)

- penicillamine: Cu chelator, lifelong

- liver transplant

- screen siblings


Definition of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)

Cirrhosis arising from bile duct destruction due to chronic granulomatous inflammation (may have autoimmune component)

Clinical features of PBC


- pruritis & fatigue

- pigmentation of the face

- bones: osteoporosis, osteomalacia

- big organs: hepatosplenomegaly

- cirrhosis & coagulopathy

- cholesterol: xanthelasma, xanthoma

- steatorrhoea

*may be asymptomatic, jaundice is a late sign(survical <2yrs from this point)


Associated diseases in PBC

- thyroid disease

- RA, Sjogren's, scleroderma

- coeliac disease

- membranous glomerulonephritis


Treatment of PBC

- cholestyramine: pruritis

- codeine phosphate: diarrhoea

- bisphosphonates: osteoporosis

- ADEK vitamins

- liver transplant


Definition of primary sclerosis cholangitis (PSC)

Inflammation, fibrosis & strictures form in the intra- & extrahepatic ducts leading to chronic biliary obstruction and cirrhosis

Clinical features of PSC

- may be asymptomatic
- jaundice: pale stools, dark urine
- pruritis
- abdominal pain
- hepatosplenomegaly


Complications of PSC

- bacterial cholangitis

- cholangiocarcinoma

- colorectal cancer


Associated diseases in PSC

- UC: 3% have PSC, while >80 with PSC have UC/Crohn's

- Crohn's

- autoimmune hepatitis



Treatment of PSC

- same as PBC

- ABx for cholangitis

- endoscopic stenting for dominant strictures

- cancer screening

- liver transplant: recurrence in 30%