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95 Cards in this Set

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Name three sets of bones in the foot
1.) Tarsal
2.) Metatarsals
3.) Phalanges
4.) What is another name for the heel bone?
5.) What is the lateral bone in the distal leg?
6.) What is the medial bone in the distal leg?
7.) Another name for the thigh bone?
8.) What is the proximal lateral landmark on the thigh bone?
Greater trochanter
9.) Another name for the sit bones?
Ischial tuberosity
10.) What is the large flat bone of the pelvis?
11.) What is the superior ridge along the large flat bones of the pelvis?
Iliac crest
12.) Name for the tailbone?
13.) Name the bone superior to the tailbone?
14.) What is the part of the pelvis that is posterior and inferior?
15/16 & 17.) What are the names of the three parts of the spine & how many vertebra in each?
Cervical 7 Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5
Times of day you eat your meals 7 am, 12 pm & 5 pm.
18.) How many pairs of ribs? How many are attached?
12 pairs, 10 attached
2 floating pairs
Name the bony landmark on the vertebra that sticks out laterally?
Transverse Process
Name the bony landmarks on the vertebra that sticks out posteriorly?
Spinous Process
Name the bony landmark on the vertebra that sticks out laterally?
Transverse Process
Name the bony landmarks on the vertebra that sticks out posteriorly?
Spinous Process
What is C1 most superior vertebra?
19.) Name the bony landmark on the vertebra that sticks out laterally?
Transverse Process
20.) Name the bony landmarks on the vertebra that sticks out posteriorly?
Spinous Process
21.) What is C1 most superior vertebra?
22.) What is C2 just inferior to most superior vertebra?
23.) What is another name for the collarbone?
24.) What is another name for the shoulder blade?
25.) What is the ridge on the shoulder blade called?
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
26.) What is the bone in the distal arm on the thumb side?
27.) What is the bone in the distal arm on the pinky side?
28.) What is the bump behind the ear called?
Mastoid process
29.) What is the ridge at the base of the skull?
Occipital ridge
30.) What is the proximal arm bone called?
30.) What is the proximal arm bone called?
31.) What is the anterior muscle of the posterior distal leg?
32.) What is the muscle deep to the gastrocnemius?
33/34/35.) Name 3 muscles in the distal lateral leg?
33.) extensor digitorum longus
34.) extensor hallucis longest
35.) fibularis longus
36/37/38.) Name 3 muscles of the hamstring?
36.) biceps femoris
37.) semi tendinosus
38.) semi membranosus
39.) What are the muscles that originate at the ASIS and inserts on the medial proximal tibia in the distal leg?
40.) Which abductor originate at the pubis and inserts on the medial proximal tibia?
40.) Which abductor originate at the pubis and inserts on the medial proximal tibia?
41/42/43/44.) Name 4 muscles that adduct the leg?
41.) pectineus
42.) adductor brevis
43.) adductor longus
44.) adductor magnus
45/46/47/48.) Name 4 muscles which make up the quadriceps?
45.) Rectus Femoris
46.) Vastus Lateralism
47.) Vastus Intermedialis
48.) Vastus Medialis
45/46/47/48.) Name 4 muscles which make up the quadriceps?
45.) Rectus Femoris
46.) Vastus Lateralis
47.) Vastus Intermedialis
48.) Vastus Medialis
49.) What is the name of the tendon that assist and abduction of the leg?
Iliotibial tract
50/51/52.) Name 3 muscles and that abduct the leg?
51.) tensor fasciae latae
52.) gluteus medius
53.) gluteus minimus
56.) Name the deep lateral rotator of the hip?
56.) Name the deep lateral rotator of the hip?
57.) What is the group of muscles that run parallel to the spine?
Erector Spinae
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
60.) What is the group of muscles that goes from C 70 T5 and inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
60.) What is the group of muscles that goes from C 70 T5 and inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
61/62/63/64.) What are the four rotator cuff muscles?
61.) Supraspinatus
62.) Infraspinatus
63.) teres minor
64.) Subscapularis
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
60.) What is the group of muscles that goes from C 70 T5 and inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
61/62/63/64.) What are the four rotator cuff muscles?
61.) Supraspinatus
62.) Infraspinatus
63.) teres minor
64.) Subscapularis
65/66/67/68.) Name the four abdominal muscles.
65.) rectus abdominis
66.) external oblique
67.) internal oblique
68.) transverse abdominis

58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
60.) What is the group of muscles that goes from C 70 T5 and inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
61/62/63/64.) What are the four rotator cuff muscles?
61.) Supraspinatus
62.) Infraspinatus
63.) teres minor
64.) Subscapularis
65/66/67/68.) Name the four abdominal muscles.
65.) rectus abdominis
66.) external oblique
67.) internal oblique
68.) transverse abdominis

69.) What is the muscle that covers the shoulder?
58.) What is the most superficial muscle of the lower back?
Latissimus dorsi
59.) What is the most superficial muscle of the upper back?
60.) What is the group of muscles that goes from C 7 , T5 and inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
61/62/63/64.) What are the four rotator cuff muscles?
61.) Supraspinatus
62.) Infraspinatus
63.) teres minor
64.) Subscapularis
65/66/67/68.) Name the four abdominal muscles.
65.) rectus abdominis
66.) external oblique
67.) internal oblique
68.) transverse abdominis

69.) What is the muscle that covers the shoulder?
70.) What is the most superficial muscle of the chest?
Pectoralis major
71.) The group of muscles between the ribs?
72.) Muscle that flexes the forearm at the elbow?
Biceps brachii
72.) Muscle that flexes the forearm at the elbow?
Biceps brachii
73.) Muscle that extends the forearm at the elbow?
Triceps brachii
74.) With the palm in the prone position what are the muscles in the distal arm facing up?
75.) With the palm in the supine position what are the muscles in the distal arm facing up?
76.) What is your chewing muscle?
77.) The name of the muscle in the neck that goes from T 71 T3 to the lateral edge of the occipital ridge?
Splenius Capitus
78.) Muscles which go from C1 to C4 and insert on the superior angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
78.) Muscles which go from C1 to C4 and insert on the superior angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
79.) Muscles deep to the ridge at the base of the skull?
78.) Muscles which go from C1 to C4 and insert on the superior angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
79.) Muscles deep to the ridge at the base of the skull?
80.) What is the muscle from the sternum clavicle to the mastoid process?
78.) Muscles which go from C1 to C4 and insert on the superior angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
79.) Muscles deep to the ridge at the base of the skull?
80.) What is the muscle from the sternum clavicle to the mastoid process?
81/82/83/84/85/86/87/88/89/99/91/92.) Name 12 Tai Chi Principles?
81.) extended head
82.) third eye
83.) relaxed shoulders
84.) eggs under armpits
85.) rounded elbows
86.) soft maiden wrists
87.) breath in belly
87.) follow Tan Tien
89.) tai chi trunk 90.) bent knees 91.) complete shift of weight 92.) stay level
93/94/95/96/97/98/99.) Name 7 Benefits of Massage?
93.) increases circulation
94.) increase digestion
95.) improved skin tone/elasticity
96.) boosts immune system
97.) helps sleep
98.) improves posture
99.) increases lymph flow
100.) Name some contraindications?
Fever, post surgery (<6 wks), rash, chemo, broken/painful bone, fibro, pregnancy (1st tri nester), intoxication, inappropriate behavior, arthritis, bursitis, inflammation (on the rise).