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74 Cards in this Set

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Autere Theory

critically analyzing the film based upon who the director of the film is


Golden year of films


analysis of the film based on the history of the film

Fast Film Stock

stock types that are sensitive to any light available; for dark lights or during nighttime scenes

Slow Film Stock

stock types that are not sensitive to light; for lighter times or scenes during daytime scenes

Tracking Shot

a shot in which the camera is propped up on a camera dolly; follows one subject within the frame such as a main character or moving vehicle


rotation on a horizontal line of a still camera; moves left-to-right

Diagetic Space

the film world; the setting of the story

Formalist belief

Purpose of the art is being aesthetic, renewing perception, making the reader/spectator feel the "stoniness of the stone"

story (fabula)

putative sequence of events in factual order and narration

plot (discourse; sjuzet)

the story as narrated within an artistic structure


process by which one element (ie. rhythm, plot, or character, etc) comes to regulate the artistic text or system; transforms, rules, and determines the remaining components


process by which one proposes to express the actual functioning of the thought


a preoccupation with the techne (the materials and devices) of the artist/artisan's craft


"immanent" properties; not dependent on other orders of structures

Literariness (literaturnost)

that which makes a given text a work of literature; inhering in a differential relation between texts a.k.a defamiliarization a.k.a dialogism

aesthetic autonomy

two different functions - communicative and aesthetic ("prodical" and "poetical") - coexist within a text, but where aesthetic serves to isolate and "foreground"/"focus attention" on the object


revealing the socially coded aspect of what was taken to be natural, "ostrenanie" or "making strange."


minimal units of action


cultural force-field with 3 coordinates:

1.) the official art of regimes still linked to the old aristocracies

2.)the impact of the new technologies of the second industrial revolution

3.) the hope of the social revolution

synthetic criticism

extracts intense, libidinal meanings from ordinary sequences

Jump cut

an editing transition that's confusing in terms of space and time

Establishing shots

shots that establish the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important characters and objects

Re-establishing shot

a return to the opening long shot; expanding shots

Stationary long shot

the position of a close observer in the live theater

Classical cutting

the language of power and subtlety; editing for dramatic intensity and emotional emphasis rather than physical reasons


allows the audience to see smaller details

sequence shot

a complex action photographed in a continuous take, without cuts

arranged scenes

narrative segments are connected by a fade-out, the next scene then fades in, often in a different location and at a different time, though usually with the same characters

Reaction shot

shot which cuts away from the main scene in order to show the reaction of a character in relation to what happened in that scene


in which the frame encompasses a view of two people who don't have to be next to each other; one can be in the foreground, the other in the background

first cut

sequence of shots representing the studio director's interpretation of the materials

final cut

sequence of radically different continuity of shots that represents the studio producer's interpretation of the materials

cover shots

general shots that can be used to reestablish a sequence if the other shots won't cut

eyeline match

if character A looks left, and the camera pans to character B, character B is assumed to be to character A's left so that means that the cutting of the shots should signify that

matching action

when a character looks to be performing an action and the following shot concludes said action

mise en scene

the overall structure of the scene; everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement - composition, set, props, actors, costumes, and lights, etc.

Bird's eye angle

shots taken directly above the scene to establish the landscape and the actors' relationship to it

shot/ reverse angle shot technique

used when a scene is broken down into cause and effect

parallel editing

switching of shots of one scene with another at a different location


suggests speed and tension; conveys the idea of simultaneous time, reducing the duration of different shots as sequential climaxes

screen time

the physical length of the filmstrip containing the shot

thematic editing

connecting shots to connect with different time periods and locations on the basis of their thematic relationship

thematic montage

stresses association of ideas, irrespective of the continuity of time and space


sequence of shots representing a past event

flash forward

suggests predestination or where the story is going

anticipatory setups

reinforce senses or current characteristics of character; like showing destination while character is traveling there

lyrical takes

fluid takes that are slower and put emphasis on time


the expression of an existentialist (ie. the belief that philosophical thinking starts with humans) humanism inflected by phenomenology (an approach that focuses on studying consciousness and the objects of direct experience)


enjoyed an artistic control over productions; impregnates the film with the personality of its directors


those who adhered to the dominant conventions and to the scripts given to them

"genius of the system"

the capacity of a well-finances and talent-filled industrial machine to turn out high quality films


a king of neuro-glandular response to films based solely on he critic's sensibilities and tasks


evaluative approach based on a reductive view of the perceived progressive or reactionary political thrust of the characters or storyline


1.) is not subordinate to image

2.) must be integral to all three phases of film production

3.) can be as expensive as image

4.) image and sound create different worlds

5.) image and sounds are co-expresible


craft of editing and mixing sounds


digital format becoming the standard double system of recording


processing of sound


automatic dialogue replacement


combines the different soundtracks

~production sound

~post production sound


level of sound from high to low frequency, or by speed or number of sound waves per second


volume or intensity, which depends on amplitude; the degree of motion of the air in the sound wave


timbre, texture, or color - distinguish sounds that have the same pitch and loudness


sound's faithfulness or unfaithfulness to its source


originates from source within the fictitious world of the film


comes from source outside world; from real world


from source on the screen


from source not seen; not on camera or even in the film's world


both diagetic and onscreen


both nondiagetic and offscreen

internal sound

thoughts of characters

external sound

within the film world and the characters can hear it

Types of Film Sound




~Implied Sound

~Foley (mechanical)

~Sound effects (wild)




accentuate and strengthens visual image