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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the common Control Frameworks?

- COSO (american)

- CoCo (canadian)

- Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code (UK)


- eSAC (IT)

What is another name of the Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code?

Turnbull Report

What does the Turnbull report require for sound governance?

separate individuals for the CEO and chairperson

What is COSO's definition of internal control?

process designed to achieve objectives in
- effectiveness and efficiency of operations
- reliability of financial reporting
- compliance with laws
"Everything Really Counts"
What are COSO's five components of internal control?
- Control Activities
- Risk Assessment
- Information and Communication
- Monitoring
- Control Environment
What do effectiveness and efficiency of operations concern?
performance, including attainment of earnings and safeguarding of assets
What are Control Activities?
policies and procedures

What is Risk Assessment?

identification and analysis of relevant risks to achievement of objectives

What is Monitoring?

assessment of the quality of internal control system's performance over time (e.g. analysis of gross margin data and investigation of significant deviations)

What does Control Environment do?

sets the tone of an entity and influences the control consciousness of personnel
What is senior management responsible for in the creation of a proper control environment?
establishing a proper organizational culture and specifying a system of internal control
What are CoCo's four components?
- Purpose
- Commitment
- Capability
- Monitoring and Learning
"Police Can Catch Many Lawbreakers"
What is CoCo best suited for?
internal auditing purposes
What is COBIT?
control and governance framework for IT
What are COBIT 5's key principles?
- Meeting stakeholder needs
- covering the enterprise end-to-end
- applying a single, integrated framework
- enabling a holistic approach
- separating governance from management
According to COBIT5: what is every enterprise's goal?
creation of stakeholder value
According to COBIT5: By which three components is stakeholder value achieved?
- realization of benefits
- optimization of risk
- optimal use of resources
According to COBIT5: What are the two drivers behind stakeholder needs?
- internal factors
- external factors
According to COBIT5: What is established in response to stakeholders needs?
enterprise and IT goals
According to COBIT5: What do support the pursuit of IT-related goals?
According to COBIT5: What is the nature of enablers
enablers are interconnected
According to COBIT5: What should be separated in modern enterprises?
governance and management
According to COBIT5: What is governance about?
setting objectives and the monitoring of progress toward those objectives
According to COBIT5: What is governance associated with?
board of directors
According to COBIT5: What is management about?
carrying out of activities in pursuit of enterprise goals
What are soft controls?
- ethical values
- mutual trust
How can soft controls be audited?
through control self-assessment (CSA)

What are eSAC's broad control objectives?

- effectiveness and efficiency of operations

- reporting of financial information

- compliance with laws

- safeguarding of assets

What are eSAC IT business assurance objectives?

- Availability
- Capability
- Functionality
- Protectability
- Accountability
"A Court Finds People Accountable"

What is a quality assurance program?

What should the manager of that program be?

- a form of internal assessment of operations

- independent of the operations assessed

What are the seven elements of the COSO internal control environment?

- integrity and ethical values

- commitment to competence

- board of directors or audit committee

- management's philosophy and operating style

- organizational structure

- assignment of authority and responsibility

- human resource policies and practices