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60 Cards in this Set

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How did the followers of Jesus feel before the Pentecost?
Before the Pentecost they felt sacred and confused because Jesus just died.
What forms was the Holy Spirit manifested in at Pentecost?
Fire and a great rushing wind
When does Pentecost take place?
50 days after Easter
What is a key theme in the book of Exodus?
Freedom and Liberation
What did many Jews at the time of Jesus believe that the Messiah would do?
They believed the Messiah would come save them from Roman rule and bring peace to the land.
What group was Paul originally a member of?
the Pharisees
What did Paul do while he was in prison?
He wrote letters that are now a part of the Bible to keep in touch with Christian communities.
What happened as a result of the Council of Jerusalem?
Gentiles could be Christian without following Jewish laws and customs.
The bodily rising of Jesus in Heaven
What did Peter during the trial of Jesus?
He denied knowing him.
What are 3 monotheistic religions?
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
What were Jews who did not live in Israel known as?
Jews of the Diaspora
When did many early Christian believe that Jesus was coming?
In their own lifetime.
What did Paul do before he came a Christian?
He persecuted and killed Christians.
Why was Paul sent to Rome for trial?
He was a Roman citizen.
What did the Council of Jerusalem decide?
Gentiles did not have to follow Jewish law.
Why was the Council of Jerusalem called?
They were having a debate over whether Gentile had to be circumcised.
Who was the first Christian martyr who was also a deacon?
St. Stephen
Why was Christianity susceptible to persecution.
They would not acknowledge Caesar as God and they were spread really and the Romans fear revolt; another driving force that was not Judaism.
What allowed religious toleration?
The Edict of Milan
People who were killed for following Jesus and staying to their faith.
What is a Creed?
A list of beliefs.
Defended and explained Christian beliefs.
Another word for "right thinking"
Hersey denying the Jesus is truly God.
Hersey denying Jesus is truly human.
The Council of Nicaea
Where church leaders composed most of the official Christian creed.
What did St. Ambrose inspire St. Augustine to do?
Become a Catholic
Who called the first ecumenical council?
Emperor Constantine
When knights traveled to the East to recapture Jerusalem.
Who wrote Confessions
St. Augustine
What does Hagia Sophia mean?
"Holy Wisdom"
Marks of the Church
One, holy, apostolic, catholic
Who was the most influential Christian thinker in the western church and wrote extensively about grace.
St. Augustine
Crown Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope in 800 AD
Paschal Mystery
Jesus' life and death
The participation in the life of God and the free and undeserved gift that God give us to become his adopted children?
Figures of the Reformation
John Calvin, Zwingli, Martin Luther
Anglican, Episcopalian Church
Church of England created by Henry VIII
Saint Ignatius Loyola spent his early life as what?
A knight/ soldier.
played a major role in the Catholic Reformation
Reform group founded by Teresa of Avila
What did Galileo use to arrive at the truth?
What did the Church order Galileo to do?
To not write or speak about his theories.
What did the Enlightenment emphasize?
Reason and science
What did Deists believe?
God created us but then left us alone?
What happened when Marcellus and Diana were being led off to death in the Robe?
Angels were singing and they were smiling
How was Polycarp martyred?
He was burned and a dove emerged from his wounds?
When Perpetua and Felicity were thrown in the lions den what were they more concerned about?
Looking modest and keeping their hair tidy,
Why does John the apostle have a serpent and a cup on his shield?
Shows the he was poisoned.
Justin Martyr
Wrote the 1st work of apologetics about the Eucharist.
Lifestyle of religious sister
They are not allowed to be married, can't smoke, or get drunk
How did Sister Amelia describe her life as a nun?
She was happy about it
How many mysteries of the Rosary are there
20 total
Whose home did we visit in Balt.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Who wrote Summa Theologica?
Thomas Aquinas
A dramatic spiritual experience that Teresa of Avila described in The Interior Castle.
Complete and unconditional love that only God can give us
What does Thomas More say about his soul?
If he lies when he takes his oath, he will loose his soul and never be able to find it.
Thomas More is the patron saint of what?
Lawyer and Politicians