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79 Cards in this Set

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End of 15th century, church was in need of reform

Decline and corruption of papacy

Simony (buying and selling of positions)

Swiss Reformation

4 of them

Thomas Erastus

Argued that the sins of Christians should be punished by the state not the church

Resisted efforts of Calvinists

John Calvin

16th century lawyer, scholar, Pastor, Administrator

Institutes of Christian Religion (Protestant Suma)

System of Theology is based on sovereignty of God.


Believed the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is symbolic or a memorial meal and believed that the effectiveness of the sacrament is in the faith of those who partake of it



Doctrines of Reprobation

Director of Genevan Academy in 1559

German Reformation

1 of them

Martin Luther

German translation of the Bible

95 thesis on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences

English Reformation

5 of them

Thomas Cranmer

Archbishop of Canterbury

42 Articles of 1553 summarized an unmistakably Protestant church doctrine

Wrote a preface for a recent English translation of the Bible which came to be known as the "Great Bible

William Tyndale

1st English translation of the NT in 1526

Smuggled copies in (political act) as it was illegal to print English Bibles

Lancelot Andrewes

One of the translators of the KJV

English Bishop and scholar

Private devotion- modern printings are available

Myles Coverdale

1st complete English Bible

Compiled others translation

Ann Bolin liked this one

Richard Bancroft

Archbishop of Canterbury

Final editor of KJV (14 changes prior to printing)

French Reformation

1 of them

Martin Bucer

Leaders of reformation in Strasbourg, France

Insisted on the right and obligation of the church to discipline its member and not leave such matter to the state.

Calvin's mentor

The presence of Christ in communion is real, although spiritual

Catholic Reformation

4 of them

Took place within Catholic Church

Not response to Protestant "reform"

Focused on spirituality and the inner life

Monastic reform


Dutch renaissance humanist; classical scholar

Catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian

New Latin and Greek editions of the NT which raised questions that would be influential in Protestant and Catholic reformations

Ignatius of Loyola

Minor Nobleman

Pilgrim at Benedictine Monastery

Wrote Spiritual Exercise

Founder of the Jesuit monastic community

St. Teresa of Avila

Dedicated to absolute poverty

Wrote Interior Castle

1st woman named Doctor of Church

St. John of the Criss

Priest that joined the Carmelites

While in prison wrote The Spiritual Canticle

Wrote in vernacular Spanish

Evangelical Revival

Umbrella term for multiple revivals

Describe as a sweep or popcorn

Spiritual movement

Religion uprising


6 of them

Evangelical Revival

John Wesley

Justification by faith, need for new birth, holiness of heart and life.

Ordained to diaconate then Anglican priest

Charles Wesley

Known for being hymn writer

English leader of Methodist Movement

John Newton

Wrote Amazing Grace

Prominent supporter of abolitionism

Evangelical lay minister ordained priest in Church of England

Selina Huntingdon

Countess of Hastings

Founded a Calvinistic movement

Equally powerful and stubborn as John Wesley

Thomas Bray

Founder of SPG and SPCK in England

English clergyman and early Abolitionist

Help formally establish the Church of England in Maryland

George Whitefield


The work of conversion, New Birth entirely in God's hand

United States

7 of them

Evangelical Revival

Thomas Coke

American Bishop in Methodist


Increase Mather

Congregational/Presbyterian minister

Towering intellect in the Ma Bay Colony

Cotton Mather

Influential New England Puritan Minister

Published 469 books and tracts in his life

Adamant that arrival of Episcopal Anglicanism in Puritan Boston was disaster

Solomon Stoddard

Open communion to anyone baptized



Jonathan Edwards

Most important American theologian

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon

Strict Calvinist theology combined with revivalist

Frances Asbury

Came to US as Wesley lay minister

Not a good preacher, but people person

Created a denomination- free market of religious ideas

Pietism Movement

1 of them

In German lands- the same that Evangelical did in England

Phillip Spener

Father of Pietism

Wrote Pia Desideria- foundational text of the Pietist movement

German Christian theologian

Oxford Movement

4 of them

Difficult to pin down

Catholic renewal

Spread ideas using tracts

Edward Bouverie Pusey


Banned from preaching sermons

Professor of Hebrew and Greek at Oxford

Fought against Protestant Liberalism

John Keble

One of the leaders of Oxford movement

19th century poet

Holy Orders for Curate

Keble College at Oxford is named after him

John Henry Newman

Converted from Anglican Catholic to Roman Catholic in 1845

Cardinal Newman

Priest in Roman Catholic Church too

Richard Hurrell Fourde

Anglican priest

Associated with tractarians

Protestant Liberalism

Transatlantic movement

Rooted in early 19th century German Enlightenment

Attempt to incorporate modern thinking and developments

Liberalism tends to emphasize ethics over doctrine and experience over Scriptural authority

Science methodology applied to theology

Abandoned Christological theology

United States

2 of them

Protestant Liberalism

Phillip Brooks

American Episcopal clergyman and author

Wrote Christian hymn, "O Little Town of Bethlehem."

Opposed Slavery

Henry Emerson Fosdick

Outspokenly opposed racism and injustice

Wrote the hymn "God of Grace and God of Glory"

Central figure in "Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy" within American Protestantism in 1920s and 1930s


3 of them

Protestant Liberalism

FDE Schleiermarcher

"Father of Modern Liberal Theology"

"The Art of Understanding"

Work has a profound impact upon the philosophical field of hermeneutics

Paul Tillich

German- American theologian and Christian existentialist philosopher

Ground of Being

Human experience

Karl Barth

Not a Protestant Liberal

Original sin

Wholly Other (begins with God)

Battled with Paul Tillich

Holiness Movement

Precursor to Pentecostal movement

Individualism and desire for Instantaneous

Leaders came from Multi-denominations

Holiness Denominations: Church of the Nazarene, Free Methodist Church, Wesleyan Church, and Church of God

United States

3 of them

Holiness Movement

Phoebe Palmer

Lay woman

Tuesday meetings for promotion of holiness

Opened door for women in ministry

Wrote: The Way of Holiness

Charles Finney

Altar Call

Advocate of Christian perfection

Phineas Bresee

Founder of Pentecostal Church of Nazarene

Worked with poor

Aimed at inner city, urban mission, poor

Pentecostal Movement

3 of them

Experience of the working of the Holy Spirit and practice of spiritual gifts.

Transcends denominations

Experience is vital

Lacks structure

Charles Parham

Itinerant Methodist healer

Miracles of Early Church

Spirit Baptism and speaking in tongues

Believed in segregation

William J Seymour

Asuza Street Revival

Black Pentecostal preacher

Student of Parham

Aimee S McPherson

Early pioneer of tele-evangelism

4 square Gospel

Sermons-full theatrical

Used film to spread message

Grant Wacker's Four Fold Streams

Evangelicalism: salvation by faith in Jesus

Holiness: 2nd works of grace

Divine healing: atonement through cross; total healing

Plymouth Brethren/ Darby: Rapture Theology; dispensation of God's work

Liturgical Movement

5 people

Predominantly in Roman Catholic

Worship is central

Liturgy is intentional worship (order of service)

Want people to know what and why they are doing in church

Dom Gregory Dix

Anglican monk and academic

Shape of the Liturgy

Dom Gregory Dix

Anglican monk and academic

Shape of the Liturgy

Dom Lambert Beauduin

Belgium monk

Unity with Anglicans

Tell the people what is going on

CS Lewis

American Evangelicals highly regard him

Taught at Oxford and Cambridge

Lasting value to tell the Christian story in new and imaginable ways

CS Lewis

American Evangelicals highly regard him

Taught at Oxford and Cambridge

Lasting value to tell the Christian story in new and imaginable ways

GK Chesterton

Church of England converted to Roman Catholic in 1922

Orthodoxy published in 1908

Austin Farrar

Baptist to Oxford to Ordained in Church of England

Close friends w/ Lewis

Controversial views on composition of gospels

Evelyn Waugh

Sharp biting criticism through humor particularly the British Upper Class

Conservative's conservative

Decline & Fall

Theology of the Cross

Martin Luther

God's highest self-discourse takes place in the cross of Christ

God is seen in suffering and weakness

God is seen differently than we would expect

To know God, you must look at the suffering God and take upon suffering yourself

Theology of Glory


Our ascent to God through intellectual activity

Prefer works to suffering and glory to the cross, strength to weakness

We would be looking for a God that fit our expectation

Human glory focusing on human effort intending to earn God's favor

Reformed Theology


Total depravity

Unconditional election (abundance of God's love)

Limited atonement

Irresistible grace

Preservation of the Saints

Reformed Theology


Total depravity

Unconditional election (abundance of God's love)

Limited atonement

Irresistible grace

Preservation of the Saints


Greek and Romans

Humanity was created in the image of God

Reformist movement that focused on art and letters, text, and classical forms

Focused on philosophy and theology in addition to culture in particular ancient texts in their original languages

Return to the NT


Christian Perfection


Optimist view of God's grace

Doctrine of Perfect Love "Wholeness"

Perfect Human= Jesus Christ

Process and Instantaneous

Experiential Theology

Stark claim that God encounters people & changes them through the encounter

God will inhabit your heart

Born a 2nd time- New birth is a key concept in experiential theology- you are changed after encountering

Experiential Theology

Stark claim that God encounters people & changes them through the encounter

God will inhabit your heart

Born a 2nd time- New birth is a key concept in experiential theology- you are changed after encountering


You cannot test out my experience with God