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89 Cards in this Set

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When was Alexander the Great born?
356 BC
Who were Alexander the Great's parents?
Phillip of Macedon and Olympius of Empirus
How ambitious was Alexander the Great?
He cried when he thought his father was going to conquer the world
How much was Alexander the Great in love with Achilles?
Carried copy of Illiad and took armor from his tomb
What was the name of Alexander the Great's black horse he tamed as a boy?
Who was Alexander the Great's teacher?
At what age did Alexander the Great become a military commander as a regent?
At what age did Alexander the Great become king?
What was the Thebes Revolt?
When people rebelled against Alexander the Great, he killed the men, sold the women and children into slavery, and everyone else capitulated
At what age did Alexander the Great attack the Medo-Persian Empire?
Who was the king of the Medo-Persian Empire?
Darius III
What was the first major battle against the Medo-Persian Empire?
Battle of Granicus
At what battle did the Medo-Persian Empire fall?
Battle of Guagamela
What happened at Tyre during Alexander's rule?
-off the coast of Palestine
-he filled in ocean with rocks/sand which made it into a peninsula
-crucified males
-sold women and children into slavery
What three other empires did he defeat?
Babylon, Syria, and Egypt
What city did Alexander the Great find that became the capital of Egypt?
At what place did Alexander's city refuse to go any further?
What is a phalanx?
Presented a shield wall and a mass of spear points to the enemy
Where and what did Alexander die from?
In Babylon from poisoning
What successors did Alexander leave behind?
Infant son, soon to be born son, and a half-brother
Who did Alexander say to give the Empire to?
The strongest
How many parts was Alexander's kingdom divided into?
Who got what after Alexander died?
Lysimachus (Thrace-modern Bulgaria), Cassander (Greece), Ptolemy (Egypt), Seleucus (Syria and Babylon)
How long did it take Alexander to conquer the world and at what age and when did he die?
12 years, 32, 323 BC
Where is Alexander the Great mentioned in the Bible?
Daniel 8
Why does the success of Alexander matter?
Because the world language became Koine Greek which the New Testament was written in
What was so great about the NT being written in Koine Greek?
It was a descriptive language
What piece of land served as a tension point between Ptolemy and Seleucus?
Who in the end came to rule Israel and decided he wanted Egypt also?
Antiochus Epiphanes
Who did the Romans send to stop Antiochus Epiphanes from capturing Alexandria?
How did Laenus stop Epiphanes from continuing?
Drew circle around Ephiphanes, warned him to not step out of it until decided on what to do, buckled, and left
What did Epiphanes do on his way home to Mesopotamia to Israel?
Attacked it, defiled temple in Jerusalem by taking prostitutes into temple and sacrificing a pig to Zeus in the Holy Place
Where is Antiochus Epiphanes mentioned in the Bible , who does he represent, and what is his attack on Israel and the temple known as?
Daniel 8, antichrist, and Abomination of Desolation
Who led a revolt against the actions of Antiochus Epiphanes?
the Maccabees (Hasmonean Family)
What happened when Israel returned to an independent state under the Maccabees?
They purged the temple, lit a menorah with only one vile of oil which burned for 8 days, and this led to the celebration of Hanukkah
What province did the Maccabees subjagate and force to convert to Judaism? And what is the significance of this?
Idumea (Edom)... Unknowingly brought future King, Herod the Great, into the mix
When was Herod the Great born and when did he die?
74 BC to 44 BC
What was Herod the Great's father's name?
What was Herod the Great by circumcision, but how did he live?
Jewish, Hellenistic
At what age was Herod the Great made governor of Galilee?
Where is Herod mentioned in the Bible?
Matthew 2
Who built Masada and where was it built?
Herod the Great, on a mountaintop fortress to protect Herod and his family in case of revolt
What was so hard about building Masada?
It was located near the Dead Sea in the wilderness on a mountaintop
What type of things did Masada consist of?
heated baths and saunas, water channels into 12 cisterns (which contained a million gallons of water)
What happened at Masada after Herod's death and the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD?
1,000 Jewish rebels holed up at Masada, Romans began to attack by building a ramp up the side of the mountain, and before the Romans reached the top, they all committed mass-suicide
What was Ceasarea Maritima?
an enormous harbor built by Herod in honor of Augustus Ceasar with aqueducts and a circular harbor with a narrow inlet
What was Herodium?
man-made moutnain on which Herod's palace stood and where his tomb was, destroyed in 70 AD by Romans
What other building project did Herod the Great undertake?
The Temple
When did Herod the Great die?
4 BC
Who was Herod Antipas and what did he become?
Herod the Great's son and became tetrarch along with Philip
Who did Herod the Great want to be King and rule from Jerusalem?
What did the Romans title Archelaus instead of King?
What is an ethnarch?
means people leader and is a better title than tetrarch
What does tetrarch mean?
Leader of a fourth of a nation
Who ended up stealing Philip's wife and what was her name?
Antipas, Herodias
Who was the daughter of Herodias and Philip?
How many sons did Herod the Great have?
Who did Herod the Great dump for a Hasmonean Princess named Mariamme?
Who did Herod the Great name High priest and later kill that was Mariamme's brother?
Aristobulus II
How many people died by Herod Antipas' hand?
Aristobulus II (Mariamme's brother), Alexandra (Mariamme's mother), and their two sons (Alexander and Aristobulus), and Doris' son (Antipater)
What were the dates of Antipas' rule?
4 BC-39 AD
After Anitpas' brother, Archelaus was deposed as ethnarch by the Romans in 6 AD, who took his place?
Quirinius and later Pontius Pilate
What did Antipas see Pilate as?
an intruder
What city did Antipas build and where did he build it?
Tiberius, on an ancient graveyard so Jews thought it was defiled (it later became an education center for Judaism)
Why did Antipas kill John the Baptist and where can this be foudn in the Bible?
Salome danced for her dad, he promised her anything and made a solemn oath, her mother wanted John the Baptist's head because he preached about their unbiblical marriage (incest), and he was decapitated... Mark 6
Who did Herod meet in Luke 23?
Jesus at his trial in 33 AD where Herod Antipas sent him to Pilate and they then became friends
Herod Antipas' days began to be numbered when who died in 37 AD?
Why was Antipas' days numbered?
Tiberius' nephew, Herod Agrippa, was very close friends with the new Caesar (Caligula)
What did Herod Agrippa do to cause the ruin of Antipas?
accused Antipas of plotting against Rome and Caligula took away everything from him and exiled him to Lyon, France
Did Herodias decide to go with her husband or keep her belongings?
She went with him
What happened to Caligula in 41 AD and how long did he reign?
he was assassinated, 4 years
Where can we find Herod Antipas dealing with Jesus and John the Baptist in the Bible?
Acts 12
How did Agrippa die?
People called him a god and he didn't rebuke or reject them and was eaten by worms
Who was Agrippa I the son of?
Murdered Hasmonean Aristobulus
Who was Agrippa I sister?
Who was Agrippa I friend?
How long did Agrippa I rule?
39 AD-44 AD
Who had the larger kingdom: Herod the Great or Herod Agrippa I?
Herod Agrippa I
Who was the last of the Herodian rulers?
Herod Agrippa II
Who awarded Agrippa II a reduced kingdom in 53 AD?
Did Agrippa II side with the Romans in the destruction of Israel in 70 AD?
Who did Agrippa have an incestuous relationship with?
His sister, Bernice
Who was Bernice the lover of? And what did he do?
Vespasian, dumped her to satisfy the Romans
Where is Agrippa II mentioned in the Bible?
When was Pontius Pilate the Roman governor?
26 AD-36 AD
Who was Pilate friends with who was ultimately killed for attempting to overthrow Tiberius?
Was Pilate a friend of Caesar according to the Jews?
Where is Pilate mentioned in the Bible?
Where was Pilate exiled to and how did he die?
Gaul, suicide