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30 Cards in this Set

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Why churched people attend church?
1. theological beliefs and doctrine
2. how much people care about each other
3. quality of sermons
4. how friendly the people are to visitors
5. involvment of church in reaching poor
6. quality of programs and classes for children
7. how much you like the pastor
8. denomination churhc is affiliated with
9. quality of the adult SS classes
10. convenience of the times of weekend service (pg. 11-12)
Who wins the most churhched people?
Non-denominationals (13)
Which Christian denomination winns the most new comers?
Adventists (14)
How can we meet the challenge of reaching the vast poplutions of the earth with Adventisms speacial message?
1. meet needs (scratch the itch)
2. increase involvement
3. plant new churches
4. keep the fire burning
who is the father of the church growht movement?
Donald McGavern
Who was the disciple of McGavern who later branched off to signs and wonders?
Peter Wagner
What is name of the service designed to attract unchurched people?
Seeker Sensitive
What are the major components of the Church Growth theory?
a. a pastor whose dynamic leadership has been used to catalyze entier churhc into action for growth
b. mobilized laity which has discovered and is using all the spiritual gifts for growth
c. a church large enough to provide range of services that meet needs
d. structural balance of relationship between celbration, cell, and congregation
e. membership drawn from one homogeneous unit
f. the use of evangelistic methods that are proven to work on making disciples
g. a philosophy of ministry which has its priorities arranged in biblical order
Define Ethnikitis
church is an island of one kind of people, isolated from the community of another kind of people where it is geographically located
Old Age
Mostly rural phenomenon, where town is dying, few people in town do not belong to the church, and most are moving out with the ones remaining steadily aging
Interpersonal relationships within the church become focal point for almost all activity and involvement
St. Johns Syndrome
The disease of lukewarmness. Faith is only routine, church involvment, a going through the motions ordeal.
Russel Burrill's definition of Church growth:
Church growth is the effective evangelization of lost men and women, effectively incorporating them into the body of Christ and enabling them to become mature, healthy, reproducing Christians.
What is Church Growth Conscience?
The Conviction permeating the Body of Christ that God's will is for growth.
(Chp 2 appendix i)
Classes of Leadership:
Class 1
Members whose energies primarily turn inward toward maintenance of the organizational structure of the church
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Classes of Leadership:
Class 2
members whose energies primarily turn outward toward the non-Christian community in an effort to bring them into the body of Christ
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Classes of Leadership:
Class 3
Members who are partially paid and whose activities are divided between the church and outside activities
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Classes of Leadership:
Class 4
members who are full time paid personnel viewed as professional staff
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Classes of Leadership:
Class 5
denominational and/or administrative personnel usually removed from the immediate scene of the local church
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Evangelism Classifications:
used to win nominal christians back to fervent faith
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Evangelism Classifications:
evangilization of people in one's own language and culture
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Evangelism Classifications:
evangelization of people in a similiar language and culture
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Evangelism Classifications:
evangelization of people of a radically different language and culture
(chapter 2, appendix ii)
Measuring Growth
The use of diagnostic measurement instruments to determine the growth/decline of a church
(chapter 2, appendix iii)
Churches grow as they develop...what?
"Church Growth Eyes"
Ministry of Healing, page 143
Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered ot their needs, and won their confidence. Then he bade them, Follow me.
Growing churches successfully do what four things?
Mobilize, Train, Equip, and deploy Laity in Ministry
Know percentages:
Involvment of laity in churches:
a. declining
b. plateaued
c. growing
a. declining 27%
b. plateaued 45%
c. growing 60%
Most churches try to grow by expanding programs and not the...what?
Participation Base

Know percentages:
Ways people come to Christ and the church:
a. Walk in
b. special need
c. Pastor
d. visitation
e. S.S.
f. program
g. friend/relative
a. Walk in 3-4%
b. special need 2-3%
c. Pastor 0-3%
d. visitation 1/4-1%
e. S.S. 3-5%
f. program 3-4%
g. friend/relative 70-90%