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37 Cards in this Set

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Unchurched Americans
258.7 Million
Plateaud or Declining Churches
80 - 85%
Why Churched People Attend Church
- Theological Beliefs & Doctrines
- People care about each other
- quality of sermons
- friendliness to visitors
- Church helping poor & disadvantaged people
- programs for children
- likeablity of pastors
- Denomination of Church
- Adult SS Classes
- Times of Service
Why Unchurched People attend church
- Learning more about God
- Religious Training for Kids
- Better understanding of Bible
- Meeting People
- Discovering ways of handling life better
What Christian Denomination is the #1 Winner of New Comers
Reaching the Earth with SDA Message.
- Scratch where it itches
- Meet Felt Needs
- Increase lay involvement & full utilization of spiritual gifts of laity
- Continually planting new churches for new people groups
- keep fire burning
Donald McGavran
Began the Church Growth Movement
The Bridges of Growth
Peter Wagner
McGavran Discliples
Seeker Sensitive
Model popularized by Bill Hybels & Willow Creek
Components of Church Growth Theory
- A Pastor who is a possibility Thinker
- Well Mobilized Laity
- Large enough Church
- Proper Structural Balance
- Membership drawn from one Homogeneous Unit
- Use of Evangelistic Methods
- Biblical Philosophy of Ministry
Church Pathologies/Terminal Illnesses
Ethnikitis - Ghost Town Disease - A new ethnic group has taken over the neighbourhood a church is in - different from that of the church
Old Age - Occurs when a town is dying - people who belong to church don't live in town
People Blindness - Prevents people from seeing cultural differences - in church and with neighbourhood around
Church Pathologies/Terminal Illness
Hyper -Cooperativism - One or more churches work together in an evangelistic crusade - one church needs to be central
Koinonitis - Relationships in your church are so close it's hard for outsiders to get in
Sociological Strangulation - Too Full > 80% Full+
Arrested Spiritual Development - Members Fail To Grow Spritually
St.John's Syndrome - Lukewarmness - affects 2nd Generations especially
**Church Growth is
The Effective evangelization of lost men and women, effectively incorporating them into the body of Christ and enabling them to become mature healthy, reproducing Christians.
Russell Burrill
Church Growth Conscience
the conviction permeating the Body of Christ that God's will is for Growth.
Classes of Leadership
Classes 1-5
- Members whose energies are inward - toward maintenance of organizational structures of the church
-Members whose energies are turned outward towards non-christian community to bring them to the body of Christ
- Partially paid members whose activities are divided between church and outside activities
- Member who are full time paid staff - ministry professionals
- Denominational/Administrative personnel removed from the immediate scene of local church
Evangelism Two (E2)
Evangelization of people in a similar language and culture
Evangelism Three (E3)
Evangelization of people of a radically different language and culture
Measuring Growth
The use of diagnostic measurement instruments to determine the growth/decline of a church
Churches Grow as they develop...
Church Growth Eyes
Ministry of Healing P.143
"Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with me as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, Follow Me."
Growing Churches Successfully...
Mobilize, Train, Equip and Deploy Laity in Ministry
Most Churches try to grow by expanding....
Their programs not their participation base - You have to grow your participation base...
% of Laity involvement ...
Declining 27%
Plateaued 45%
Growing 60%
Ways People Come to Church
Through a friend of relative 70 - 90%
How much time to pastors of Growing Churches spend in Prayer?
1 1/2 hours - relationship between prayer and group
Growth Restricting Obstacles
80% factor - that's full - add a 2nd service, new church, larger church
**8 Quality Characteristics
- Empowering Leadership
- Gift Based Ministry
- Passionate Spirituality
- Effective Structures
- Inspiring Worship Service
- Holistic Small Groups
- Need Oriented Evangelism
- Loving Relationships
Five Stages of Church Life
1. Birth
2. Growth
3. Plateau
4. Decline
5. Death
When a Church is on the Downside of the Life Cycle..
It needs to go back and rebirth the dream
How to Change a Church of 400+ members
Vision Casting - Every Sabbath Until the Group captures it
Pastors who try to change small churches with large group methods...
Encounter problems, the result is resistance and refusal to proposed changes
Change needs to remain
committed to the core values of the Church
Converts are exposed to the gospel how many different ways...
Converts hear - 5.8 ways
Drop outs - 2.1 ways
Non-Converts - Less than 2 ways
Information Transimission Model
Views Evangelism as a one-way transmission of information from sender to receiver
Oikos Evangelism
A social system composed of those related to each other through common ties and tasks
Average Members has...
6-8 unchurched friends, family and associates in their churches ministry area
Extended Congregation
Cumulative total of your member's unchurched friends, family and associates who are in the ministry area of your church (live close by)