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75 Cards in this Set

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land owners, born in spain


a person of mixed blood, Spanish and native

de jure segregation

segregation that is outlined by the law


time frame the conquest of middle America took place by the conquistadores


a person who charges to smuggle people across the Mex/Amer. border-- emerged after the treaty of GH

manifest destiny

belief that it was Spain's god-given task to spread Catholocism-- also the belief that America's god-given responsibility was to spread democracy; in reality, to cultivate gold, recources, and LABOR


the segregation of Mexicanos/Chicanos into "all Mexican" neighborhoods


Mexico gained it's independence from Spain on 9/16/1810 (1810-1821)


exits between two individuals who choose not to share their prejudices with others however, seek out someone who shares his/her prejudices


Mexican American war


spanish word for cow... natives were trained to ride and herd cattle on Spanish ranches, known for their expert horsemanship and roping skills

Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla

a Mexican Catholic priest who lead the war against the Spanish for Mexican independence


the conversion of native Mexicanos to Catholicism/Christianity, and the adaptation of the religion into the culture as a mainstay

Texas Rangers

"Law enforcement" force, originally created to protect thinly anglo-populated areas in Texas. During a reign of terror in 1915, Texas Rangers randomly lynched, shot and killed Tejanos, whose farms, ranches and land were coveted by Anglo land speculators.

Mexico Profundo

The translation of a major work in Mexican anthropology- argues that Mesoamerican civilization is an ongoing and undeniable force in contemporary Mexican life. For Guillermo Bonfil Batalla, the remaining Indian communities, the "de-Indianized" rural mestizo communities, and vast sectors of the poor urban population constitute the Mexico profundo


labor system employed by the Spanish crownd- a person was granted a specified # of natives for whom they were to take responsibility- the receiver of the grant was to instruct the natives in the Spanish language and in the Catholic faith; in return they could exact tribute in the form of labor, gold, corn, wheat, chickens, etc.


Aztec god "feathered serpent" and fair skinned, was kind and generous, and promised to return around the same time the Spaniards showed up.

immigration policy

determined by economic demands


the imposition of a foreign force/power, eradification of indigenous culture, language, way of life

Neo colonialism

the geopolitical practice of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural imperialism to influence a country, in lieu of either direct military control or indirect political control

bilingual education

does not exist in America still today

English only

in the 40's and 50's spanish speaking children were punished for speaking in their native tongue

Mexican healer, holisitc approach to medicine


pre-judgement, fear-based avoidance of a given group

Americanization policy

under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848, any Mexicanos who did leave the territories annexed to America automatically became American

identity conflict

traditional values vs. assimilated values, not fitting in either world

Rodolfo Corky Gonzales

Wrote "I am Joaquin" tells the story of the chicano- he was a Mexican American boxer, poet, and political activist from Colorado

teatro campesino

originated by Luis Valdez (Zoot Suit), interaction method used in plays as a way of learning and engaging the audience

Cinco de Mayo

commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862- NOT Mexico's independence day


illustrate social, economic and racial stratification


(Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) - initiative aimed at providing a pathway for young undocumented immigrants already in the state


avoiding any type of contact with the group they fear- they go out of their way to do so- segregation is collective avoidance

internal colonialism

labor repression, dual wage system, occupational stratification-- the imposition of the governing power, eradification of indigenous culture, language, way of life

Munroe Doctrine

doctrine signed in 1823 stating the US would consider any attempt by Europe at colonization of the Americas a threat to national security, enforcing the rule of foreign policy- you can colonize our colonies!

colonial mentality

master: subordinate dynamic accepted by the colonized

I am Joaquin

a poem written by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales, telling the history of the Chicano


cast system based on racial stratification

Operation Wetback

a law enacted in 1954 after the Bracero program, enabling the mass deportation of Mexicans and even American born, around 1 million


black born in Mexico


Spaniard born in Mexico (not so, spanish women weren't present for a long time)


Aztecs capital, (Mexico City now) this was it's name when Cortez arrived


means the mixing of races

cultural genocide

the systematic destruction of a group's culture through institutionalized means


natives of southeastern Mexico, came up with the concept of zero

Emiliano Zapata

was a village leader, farmer and horseman who became an important leader in theMexican Revolution (1910-1920)- "La tierra le petence al homre que la trabaja!" Fought for the people

Pancho Villa

robin hood of Mexico, prominent general and leader in the Mexican Revolution (starting 1910)

conflict theory

social conflict theory is a Marxist-based social theory which argues that individuals and groups (social classes) within society have differing amounts of material and non-material resources (such as the wealthy vs. the poor) and that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with less power

Chinese exclusion act

a United States federal law effected in 1882- one of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in US history, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers

love prejudice

inability to see the wrong in someone that you love

Porfirio Diaz

dictator of Mexico for 18 years, whos reign ended at the end of the Mexican revolution in 1910


a popular narrative song and poetry form, a ballad- songs are often about oppression, history, daily life for peasants, and other socially relevant topics


colonial forced labor system similar to encomienda as a form of 'tribute labor', natives were forced to do low paid or unpaid pahor for a certain muber of weeks or months each year on Spanish-owned farms- was not slavery in that the worker is not owned outright- being free in various respects other than in the dispensation of his/her labor. work was intermittent. created slavery like conditions in certain areas


legendary ancestral home of the Aztec people

1790 FIrst Naturalization Act/Whites only

law that limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians-- wanted a pure, "new race"


Mexican Revolution

de facto segragation

due to custom, occurs naturally and outside of any laws


biological mixing


discrimination based on racial characteristics, superiority, and elaborate idealogy

Herndando Cortez

spanish conquistador who lead the conquest of middle america


native peoples of middle america

Malinche/Malintzin/Dona Marina

was a translator for Cortez, also had a child with him

La Llorona

una leyenda... the spirit of Milintzin who haunts river banks, looking for the soul her baby

Texas Revolt

1835-36, Texas succeeded from the US, then joined the slave states to protect slavery and have protection against the union

cultural conflict

living with two cultures and feeling like you don't fully belong to either

Gentleman's Agreement

informal and legally non-binding agreement, the essence of which is that it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable

the discovery doctrine

adopted into US law in 1823 "Indians had lost their right to complete sovereignty, as independent nations- the doctrine has been primarily used to support decisions invalidating or ignoring aboriginal possession of land in favor of colonial or post-colonial gov'ts

Moctezuma II

ninth ruler of Tenochititlan from 1502-1520, was killed during the spanish conquest


was the Mexica ruler of Tenochtitlan from 1520 to 1521, making him the last Aztec Emperor- he is the embodiment of indigenist nationalism in Mexico, being the only Aztec emperor who survived the conquest by the Spanish Empire


an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica

mobilazation of bias

through which cultural hegemony is both asserted and legitimized

cultural hegemony

describes the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class, who manipulate the culture of that society - the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

sought to legally spell out the rights of Mexican land owners in the newly annexed territories, also the freedoms of newly American Mexicans... was violated again and again by the US

55% land acquisition/theft

1846-1848 Mex/Amer war/land dispute-- after war the treaty was enacted-- 55% of Mexico's land was annexed to the US

Dred Scot decision

1847, Scot went to court to sue for his freedom. Court decided that all people of African ancestry -- slaves as well as those who were free -- could never become citizens of the United States and therefore could not sue in federal court

Vincente Guerrero

la mulato- black and indian, Mexican president who outlawed slavery in 1829