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25 Cards in this Set

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Christmas is the season of the liturgical year in which we celebrate what?
the birth of Jesus Christ the son of God

the incarnation
what is the incarnation
the truth that the Son of God, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, became man and lived among us
when does the Christmas season begin?
December 25
Christmas day
what is Christmas Day known in the liturgical year as?
the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
what is a solemnity ?
an important day in the Church's liturgical calendar
what does the church celebrate before the end of the Christmas season?
The solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
when does the Christmas season end ?
in January with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
what does the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord recall?
a specific event in the Gospel
the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus
what does magi mean?
three kings
wise men
what dies the word epiphany cine from and what does it mean?
what does manifest mean?
to show or reveal
what do Christians see in the Gospel story of the Magi?
the manifestation or the revealing of Jesus Christ as Savior to all the nations
what does the story of the Magi help us recognize ?
that the Messiah came to save not only the Jews but all people
what si the most precious metal in the world and something that only kings would own?
what does the gold the magi brought symbolize ?
Christ's kingship
where is Frankincense used ?
in the worship of God
what did the Frankincense that the Magi brought symbolize?
Christ's divintiy
what was myrrh used for?
anointing dead bodies
what does the myrrh that the Magi brought symbolize?
Christ's death as a human being
when did the church originally celebrate the Epiphany?
on January 6
what events did the church also celebrate on January 6?
four important events that revealed Jesus as the Son of God
what are the four important events that the church celebrated on January 6th ?
birth of Jesus, when God took flesh and became visible

the visit of the Magi, when Jesus was first manifested to the gentile nations
the baptism of Jesus, when Jesus was manifested as the Son of God(when a voice cane from the heavens saying this is my belevoed Son with whom I am well pleased

the miracke at Cana, when Jesus worked his first miracle and so revealed his glory
who established December 25th as the day to celebrate the birth of Christ or Christmas?
Western Church
what Roman pagan feast does December 25th coincide with ?
the Feast of Lights
why did the western church celebrate Christmas on Dec 25?
coincided with Roman Pagan feast the Festival of Lights and so encouraged people to turn from the pagan festival toward the true Light of the World, Jesus Christ