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32 Cards in this Set

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Give Grudems’ definition of “miracle.”
A miracle is a less common kind of God’s activity in which he arouses people’s awe and wonder and bears witness to himself.
List 5 purpose of miracles
1) to authenticate the message of the gospel. 2) to bear witness to the fact that the kingdom of God and to show the characteristics of God’s kingdom

3) is to help those who are in need.

4) to remove hindrances to people’s ministries. 5) to bring glory to God

Do miracles prove apostleship?
no, the intention of signs of apostles in 2 Cor12:12 is, to distinct from genuine apostles and false pretending apostels.
What are three wrong reasons for seeking miracles?
Depends on the purpose for which miracles are sought. - to advance one’s own power or fame// simply to be entertained// for skeptical unbelievers to seek miracles simply to find ground to criticize those who preach gospel.
Why does God want us to pray?
- Why does God want us to pray? : God wants us to pray because prayer expresses our trust in God and is a means whereby our trust in him can increase.
Briefly list 12 characteristics of effective prayer.
1) Praying according to God’s will

2)Praying with faith


4)Confession of sins



7)Continuing in prayer over time

8)Praying earnestly

9)Waiting on the Lord

10)Praying in private

11)Praying with others


What is God’s purpose for angels?
God’s purpose for angels is angels show the greatness of God’s love and plan for us, angels remind us that the unseen world is real, angels are examples for us, angels carry out some of God’s plans, and angels directly glorify God.
What are 3 cautions about angels?
1) Beware of receiving falst docrine from angels

2)Do not worship angels, pray to them, or seek them

3)Use extreme caution in receiving guidance from an angel apperarnce should such an unusual event happen.

What are the primary activities of Satan and demons?
opposing and trying to destroy every work of God.
Can a Christian be demon possessed?
Greek, daimonizomai, speak of people who “have a demon” or who are suffering from demonic influence.
What is our purpose in life?
1) to glorify God

2) to enjoy him forever.

Discuss the meaning of the “image of God.”
man is like God, and represents God.
What are some aspects of our likeness to God?
Moral, Spiritual, immorality, reason logical, abstract language, awareness of the distant future, human creativity, emotions, marriage, etc.
How does our dignity as bearers of God’s image affect our attitude toward others?
Because we are more like God than all of his creation, we must see the rest of humanity as such. No matter their social status, health, age, physical appearance, cognative reasoning, etc, we must treat them with dignatiy, because they are created in His image. If not, people will be considered as mere animals, and we will lose our meaning in life.
Can men and women be equal and yet have different roles?
Just as the members of the Trinity are equal in their importance and full existance as distinct person, so men and women have been created by God to be equal in their personhood.
Briefly list the distinction of roles before the Fall :
1) Adam was created first, then Eve.

2) Eve was created as a helper for Adam.

3) Adam named Eve

4) God named the human race “man”, not “Woman”

5) The Serpent came to Eve first.

6) God spoke to Adam first after the Fall

7) Adam represented the human race, not Eve.

Does redemption in Christ reaffirm the created order or annul it?
Redemption in Christ encourage wives not to rebel against their husbands’ authority and husbands not to use their authority harshly.
What are two distortions of the biblical pattern?
Errors of aggressiveness/ errors of passivity→ too much or too less use of authority.
Define trichotomy and dichotomy. :
1) Trichotomy : The view that man is made up of three distinctive parts : body, soul, and spirit. 2) Dichotomy : The view that man is made up of two parts : body and soul/spirit(interchangeable).
In what way does Scripture seem to favor dichotomy?
Scripture uses soul and spirit interchangeably. When the soul does something, the spirit also does the same thing.
Describe the anti-intellectual tendency of trichotomy
If we think of the spirit as that element of us that relates most directly to God, and if we think that the spirit is something distinct from our intellect, emotions, and will, we can easily fall into an anti-intellectual kind of christianity that thinks that vigorous academic work is somehow unspiritual - contradict “ Love God with all your mind”(Mk 12:30)
What are the 3 theories of the origin of the soul?
1) creationism : the view that God creates a new soul for each person and sends it to that person’s body sometime between conception and birth.

2)Pre-existentianism : the soul of people exist in heaven long before their bodies are conceived in the wombs of their mothers, and then God brings the soul to earth to be joined with the baby’s body as he or she grows in the womb.

3)Traducianism : soul as well as body of a child are inherited from the baby’s mother and father at the time of conception.

What is the problem of creationism and the soul that is solved by traducianism?
The problem is that with God creating a soul, we would be good. where would we inherit our sin? How could our soul be evil if God created a soul with every conception?God created man in his own image and by that we can reproduce other beings like us, similar to God.
1) Sin :
missing the mark/ out of law
2) inherited sin:
Counted sinful by God because of Adam’s sin.
3) total depravity :
total lack of spiritual good and inability to do good before God
4) impute:
to think of as belonging to someone, and therefore to cause it to belong to that person
Are there degrees of sin?
1) Legal sin- any one sin, even what may seem very small, makes us legally guilty before God and therefore worthy of eternal punichment.

2) Results in life and in relationship with God- Some sins are worse than others in that they have mor harmful consequences in our lives and in the lives of others, and they arouse displeasure more and bing more serious dirusption to our fellowship with him.

What happens when Christians sin?
Our legal standing before God is unchangedOur fellowship with God is disrupted and our Christian lIfe is damaged
What is the best definition of the sin of blasphemy of the Spirit?
(1) a clear knowledge of who Christ is and of the power of the Holy Spirit working through him, (2) a willful rejection of the facts about Christ that his opponents knew to be true, and (3) slanderously attributing the work of the Holy Spirit in Christ to the power of Satan.
Define diatheke :
unilateral. the provisions of the covenant were laid down by one of the parties only.
What is the condition of the beginning of the covenant and the condition of continuing the covenant?
the condition of the beginning of the covenant : faith. Baptism

the condition of the continuing of the covenant : obedience. The Lord’s Supper