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64 Cards in this Set

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Attention Defecit Disorder
Difficulty in concentrating and staying on a task. Used by the U.S. Department of Ed.
Meds for ADD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Difficulty in concentrating and staying on a task accompanied by hyperactivity
Asperger's Syndrome
Qualatative impairment in social interactions, impulse control, and self-motivation. Classifeid as high functioning autism
Lifelong developmental disability that is best described as a colletion of behavioral systems that affect verbal communication, nonverbal comunication, and social interaction
Contains a type of Ritalin, psychostimulant medication
Psychostimulant meds also known as pemoline
Pyschocstimulant medication
The tendency to attend to irrelevant external stimuli, a practice which detracts from attending to the task at hand
Feingold Diet
A diet that eliminates artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, and artificial colors in an attempt to control hyperactivity in children
A condition characterized by uncontrollable, haphazard, and poorly organized motor behvior
A characteristic of ADD, in which the child reacts quickly without careful thought
Not concentrating on a task
The chemicals that transmit messages from one cell to another across the synapse
Nonverbal learning disorders
Poor skills in nonacademic areas of learning such as poor social skills
Psychostimulant meds.
Meds, including Ritalin, that are intially prescribed for a child with ADD
Medication prescribed to children with ADD
Medication that is not a psychostimulant for the treatment of ADD/ADHD
Adapted Physcial Education
Physical education programs that have been modiefied to meet the needs of students with disabilities
Auditory discrimination
The ability to recognize a difference b/t phoneme sounds; also the ability to identify words that are the same and words that are different when the difference is a single phoneme element
Center based program
A program offered at a central facility for comprehensive services for young children and delivered by staff members with expertise in disciplines related to intervention and therapy for young children
Child Find
Ways of locating young children with disabilities in a community
Developmentally appropriate practice
Guidelines for a curriculum for young children basked on a constructivist philosophy emphasizing child-initiated learning, exploratory play, and the child’s interests.
Developmental Delay
a term designating that a child is slow in a specific aspect of development, such as in cognitive physical, communication, social/emotional, or adaptive development
Head start
a preschool program intended to provide compensatory educational experiences for children from low- income families who might other wise come to school unprepared and unmotivated to learn
HOme Based program
a system of delivering intervention services to very young children in their homes. Parents usually become the primary teacher. A professional child- care provider goes to the child’s home, typically one to three times per week, to train the parents to work with the child
Individualized family service plan
A plan for young children that includes the family as well as the child.
kinesthetic perception
Perception obtained through body movements and muscle feelings, such as the awareness of positions taken by different parts of the body and bodily feelings of muscular contraction, tension, and relaxation
Part B of IDEA 2004
Preschool children, ages 3 to 5 with disabilities are eligible to receive the same full rights under the law that older children have
Part C of IDEA 2004
Services for infants and toddlers with disabilities s are not mandated, but ___ authorizes financial assistance to the states through state grants.
The process of recognizing and interpreting information received through the senses
Perceptual motor learning
The integration of motor learning and visual perceptual learning
Phonological awareness
A child’s recognition of the sounds of language. The child must understand that speech can be segmented into syllables and phonemic units
Occupational therapist
A therapist who is trained in a brain physiology and function and who prescribes exercises to improve motor and sensory integration
a type of assessment using ways to survey many children quickly to identify those who may need special services
Tactile pereception
Perception obtained through the sense of touch via the fingers and skins surfaces
the process of moving from one type of program to another
Visual discrimination
the ability to note visual differences or similarities b/t objects, including letters and words
Visual perception
Recognition and knowledge of words. Consists of oral vocabulary and reading vocabulary
refers to adjustments and modifications within a general education program to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Required under section 504 of the Rehab. Act
Americans with Disabilities
A federal law passed in 1990 to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities
Basic academic skills instruction
instruction focusing on direct teaching, especially in reading and math. Students receive instruction at a level that approximates their achievement or instructional level.
collaborative teaming
Partnerships b/t the gene d teachers and sped teachers.
competitive employment
seeking job in competitive sector or going into military service
content area teacher
High school teachers whose primary orientation and expertise is the subject matter of their specialty. In contrast elementary school teachers tend to have an orientation and more expertise in child development
functional survial skills instruction
teaching survival skills to enable students to get along in the outside world
Learned helplessness
a trait of students with l.d. in which they exhibit passiveness and do not take on the responsibility for their own learning.
Learning strategies instruction
a series of methods to help students direct their own learning, focusing on how students learn rather than on what they learn
Passive learners
adolescents with l.d. who tend to wait for teacher direction instead of being actively involved in the learning situation
Supported employment
seeking noncompetitive employment in agencies with job coaches and with other types of support
Transition planning
planning for making the change from being a student to being an adult. Students with l.d. need help with this process
Tutorial instruction
teaching designed to help students meet requirements in their specific academic-content subjects and to achieve success in the regular curriculum. This teaching is usually accomplished through one-to-one instruction or in small groups
Work study program
a high school program in which students work on a job for a portion of the day and go to school for a portion of the day.
Central nervous system
the organic system comprising the brain and the spinal cord.
Cerebral hemisphere
One of the 2 halves (the right hem. And the left hem. that constitute the human brain
a severe reading disorder in which the individual cannot learn to read or does not acquire fluent and efficient reading skills.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
a new MRI method for studying the live human brain at work
Lateral preference
a tendency to use either the right or left side of the body or to favor using the hand, foot, eye, or ear of one side of the body
Magnetic Resonance imaging
an advance neurology device that converts signals into a shape on a video screen, thereby permitting the study of the living brain
a medical specialist concerned with the physiology of the eye, its organic aspects, diseases, and structure
otitis media
Middle-ear infection that may cause temporary hearing loss and may impede language development
Positron emission tomography
A procedure that permits one to measure metabolism within the brain
Soft neurological signs
minimal or subtle neurological deviations that some neurologists use as indicators of mild neurological dysfunction
developmentally appropriate practice
Guidelines for a curriculum for young children based on a constrcitivst philosophy emphasizing child-intiated learning, exploratory play, and the child's interest