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49 Cards in this Set

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Process of experiencing your world makin sense of that information
3 Step process of Perception
- Selection Stage
- Organize Stage
- Interpretation
Selection Stage
- Passive selection
- Active selection
Only so much stimuli that one may atten to at one time

7 +/- 2 pieces of info
Passive Selection
Information on stimuli that you attend to because your sense are working. (not actively attending to it)
Active Selection
Purposefully seeking stimuli
Organize Stage
- Simply the Information
- Categorize the Information
- Divide
- Make Sense
- Process the inormation
- Based on experiences
Barriers to Accurate Information
1. Ignore information
2. Overgeneralize
3. Focusing on Negative
4. Self-Serving Bias
Take small bits of information and place higher
Focusing on the negative
Tendency to place more value on the negative
Self Serving Bias
Everyone else fault but yours
(4) Improving Perceptional Skills
1. Link details to big picture
2. Increase awareness by attending to stimuli.
3. Decenter, emphathise
4. Indirect perception check and Direction perception check
Indirect perception check
Seekin informations (friends)
Direct perception check
Ask questions
(2) Impression of others
~ Primacy effect
~ Reconcy effect
Primacy Effect
Impression base on 1st information
Reconcy Effect
Impression besed on most recent information
Labeling People (2)
- Halo Effect
- Horn Effect
Halo Effect
Describing someone in a positive manner w/ no evidence or reason (over generalization)
Horn Effect
View people in a negative way without any reason
Interrpurt Behavior (3)
1. Circumstance
2. Stimulis
3. Person
Environment situations overtime
Models of Communication
1. Message Transfer model
2. Message Exchange Model
3. Message Creation Model
5 Principles of Interpersonal Relationships
1. Connects us with others
2. Irreversile
3. Govern by rules
4. Complicated by # of different variables
5. Involves content & relationship dimensions
Govern by Rules
A. Respect other's privacy
B. Don't revel others secrets
C. Look in eye when talking
D. Dont Critize in public
Involves content & relationship dimensions (2)
- How you say it
- Words that is choser
Myths of Communication (4)
1. The more words the clearer the meaning
2. Meanings are in word
3. Information = communication
4. Interpersonal relationship issues are always communication problems
6 part Strategy - Better Communication
1. Become Knowledgable
2. Become Skilled
3. Become Motivated
4. Become Flexible
5. Become Ethical - Right or wrong
6. Other ppl oriented
Other person oriented
1. Ask questions
2. Listen
3. Decenter oneself
Who you are
How does self concept develop (3)
1. Interacting with others
2. Associations with Groups
3. Role that's assumed ... gender roles
Speech Rate
Slower than thought rate. Pplz have a tendency to wander when listening.
Interacting with others (3)
1. Look at people
2. Credibility
3. Things people say to us
Shifting Attention
- Men have harder time listening
Improving listening skills (5)
1. Stop
2. Look
3. Listen
4. Ask questions
Stop (Improving listening skills)
Stop what your doing
- mentally
- physically
Look (Improving listening skills)
- look at emotion, eye contact, nonverbals, position body
Listen (Improving listening skills)
- What is the goal?
~ To learn info
~ To enjoy
~ To evaluate
~ To provide support
Things to consider with listening
- Avoid personal agenda
- Dont critize speaker
- Create mental summaries
- Environment
Asking Questions (Improving listening skills)
- Ask about feelings
- Ask clarification
- Open-ended questions
Relect by paraphrazing
-Connect emotions to content
Responding Skills (2)
1. Confirming Response
2. Disconfirming Response
Define Confiriming Response
Positive - person increase value message
Define Disconfirming Response
Negative - Decrease value message
Confirming Responses (5)
1. Direct Acknowledgment
2. Agreement about judgement
3. Clarifying response
4. Expression of positive feeling
5. Complements
Disconfirming Response
1. Interrupting Response
2. Irrelevant Response
3. Trangential Response
4. Intellectualize
Responding Skills
1. Well timed Response
2. Provide usable information
3. Avoid unnecessary details
4. Be descriptive vs evaluate
Well timed Response
Physically the right time,
respective time to give a response... when the person is able to handle the information given
Be descriptive
- Be descriptive vs evaluative...