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22 Cards in this Set

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Bonus Army
Group of WWI veterans who marched to Wash. in 1932 asked to receive their pension bonus early.
Empire State Building
Begun in 1930.Its was the worlds tallest building
Towns of makeshift houses built by homeless people during the great depression.
Undertaking risks on stock or real estate for the change od profit.
buy on margin
pratice of buying stocks by paying 10 to 50 percent pf the full price and borrowing the rest,common in the 1920's before the stock market crash in 1929.
Father Divine
He opened up a soup kitchen to thousands of people.
21st Amendment
Consitutional amendment of 1933 repealing the 18th amendment, thus ending prohibition.
The Gross National Product (GPN).
Total amount of goods and service at nation produces used to gauge economic strengh
Norman Thomas
He was a president's canidate,he won 881,951 votes in 1932.
Installment buying
A method of paying for an expensive item over many months in installment and including interest.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Gov.corporation se up by president Hoover in 1932 that gave gov. loans to banks
Something pledged as security for a loan that can be claimed by the lender if the loan is not repaid.
Scotteboro Boys
9th african american youths accused and unfairly tried and convicted of raping two white women in alabama in 1931 gained national support and received new trails by order oth the surprem court
Herbert Hoover
13th presidentf the us 1929-1933. worked to aid european during WWI. responded ineffectively to 1929 stock market crash and great depression.
Walfare capitalism
Indusrial policy of meeting workers needs with incresed pay and benefits for the purpose pf preventing labor union organization.
A person who advocates the principles of socialism.
Hawley-Smoot tariff
Import tax levied in 1930, the highest in us history, produced the opposite of its intended effect when international trade slowed.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
He was a president candidate, as he accepted the Democratic party nomination at its chicago convention in july 1932.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The democrats had a remarkable political couple to bring victory.
Dow Jones industrial average
An average of the price of the stocks of leading industries that gauges the health of the stock markets.
Real wages
Value of income adjusted to account of inflation,used to compare wages in different time periods.
John Maynard Keyes
He was a british economist.The gov. spending could help a collapsing economy and encourage more private spending.