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22 Cards in this Set

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Cholinergic Drugs
-activate M1, M2, M3
-some choline esters activate nictotinic receptors (prolonged activations =depolarization blockade)
-effects equiv to postganglionic PNS impulses
effects of choline esters
-decreased: HR, atrial refractoriness, conuction and automacity of AV node, NE release increased: av node refractoriness
-vasodilation, smooth muscle contraction, sphincter relaxation, mild stim of insulin release, erection, increased secretions, cyclospasm and widening of spaces within trabecular networks
pharmacokinteics of choline esters
-low oral availability
-dist to peripheral tissues
-Ach -rapidly hydrolyzed but carbachol and bethanechol are resistant
-excretion by kidney
-Admin ach and carbachol -> topical instillation on the conjuctiva, bethanechol -> PO, SC
adverse effects of choline esters
-locally:visual problems, irritation of conjuncttiva, iritis, cataract, retinal detachment
-systemically: nausea, bronchospasm, sweating, lacrimation, salivation, flushing and warm skin, urinary urgency, hypotension
contraindications of choline esters
-locally: cataracts of hx of retinal detachment
-systemically:asthma, COPD, arrythmias, CAD, hypotension, peptic ulcer disease, GI obstructions, IBS, IBD, peritonitis, urinary tract obstruction, hyperthyroidism
-cholinergic natural alkaloid
-tertiary amine contained in plants of the genus Pilocarpus
-cholinergic natural alkaloid
-quaternary ammonium comppound contained mainly in mushrooms of the genus Inocybe and Clitocybe
cholinergic natural alkaloids
-activate M1, M2, M3
-peripheral effects like choline esters, central effects include arousal, excitation, headache, and tremors
-adverse effects: like choline esters, poisoning (shrooming) = mycetism - effects of a trip/sedative
-tx: pilocarpine-open-angle glaucoma, xerostomia muscarine - none
-cholinesterase reversible inhibitor
-binds to active site
-lasts 2-10 min
-cholinesterase reversible inhibitor
-under 2 step hydrolysis with a prolonged second step
lasts 1-6 hours
-can directly activate nicotinic receptors
-cholinesterase irrversible inhibitor
-bind to esteratic site
-aging=loss of alkyl group -> more stable bond
effects of cholinesterase inhibitors
-moderate doses: increased alertness, stimulation of various central activities, bradycardia, increased strength of muscle contraction
-high doses:confusion, ataxia, loss of reflexes, generalized convulsions, coma, central respiratory paralysis, marked brady and hypotensions, fasciculations, and neuromuscular blockade
pharmacokinteics of cholinesterase inhibitors
-tertiary amines _>good oral bioavail, enter CNS
-quaternary compounds-> low oral bioavail, dist to periphery,
-organophosphates -> very good oral bioavail, dist in all tissues, hydrolyzed by paraoxonases
-carbamates hydrolyzed by plasma esterases
-excreted by kidney
toxicity of cholinesterase inhibitors
-same as cholinomimetics + fatigue, muscle cramps, and fasiculations and cataracts
-death usually from primary resp failure
-tx: watch vital signs, treat convulsions with diazepam, give atropine, give cholinesterase reactivators
cholinesterase reactivatores
-oximes - high affinity for phosphorous atom = regenerate enzyme as long as it didn't age
-best seen at neuromuscular junction
low biovail, does not enter brain, halflife 1-1.5 hours
-toxicity:muscular weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea
-used to treat poisoning by organophosphate insecticides
therapeutic uses of cholinergic drugs
-open angle glaucoma: reduce intraocular pressure
-myasthenia gravis: to dx (edrophonium IV) AND to tx (neostigmine)
-xerostomia, postop nonobstructive ileus, postop and postpartum urinary retention, neurogenic bladder
-Alzheimer's (Donepezil) selective inhib of acetylcholinesterase in brain ->slows deterioration of cog function in early stages
-drugs for glaucoma
-carbachol, pilocarpine, physostigmine
-increase aq humor outflow
non-selective alpha agonists
-drugs for glaucoma
-decrease aq humor production
-increase aq humor outflow
selective alpha-2 agonist
-drugs for glaucoma
-decreased aq humor production
-drugs for glaucoma
-timolol and betaxolol
-decreased aq humor production
-drugs for glaucoma
-acetazolamide and dorzolamide
-decrease aq humor production
-increase aq humor outflow
prostaglandin analogs
-drugs for glaucoma
-increase aq humor outflow