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25 Cards in this Set

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The name for a collection of Confucius's sayings and one of the Four Books
The virtue of sincerity, or truthfulness
A primary energy or force that may be thought of as both material and spiritual in Western terms
Usually translated as "teaching" or sometimes as "religion"
A "noble person". SOmetimes translated as "honorable person", "superior person" or "gentlemen"
The elemental forces of the universe: water, earth, metal, fire, and wood
Five Agents (Five Elements)
the classical literature derived from a time preceding Confucius consisting of Book of Changes, Book of history, Book of poetry or Odes, Classic Rites(includes Ceremonials, Book of Rites, and Institutes of Chou), and the Spring-Autumn Annals
Five Classics
A primary Confucian concept that can be translated as humanity, human-heartedness, love, benovelence, altruism, and, in general, virtue. It is the general virtue out of which various moral virtues come.
Literally means ghosts and deities but is used in a variety of ways to indicate spiritual beings in general. In ancient times, shen usually referred to heavenly beings and kuei to spirits of deceased humans. Im popular religion, kuei means something like demons and she refers to good deities. In confucianism, kuei often refers to positive spiritual forces and shen to negative ones. Some hold that at death the hun becomes kuei and the p'o becomes shen.
Can be used to mean principle of conduct, rule of conduct, rules of propriety, good manners, civility, ceremonies, rituals, and rites. Philosophically when it is used in contrast to ch'i, it means principle, reason, law, order, or pattern
often translated at the Great Ultimate
Literally means the path along which one walks. As an abstract concept, it came to designate the right away. It can be used to refer to the right moral path or the right way to live as well as the way of nature of of heaven
Can refer to the sun or the sunny side of a slope. As an abstract principle, it came to designate anything positive, active, strong, male and creative.
Can refer to the moon or the shady side of a slope. As an abstract principle, it came to designate anything negative, passive, weak, female, and receptive.
Breathing techniques designed to promote a healthy and peaceful life.
Humans who have become deified. They may live on earth and/or the celestial realms. Some function as patrons of various professions and crafts
The ruler of the gods and supreme deity of popular Chinese religion
Jade Emperor
Legendary Chinese philosopher who supposedly authored the Tao Te Ching, a basic text in Taoism
Lao Tzu
A chinese form of exercise consisting of slow-motion ballet movements and cordinated breathing. Sometimes called chinese boxing
T'ai chi ch'iian
Literally means "no action" and is used by Taoists to describe how the Tao "acts" and how the ideal human should learn to act. Primarily refers to acting without force or artificial constraint
geo mancy-the chinese art of reading forces of yin and yang so as to determine the most beneficial locations for graves and houses
Fung Shui
Expression of T'iens will granting prosperity to virtuous rulers and cuttig short evil ones
Mandate of Heaven
heaven, the ultimate power that rules through the moral order
The classice of changes, ancient method of chinese divination based on 64 hexagrams
I Ching
techniques of reading and interpreting to operation of the sacred forces of nature and ancestors