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21 Cards in this Set

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Communist state on Asian mainland

People's Republic of China

Small island that today is one of Asian tigers, non/communist govt

The republic of China, Taiwan

Mao forms what by recruiting peasants

Red army

Who est. themselves in countryside of south-central China?

Red army

Who helped Mao train the red army with guerilla warfare?

Soviet union

Who is the civil war in China between?

The red army and nationalist

Nationalist and red army unite to repel who's invasion?


Maos communist were victorious in defeating the guomindang forces

China after WW2

Followers of the nationalist party fled to what?


Mao Zedong wanted to transform China from agricultural to...

Modern industrial nation

Under communism...

Literacy increased, old landlords & business classes deleted, & rural Chinese provided with healthcare

Maos one party dictatorship denied?

Peoples basic rights and freedom

What was the Great Leap Forward?

China increased agricultural and industrial output, it ultimately failed

Groups of people that live and work together


Mao launched what to renew people's loyalty?

Cultural Revolution

What did Mao fear?

Revolutionary peasants and workers being replaced by intellectuals in ruining country

What was the red guard?

Students from schools and universities throughout China that attacked professors, govt. officials, & factory managers

What would deng xiapings leadership bring?

More economic freedom but little political change

To make China more productive xiaping did what?

Promoted foreign trade and more contact with western nations

Govt. willing to grant economic reforms but not political ones, protestors in bejing occupied square

Tiananmen Square

Goal of policy was to make sure that population growth didn't outpace population development

One-child policy