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20 Cards in this Set

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Earliest Civiliz.?
Shang near Yellow River 200 B.C.
Yellow River? List four things about it?
Yellow soil (loess)
Created Fertile Farming Land
96% Chinese people love near
Flooding Kill many
Chinese Gov. it was a what?
Abs.Monarchy (Emperor)
1st emperor in a family/dynasty uses froce to gain power
What is the mandate of Heaven?
God Chooses or approves of ruler/ruling family
Future emperors gain power how?
inherit power from family (&start a dynasty)
How do emperor lose control?
When people revolt
God shouws disapproval of your family (natural Disater)
Chou Dynastry ruled during what Time?
The time of warring states
Emperor's what control various regions of china on the emperor's behalf?
Nobles are to help emperor keep his power what did they do to not?
ignore emperor
fight each other for control of china
young people are taught what?
to respect thier elder's
Who is the leader of the family?
the oldest man
How are women treated?
women are inferior
women only improve staus by having sons
The three ways of life how were they used?
to unite China and end civil wars of the Chou Dynasty
What is Confuciuts?
improve relationships with in the family and gov.
what are the reiatioships?
ruler and subject
each relationship improved by what?1
What is Taoists?
Humans should follow the way (follow the way of the trutle)
How are you to do this?
Accept things as they are dont fight destiny and natural laws
What is Legalists?
Gov. should be more strict and punish harshliy (cut nose off for no passport)
What does it control?
Control ideas (burn books)