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12 Cards in this Set

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What is the modern western view of childhood-how to they see the differences in childhood?

-Childhood is seen as a special time of life and children are seen as different to adults

-Children are seen as physically and mentally different immature and need a lengthy period of protection of nurturing and socialisation before being ready for adult society and its responsibilities

What does Pilcher argue about the western view of childhood?

Pilcher-the most important idea is separateness. Childhood is seen as a clear distinct life stage which is emphasised through difference in dress, products and services.

-This life stage is seen as the 'golden age' where children need the most protection from the dangers of the adult world

What is a critiscm for the modern western view and who argues this?

-Wagg-childhood is different in other cultures and countries.

-Childhood is not universal.

- Other cultures do not see such a great difference between children and adults.

-Child labour still occurs in some countries.

What is globalisation of western childhood and what does this mean?

-The western view on childhood is becoming globalised

-these views are: separate life stages, schools, nuclear families, children depend on the adults

-They do this by campaigning against child labour and schools in developing countries.

Explain Aries view of the historical differences of childhood?

-He argues that in the Middle Ages there was no real distinction between children and adults. Children entered the wider society from an early stage and the law made no distinction between adults and children and shared the same severe punishments

-Aries shows this through an painting of this time period. This painting suggests that the adults and children share the same characteristics and there is no distinction, they all dress and act the same.

However what does Aries say about the changing society in the modern cult of childhood?

-elements of the modern society started to emerge such as schools for children. This influenced the church and they began to have the view that children were fragile 'creatures of god' in need of protection.

-he argues we have moved from the world that did not see childhood to a world which is obsessed with childhood.

Give some reasons for the changes in the position of children during the 19th-20th centuries?

-Laws restricting child labour-now children are not seen as an economic liability

-Declining family size-'child centredness'

-Laws and policies that specifically apply to children eg smoking, alcohol, sex-reinforces the difference in adulthood and childhood.

What is the disappearance of childhood and who argues this?

Postman- childhood is 'disappearing at a dazzling speed' this is due to tv culture

-children have growing similarities to adults such as clothing and children even committing crimes like murder

-TV blurs the hierarchy and the boundary between the two life stages is broken

*compared to the middle ages this didn't occur so this is the main reason for the disappearance of childhood

Who criticises Postman and what do they argue?

Jenks-he believed childhood is changing not disappearing

-society is going under change from modernity to post modernity and now relationships are more unstable-due to more divorce

-divorce generates feelings of instability and the parents are more cautious and protective due to this.

-Childhood continues as there is still laws separated adulthood and childhood.

What is the March of Progress view on childhood?

-Today's children are valued, better cared for and protected

-children are protected from exploitation due to laws of child abuse and child labour

-There are specialised services eg, NSPCC

-More child centeredness now meaning that parents can now afford to provide for their child's needs

Give criticisms(the conflict view) for the March of Progress view of childhood?

-based on an idealised image and it ignores important inequalities in society

-inequalities among class, gender

-inequalities between children and adults-too much oppression and dependency on adults

in essay give details of social class and gender class underachievement**** aruuuf

What is toxic childhood? Who argues this

Give evidence to support

Sue Palmer

-against view that childhood is now better

-toxic childhood

-rapid tech and cultural changes in the past 25 years has damaged children's emotional, physical and intellectual development

*Eg junk food, computer games, education (exam factory)

*UK youth has above averages in obesity, self harm, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and early sexual behaviour and teen pregnancies