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40 Cards in this Set

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Thinking specifically of the head, what is the difference between children and adults?
*Children are top heavy
*Children have thin cranial bones
*A childs brain is highly vascular
*Children have excessive spinal mobility
List the terms for altered states of consciousness.
What are some clinical manifestations of a decline in a child's LOC?
*Awake, aler, appropriate
*Slight disorientation
*Restless. fussy irritable
*Drowsy but still responds to loud/painful stimuli
*Decorticate or decerebrate posturing
What would cause decorticate or decerebrate popsturing in a child with a head injury?
Dysfunction of the mid brain or cerebrel cortex.
What should be considered when using the Glasgow Coma scale on a child?
The child's age.
Why would someone use the pediatric glasgow coma scale?
The quantify the LOC.
When assessing a child with a head injury, what should a nurse assess?
*LOC, breathing patterns, VS
*Cranial nerves
*Color - note cyanosis
What would be cause for a neurological emergency?
No pupillary reaction.
What is one significant nursing management in the care of a child with a head injury?
Provide emotional support to parents.
What could a nurse do for sensory stimulation in a child with a head injury?
*Bed side music
*1 mo old - hold them
*Tape parents voice telling a story
What is the most common injury in childhood?
Head trauma.
What is primary head trauma?
It occurs ath the time of the insult.
What is secondary head trauma?
Body's response to initial injury due to hypoxia, hemorrhage, edema.
List some clinical manifestations for a child with mild head injury.
*Remain conscious or may lose it for <5 min.
List some clinical manifestations for a child with moderate head injury.
Loss of consciousness for 5-10 min.
List some clinical manifestations for a child with severe head injury.
*Usually unconscious >than 10 min
*May show signs of increases ICP.
In regards to head injury, is it a medical emergency if a child starts vomiting or losing consciousness?
What would indicate a fracture at the base of the skull of a child?
Drainage from the nose (blood) and blood from the ears.
What three things would a nursedo to manage a child with a head injury?
What is most important when caring for a child with spinal cord injury (SCI)?
Immobilization to prevent further damage.
Name two ways to maintain perfusion.
List some clinical manifestations of SCI.
*Multiple trauma
*Increased ICP
*Respiratory depression
*Neurogenic schock
*Spinal shock
What is SCIWORA?
Initial films or CT show no bony deformity and the child is believed to be free of injury. Profound or progressive paralysis is found in 48 hours.
What drugs are used to manage SCI?
What is cerebral palsy (CP)?
Non-progressive motor and posture dysfunction due to brain anoxia.
Whar are clinical manifestations of CP?
*Delay in fine and gross motor skills
*Poor vision
*Hearing loss
*Cognitive deficits
*Speech or language delays
Is the diagnosis of CP sometimes delayed until age 3?
No, age 2.
What is Baclofen?
A muscle relaxant.
What are some side effects of Baclofen?
*Pump may malfunction
*Occlusion in catheter
Whar are 2 types of surgery to treat CP?
What is the purpose of orthopedic surgery for CP?
*Achieve greater movement and leg control
*Correct extremity deformities
What is the purpose of neurolgical surgery for CP?
Improve PROM, spacticity, and gait.
Name a specific neurological surgery for CP.
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR)
What are some ways a nurse can manage CP?
*Adequate nutrition
*Maintain skin integrity
*Promote physical mobility
*Promote safety
*Provide emotional support
What is an important detail when considering the diet of a child with CP?
The temperature of the food.
What is respite care?
A place kids can go so parents can have a break.
What causes hydrocephalus?
*Structural deformity
List some clinical manifestation of hydrocephalus.
*Large head
*Prominent scalp veins
*Translucent skin on forehead
*Wide palpable suture lines
What is spina bifida?
A neural tube defect that affects the head and spinal column - incomplete closure.
List some clinical manifestation of SB.
*The higher the deformity the greater the neurological dysfunction
*Sac-like protruding on the neonates back