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38 Cards in this Set

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Physical development starts right after ...
Most change in height and weight between ages....
18 months to 2 years
cephalocaudal principle
head and trunk develop first
increase acquiring of fat during the this time...
year, year and a half
-normally proportioned but short stature
-can be treated
-can give child steroids (synth. hormon)
-impacts development
-40% baby's energy goes directly to physical growth
-very high caloric intake
-1/3 under 5 y/o is malnourished
-results in lower IQ
-inability to sustain attention
-baby not as responsive (save energy)
1) Pneumonia
2) measles
3) malaria
4) Diarrhea
5) Malnutrition
-Car accidents: #1 cause of death
-car seat not installed properly (90%)
-8 y/o or 80 lbs (restrained)
Brain Development
-neuron: basic unit of brain/nervous sys
-receive and transmit all information
-3 parts:
-cell body, dendrite(rec), axon(sends)

-terminal button: releases neuro transmitter

-brain made up of millions synapses

-Not specialized early in life:
-more resilient when not specializ.
-safeguards against injury
-Thought to be EVOLUTIONARY
Synaptic Pruning
-begins after first birthday
-gets rid of synapses to make room for new synapse
Cerebral Cortex
-controls higher level thinking (front)
-L & R side connected to axons

-Corpus Collosum:
-communication btwn L & R
Frontal Cortex
-last structures developed in utero
-locomotion, reflexes, posture & balance, visual cues, percetion
-Locomotion: move about the world

-Reflexes: unlearned responses triggered by a stimuli

-Posture/Balance: maintain requires coordination of many diff. skills

-Vis. Cues: what's up, down, sideways, etc.
-helps to stay upright
-inner-ear mechanism to maintain equilibrium
-stepping: doesn't happen til 10 mo
-must be in place before they have posture/balance

Perception: what they will be walking/moving on
Reach for objects
-4 months
-fluidness comes w/ age

-By 7-8mo: integration of thumbs
Solid, hand-held, finger foods
-6 months
introduce utensils
-by 1 year
-muscles in wrist/fingers develops

-2yrs: rotate wrist
strongest sense in infants
-sense of smell
-memory and smell connected
Newborn hearing
-good for orientation/placement
-but not attuned

-best in pitches in the range of the human voice
Newborn sight
-at birth, responds to light & tracks moving objects

-1mo: see at 20ft what an adult can see at 200-400ft

-3-4mo: see colors

-1yr: see what we see
integration of all senses
-1 year
-started as a biologist

-Theory: children always trying to make sense of the world. They are curious and want to create meaning to make the wold predictable (safe)

Mental Schemas
-filing cabinet in the brain
-as we grow, we experience more
-Assimilation: new experiences incorporated into existing shemas
-Accomodation: schema modified based on experience
-Disequilibrium: info doesn't fit into schema, question, change


Four Stages in Cognition
-Sensorimotor: Birth-2yrs
-all child's knowledge based on senses and motor skills
-ends when child does mental representation (symbols)
-Benchmark --> Using gestures

-Preoperational Thought: 2-6yrs
-egocentric, only see from own perspective
-begin using symbols, gestures, alphabet, numbers

-Concrete Operational Thought: 7-11
-using some logic, math operations
-focus on the "here and now"
-very concrete

-Formal Operational Thought: adoles
-abstract, hypothetical thinking
-discussion of things that haven't happend to them

Four stages in cognition
-Sensorimotor substages
Sub1: investigate world thru senses
(1 month)
-starts w/ reflexes to stimuli

-Primary Circular Reaction (1-4mo)
-discovery by accident

-Secondary Circ. Reaction(4-8mo)
-start to repeat actions
-Tertiary Circ. Reaction (12-18mo)
-doing old actions in new ways
Information Processing Theory
-Popular in the 60s
-equate human thinking to computer
-hardware and software
-Sensory: info. held in raw, unanalyzed form, briefly
-senses interpret data and pass it on

-Working: site of ongoing cog. activity
-stores and interprets which program needed for data in...

-Long-term: permanent storage of all knowledge you have
-forget? no, just difficult to retrieve
-memory working even when we're not trying to remember
-enable learning
-Orienting Response: when presented with strong, unfamiliar stimulus
-everything is new exper. to infants

-diminishes response to stimulus because it's familiar
-constant exposure to certain stim.
Classical Conditioning
-neutral stimulus elicits response that was originally produced by another, unconditioned response
Operant Conditioning
-relationship btwn behavior and consequence and likelihood the behavior with reoccur
-2-3 weeks
-learn by watching others
Infantile Amnesia
-inability to remember every in early life
-not until 3-4 years
-Why? no language to represent the past
-child doesn't have a sense of self which aids in organization of memory

Implanted Memory: pics, stories, etc
Bailey Scales for infants
-does not translate to adult IQ

Cognitive Ability:
-not seen until 8yr (confidently) but gives an idea of their strengths and skill groups
-begins at birth (crying)
-1yr: starting words (defined) "mama"
-2yr: couple 100 words

-to learn language, must be able to perceive it
-distinguish basic speech sounds (PHONEMES) --> sounds put together to make words

-even before infants can make sounds, they can distinguish them
-identify recurring patterns of sound
-begin to pay attention (7-8mo)
-identify parent w/ the name
-pay attention to stressed syllables
-start to notice what syllables go together (make connections)

Infant Directed Speech:
-sing-song, slowly, change pitch
-keep the child's attention
Perceiving and expressing

-receptive vs. expressing
-2mo: lang. based sounds come out
-cooing; vowel type sounds
-5-6mo: babbling, speech-like
-7mo: inflection, rising and falling of pitch (intenation)
-connection btwn perceptions and production of speech
-1yr: babbling more concise
-signifies that sounds make words that refer to objects
-symbols and actions used
-vocab grows quickly when they realize words symbolize things
-15mo: learn 2/3 words/week
-18mo: "naming explosion"
-naturally curious "what's that?"
-Fast Mapping: connect new words to objects quickly
-Joint Attention: strategy
-let kid tell you what they know
Born with basic emotions
-Subjective Feeling
-Physiological Change
-Overt Behavior (eg:smile, frown)

-complex--> pride, embarrassment
-requires eval. of situation
-basic emotions can be viewed on your face
-Face: behavioral manifestation
-Subjec. Feeling and Physiological:
-based on individual
-cultures show emot. in same ways
Basic emotions

happiness, negative, fear
Happiness: first weeks, smiling
-2-3mo: social smiles
-4mo: smile w/ baby laugh
-1yr: laugh when you are silly
Early stages linked to physical

-anger emerges gradually (4-6mo)
-usually comes from frustration

-6mo (first signs) stranger anxiety
-depends on how familiar environment is and the behavior of the stranger
-fear of strangers when child becomes mobile (instinctive)
-declines as they become toddlers

6-7mo: start to distinguish facial expressions
-become proficient with time

1-2yr: complex emotions
-must have some understanding of themselves/"self"

-Imitate emot. of adults (SOC CUES)
-babies use other people to direct their behavior (SOCIAL REFERENCING)
-regulate their behavior
Behavioral Disorders
ADHD: difficulty regulating behavior