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14 Cards in this Set

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three main types of tests

routine tests

screening tests

diagnostic tests

routine tests:

carried out regulary during anmtenatal visits

eg) blood tests, blood pressure, height and weight

what do rotuine tests test for?

blood tests- hiv, rhesus factor, blood sugar, anaemia...

urine tests- protein, glucose, ketnones

weight- loss=baby may have stopped growing

gain= sign of pre-eclampsia

blood pressure- pre-eclampsia

screening tests ( are done at specific times during pregnancy) a type of risk assessment


ultrasound scans


serum screening

nuchal translucency test

ultra sound scan:

usually given at 11-13 weeks and 18-23 weeks

checks) confirms edd, see how many babies there are, checks if baby is growing normally, see if chance of downs syndrome

advantages and disadvantages of scans:

a- very safe, enjoyable, exciting, encourages parents to bond with their baby early in pregnancy

d- accuracy depends on machine quality and skill, it dosent always pick up possible heart problems

AFP tests is done between the 15th-18th week to check how much alphafetoprotein is in the womens blood

high afp- women more than 18 weeks pregs, may be more than one baby, may spina biffida

low afp- less than 15 weeks pregs, may have downs syndrome

diagnostic tests are only done if the screenining tests come back bad, done to specify if the baby has a specific abnormality

usually done with an ultrasound scan

include: cvs, cordocentesis and amniocentisis

amnio- centis

offered to women over the age of 37

15th-17th week of pregs

needle collects amniotic fluid

detcts: downs syndrome, viral infections, gender, spina bifida

a and d

a- if an abnormality is detected it gives the parents time to prepare, may sort out problems in the uterus, option to terminate

d- takes 2-5 weeks to get results which can be v worrying, punctures membrane- risk of miscarriage, at 20 weeks requires labour


offered when other tests show a high risk of an abnormality, takes s sample of the babies blood from the umbilical cord

it can detect: blood disaeses, rhesus disaese

a and d

a- does not require anaesthetic, results within 24 hours

d- 1-2% chance of miscariiage, small risk of infection, can only be done later on in the pregnancy


widely available to women between 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, takes sample of placenta offered when other tests indicate a higher risk of abnormality

also detects cf

a and d

a- results are usually known within 5-10 days, gives parents time to prepare

d- 1-2% chance of miscarriage