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25 Cards in this Set

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What does The Theory of Steinitz
says about a preliminary before attacking beginning ?
Should not at once seek to attack. Instead, seek to disturb the equilibrium to your favour by inducing the opponent to make an error.
What does The Theory of Steinitz
says about equilibrium ?
As long as the equilibrium is maintained, an attack, however skilful, cannot succeed against correct defence.

Such a defence will eventually necessitate the withdrawal and regrouping of the attacking pieces and the attacker will then inevitably suffer disadvantage.
What does The Theory of Steinitz
says about winning in chess ?
Correct play on both sides maintains this equilibrium and leads to a drawn game. Therefore a player can win only as a consequence of an error made by the opponent. (There is no such thing as a winning move.)
When does The Theory of Steinitz say about when and where player must attack ?
When a sufficient advantage has been obtained, a player must attack or the advantage will be dissipated."
The right to attack belongs to that side which has a positional advantage, and this is not only a right, but also a duty, otherwise there is the risk of losing the advantage. The attack is to be directed against the weakest spot in the opposing position.
What does The Theory of Steinitz
says about defending ?
The defending side must be prepared to defend and make concessions, e.g making a weakening pawn move. However, the defender should avoid making concessions until forced, and then should make only the minimum concession necessary to meet the threats.
How does one improve in Chess ?
"You improve (and your rating goes up) when you 1) learn a new pattern or principle or 2) when you identify a mistake and are able to avoid repeating it - not when you win a bunch of games." = adding positives and subtracting negatives. Figuring out how to identify and avoid repeating mistakes is one of the best things you can do!
How else does one improve in Chess ?
"Play mostly opponents 100-200 points higher than you - you need to be punished for your mistakes so you won't make them again.".
What's the right attitude to learn chess ?
"Play as much as you can, especially slow chess - it helps you develop board vision."

"*Don't be afraid of losing. Be afraid of playing a game and not learning something." Losing can be a great motivator if it helps you identify and correct things you are doing that cause the loss.

"A good game is one where you learn something!"
What's the right attitude to win a game ?
"Don't play a game or even a move if you don't feel like trying your best."

You improve the most if you seek out the strongest competition, learn from your mistakes, but always play with confidence, win or lose.

Fight hard every move - or resign! Always play your best...

"If it wins, do it!" Don't worry about all the other guidelines on this page. You can make a complete mess of your position if you checkmate first or get up enough material.
Is Chess good for the brain ?
"Chess is good for the brain - even for adults - no one has ever seen a senile chess player!"
General though process , if you see a ..... ?
"If you see a good move, look for a better one - you are trying to find the BEST one."
What's Real Chess ?
"In 'Real Chess' you make sure you can meet all of your opponent's threats before he makes them; otherwise, it is 'Hope Chess.'"
What's Hope Chess ?
Hope Chess is not when you make a threat and you hope your opponent does not see it. Hope chess is when you make a move, wait for what your opponent does, and then hope you can meet his threats.

"If you play a bad move and hope your opponent plays a worse one, that is not Hope Chess - that is bad (or "hopeful") chess!"
What must I assume from my opponent ?
"Always assume your opponent will make his best move. Never make a bad move and hope your opponent will make a worse one."
But...When your opponent makes a move you have to assume it might be a mistake. So check to see if your opponent's previous move is safe, whether it no longer guards a piece, etc.
Players that play Hope Chess ..?
Players that play Hope Chess will never get very good because some threats cannot be met."
What really is Chess ?
"*Playing chess is primarily a series of puzzles, move after move, where you have to take your time and solve the puzzle: 'What is the best move?'"

"The primary goal of most moves is to make the best move you can find, given the time constraints."

"The final, main part of a good thought process is proving that the move you think you are going to make results in a better position (assuming opponent's best play) than any other candidate move does!"
What must be done before one moves ?
"Write your move down before you make it and then take a fresh look around to look for the most obvious errors." This is called a Sanity Check.

One move is only better than another if, considering your opponent's best replies, it leads to a position that is better than the position to which the other move leads.
What about playing with time constrains ?
Pace yourself to use almost all your time every game." - this is an underrated and VERY IMPORTANT skill!

A major time management goal is to identify critical moves and allocate more time to these.
In general, the more tactical the position, the more critical it is, the more precise analysis is required, and slow play is required. Alternately, the less tactics in a position, the less critical it likely is, the more general principles can be used, and you can play relatively quickly.

Your judgement won't improve in 10 minutes but your analysis should, so save your time for critical/tactical moves.
What Never do ?
Never play a bad move fast! (Unless you are in time trouble)
It only takes one bad move to lose a game. So be careful on every move!
What are the most important principles ?
*"The most important principle in chess is SAFETY; second is ACTIVITY; everything else on the board is relatively unimportant."

"Don't worry about winning or losing - worry about taking your time to find your best move every move."
If one is Losing a game ?
"If you are losing and no longer are going to try to make your best move every move, resign and do something better with your time, like going over your game with your opponent or a good player."

"The a-file is always on White's left - the first rank is always in front of White."
In the beginning one should play like ...?
In the middle ...?
In the end ... ?
"In the opening a player should play like a book, in the middle like a magician, and in the ending like a machine."
When a choices of Capturing with tow pawns one should ?
"If you can capture with more than one pawn, usually capture toward the center." This is especially true if the capture was on a knight (b or g) file.
What are The only three times you should make a threat ?
When your opponent meets the threat (which he almost always will), the result is that your threatening move does more for you than his defending move does for him (i.e., the threat and reply is a net positive, or at least even, result for you. Otherwise you are making a bad gamble your opponent will not make his best move.), or

When the threat cannot be met, or

When you are losing badly; in this case you need to give your opponent opportunities to make key decisions so he might blunder and let you back in the game.
How to trade off pieces ?
"Trade off your bad pieces/pawns for your opponent's good pieces/pawns."

"If it wins, do it!" Don't worry about all the other guidelines on this page. You can make a complete mess of your position if you checkmate first or get up enough material.

Donald Byrne rule: "If you see what looks like a mate, but instead you can easily win a lot of material, just take the material and mate later."