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37 Cards in this Set

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What is an atom?
It's the smallest unit of life
What is a molecule?
Two or more atoms
What is a pure substance?
It's made up of only one type of particle
What is a mixture?
It contains at least two different subsances (homo or hetero)
What is an element?
It's a pure substance formed by one type of atom
What are compounds?
It's a pure substance formed by 2 or more atoms combined
What is a homogeneous mixture?
To the naked eye there appears to be onlyone substance
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
to the naked eye or through a microscope 2 substances ormore can be distinguished
What is quantitative?
#s something that requires an instrument to measure
What is qualitative?
Something observed that requires only the use of your senses
What are physical properties?
Are those we can observe or measure without changing the nature of the substance
What are chemical properties?
Describe how two properties react with eachother.
What is a non-characteristic property?
it's a physical or chemical prperty that cannot be used to identify a specific substance
What is a characteristic property?
It's a physical or chemical property that can be used to identify a specific substance
What is density?
It measures the amount of matter in a given space
What is solubility?
It's the property that indicates the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given volume of solvent to make a saturated solution.
What is the effect of temp. on solubility?
When the temp. of the solvent increasesthe solubility increases because the solvent particles are moving much fasterand leaving more room for the solute particles.
What is solute?
Solute is the substance that is dissolved by the solvent
What is a solvent?
The solvent is a substance in which a solute is dissolved
What is a solution?
a substance that contains a solute and a solvent
What is concentration?
The concentration of a solution is the ratio of the amount of solute to the total quantity of solution
What is an aqueous solution?
A solution where the solvent is water
What is a physial change?
something that doesn't change the nature of the substance
What is a chemical change?
something that does change the nature of teh substance
What is dissolution?
It's teh action of thoroughly mixing one or more solutes with a solvent to form a solution
What are the factors that affect the rate of dissolution?
1. temp.
2. contact surface=sugar cube=less fast than grains
3. Stirring, by stirrig we speed up the mouvement of the particles, facillitating dissolution
What is a synthesis reaction?
It occurs when two or more reactants combine to form a neew product (x+y=xy)
What is decomposition?
It occurs when a compound breaks down into two or more substances (xy=x+y)
What is oxidation?
oxidation occurs when a substance combines with one or more oxygen atoms
What is precipitation?
Occurs when two or more substances in a solution interact to form an insoluble or slightly soluble compound in a new solution.
what is energy?
energy is necessary to produce work or motionmeasured in joules (j)
What is chemical energy?
it's the form of energy contained in chemmical bonds that keeps the atoms of molecules together
What is mechanical energy?
It's the form of energy related to themovement of a body or it's position in space
What is thermal energy?
It's the form of energy in a body caused by inner motion of it's particles
What is radiant energy?
It's the form of energy contained in light and other waves.
What is a particle model?
-it links several observations
-it is easy to understand
-it explains the reality it represents and predicts new phenomena
-It can be improved: it can be modified with the advent of new knowledge
What is in a particle model?
1. all matter is composed of tiny particles
2. each pure substance has it's own specific type of particle
3.particles are naturally attracted to eachother
4.particles are in constant motion
5.particles with a higher temp. move faster on av. than those of a lower temp.