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18 Cards in this Set

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What are the states of matter?

Solid, liquid, gas (plasma)

Definitions of matter and Chemistry

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space Chemistry is the study of matter and how it behave

Describe the difference between extensive and intensive properties of matter

Extensive properties - depend on how much matter we have eg mass or volume Intensive properties - depend on the type of matter we have eg colour,

What are physical properties? Give examples

Descriptive properties Give examples colour, density, boiling pt etc

What are chemical properties? Give example.

The ability to undergo a specific chemical change is called a chemical property. example. Iron nail rusting

Give examples of chemical changes and physical changes.

physical change involves a change in shape or a change in state of a substance, eg tearing paper, melting ice,

chemical change has occurred when new substances with new properties are formed. – color change, precipitate forms, gas give off, change in energ

Matter can be divided into two type of matter. What are they? What is the difference between them.

Pure substances - uniform and definite composition or pure substance is matter in which the particles that make it up are all of the same kind

Mixtures - composition can vary, mixture contains more than one kind of particle.

Explain the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

The particles in a heterogeneous mixture are not evenly distributed and individual particles are often distinguishable.

The individual particles of a homogeneous mixture are evenly distributed and cannot be easily separated.

Explain the difference between elements and compounds

Element is the simplest form of matter that has a unique set of properties.

Compounds are pure substances that contain two or more different atoms joined chemically in a fixed proportion

What are the main points of the kinetic molecular theory

particle move independently of each other, constantly, at random, in straight lines until they hit another particle or the walls of the container, all collisions are perfectly elastic

What does vaporization mean

Liquid to gas

What does fusion (melting) mean

Solid to liquid

What does condensation (liquefaction) mean

Gas to liquid

What does solidification (freezing) mean

Liquid to solid

What does sublimation mean

Solid to gas

What does deposition mean

Gas to solid

What is the difference between boiling and evaporation?

Boiling – vaporization occurs throughout the liquid,

Evaporation - vaporization only occurs at the surface

What is the definition of the boiling point of water?

the temperature at which atmospheric pressure equals the liquids vapour pressure.