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62 Cards in this Set

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What are the columns elements in the periodic table arranged in called?


Compounds are...

different atoms joined together (2+)

Elements contain...

only one type of atom

The nucleus of an atom contains...
Protons and neutrons
The number of electrons orbiting the nucleus is the same number as...
The number of protons in the nucleus
What charge do protons have?
What is the atomic number?
The number of protons in an atom of an element.
Number of neutrons =
Mass number – atomic number
Each she'll represents a different...
Energy level
What are the first three elements in group 1?
1. Lithium 2. Sodium 3. Potassium
What is limestone used for?
Building materials
When thermally decomposed, what does calcium carbonate produce?
Calcium oxide (quicklime) + carbon dioxide
Quicklime + water –>
Slaked lime
What is slaked lime?
Calcium hydroxide
How is cement made?
Powdered limestone is heated in a kiln with powdered clay.
How do you make mortar?
Cement is mixed with sand and a water.
How do you make concrete?
Cement mixed with sand, water and gravel to make concrete.
Negatives of quarrying limestone
"• noisy

• dusty

• destroys habitats of animals and birds

• waste materials produce unsightly tips

• permanently changes the landscape"

Advantages of limestone quarrying
"1) provides building materials for houses and roads

2) provides chemicals for dyes, paints and medicines

3) limestone neutralises acidic soil and acid lakes/rivers

4) provides jobs

5) local improvements in transport, roads

6) landscaping & restoration of area is required"

Properties of metals
"1) Strong 2) malleable3) good conductors of electricity"
What bonding do metals have?
A metal ore is...
...a mineral which contains enough metal to make it worthwhile extracting the metal out of it
How is copper purified?
By electrolysis.
What group is copper in?
Transition metals
Why is copper ideal for electrical wires?
Because it is a good conductor of electricity.
Why is copper good for plumbing?
Because it's below hydrogen in the reactivity series it doesn't react with water.
How is copper easily extracted?
By reduction with carbon.
Why is it important to recycle as much copper as possible?
The supply of copper–rich ores is limited
How is copper separated from copper sulfide?
Bacteria is used. They get their energy from the bond between copper and sulfur, separating out copper from the ore in the process.
What does sulfur gas cause?

acid rain

Metals higher than carbon in the reactivity series are extracted by?


Metals below carbon in the reactivity series can be extracted by?

reduction using carbon

How are impurities removed from pure iron?

in a blast furnace

What is low carbon steel used for and why?
It is used for car bodies because it can be easily shaped.
What is high carbon steel used for and why?
It is used for blades for cutting tools because it is very hard and inflexible.
What is stainless steel used for and why?
It is used for cutlery & containers for corrosive substances because it is rust–resistant.
Why are alloys harder than pure metals?
Because the different sized atoms upset the layers making it difficult for them to slide over each other.
Why is aluminium corrosion resistant?
The aluminium reacts quickly with the air to form aluminium oxide. This sticks firmly to the aluminium below and stops any further reactions taking place.
What can aluminium be used for?
"1. Window frames

2. Electricity cables

3. Aircraft "

Properties of aluminium
"1. Low density

2. Corrosion–resistant "

Why is it important to recycle metals?

"1. Fossil fuels are running out so need to conserve them

2. Recycling metals only uses a small fraction of the energy needed to mine and extract new metals.

3. Recycling saves money

4. Finite amount of metals in the earth

5. Cuts down on landfill rubbish "

Alternative power supplies to crude oil.
Nuclear power, wind power, ethanol–powered cars & solar energy
Is non–renewable energy more or less reliable than renewable energy?
More reliable.
When fossil fuels are burnt, what is released into the atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide and water vapour
How can you reduce the amount of sulfur being released into the atmosphere?
"1. Power stations have acid gas scrubbers

2. Catalytic converters in cars

3. Reduce the usage of fossil fuels. "

Pros and cons of ethanol being used by plants
"Pros: deemed carbon neutral and only other product is water

Cons: engines need to be converted before they'll work & ethanol isn't widely available. "

Pros and cons of using biogas as an alternative fuel.
"Pros: waste material is readily available and cheap and is 'carbon neutral'

Cons: biogas production is slow in cool weather "

Pros and cons of using hydrogen gas as an alternative fuel.
"Pros: only product is water so is a very clean fuelCons: need a special and expensive engine & it isn't widely available. It is also very hard to store."
When diesel is cracked, what are the three products?
"1. Petrol

2. Paraffin

3. Ethene"

Conditions needed for cracking

Powdered catalyst (aluminium oxide) at high temperatures (400c–700c)

Alkenes have a...
Double carbon=carbon bond
How is ethanol produced by ethene?
Reacted with steam. Needs 300c pressure and pressure. Catalyst is phosphoric acid.
Where does biodiesel come from?
Plant crops
How are unsaturated oils hydrogenated?
The can be hardened by reacting them with hydrogen in the presence of a nickel catalyst at 60 degrees
Why are hydrogenated oils useful as spreads?
Because they have higher melting points than unsaturated oils so they're would at room temperature
Benefits of food additives
"1. Help food stay fresh

2. Make food look and taste better

3. Emulsifiers and stabilisers stop emulsions from separating"

How can artificial colours be detected?
By chromatography
Negatives of food additives
"1. Some people think that some synthetic food colourings make children hyperactive

2. Some people are allergic to some additives

3. Some additives aren't suitable for vegetarians. "

Wegener came up with what theory?
Continental drift
What is continental drift?
"Pangea Broke apart Drifting away "
Why wasn't Wegener's theory accepted?
"1. He has used inaccurate data in his calculations

2. He wasn't a geologist

3. He thought that the continents were ploughing through the sea bed "

What are the different layers of the earth?
"Inner core

Outer core



Atmosphere "