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69 Cards in this Set

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2. Powder, Yellowness, Magnets
c. Mixture
3. Which is a chemical change?
4. Physical change?
glue gun melts glue stick
9. heterogeneous mixture
periodic chart
Basic research is usually performed
a. to develop new products
b. to understand an environmental problem
c. to gain knowledge
d. to solve a particular problem
A state of matter in which a material has no definite shape but has a definite volume is the ____ state.
a. gas
b. liquid
c. plasma
d. solid
A solid substance is
a. always frozen regardless of its container
b. always a crystal regardless of its container.
c.always the same shape regardless of its container
d. always losing particles regardless of its container
Plasma is the fourth state of matter. In the plasma state
a. atoms gain electrons
b. atoms lose electrons
c. atoms form molecules
d. atomic nuclei break down
All of the following are steps in the scientific method except
a. observing and recording data
b. forming a hypothesis
c. discarding data
d. developing a model based on experimential results
The symbols for units of length in order from largest to smallest are
a. m, cm, mm, km
b. mm, m, cm, km
c. km, mm, cm, m
d. km, m, cm, mm
The density of an object is calculated by
a. multiplying its mass times its volume
b. dividing its mass by its volume
c. dividing its volume by its mass
d. adding its mass to its volume
What is the density of 37.72g of material whose volume is 6.80 cm^3?
a. 0.180g/cm^3
b. 5.55 g/cm^3
c. 30.9 g/cm^3
d. 256 6?cm^3
If 1 inch equals 2.54 g/cm, how many centimeters equal 1 yard?
a. 0.0706 cm
b. 14.2 cm
c. 30.5 cm
d. 91.4 cm
A numerical result is said to have good precision if
a. it agrees closely with an accepted value
b. repeated measurements agree closely
c. it has a small number of significant figures
d. it is a large whole number
If repeated measurements agree closely but differ widely from the accepted value, these measurements are
a. neither precise nor accurate
b. accurate, but not precise
c. both precise and accurate
d. precise, but not accurate
For numbers less than 0.1, such as 0.06, the zeros to the right of the decimal point but before the first nonzero digit
a. are significant
b. show the decimal place of the first digit
c. show that the zero on the left side of the decimal is not significant
d. show uncertainty
The number of significant figures in the measurement 2010 cm is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Which of these measurements has only nonsignificant zeros?
a. 0.0037 mL
b. 60.0 mL
c. 400. mL
d. 506 mL
Three samples of 1.12 g, 1.8 g, and 1.562 g are mixed together. The combined mass of the three samples, expressed to the correct number of significant figures, would be recorded as
a. 4.4 g
b. 4.48 g
c. 4.482 g
d. 4.5 g
The product of 13 cm and 5.7 cm is correctly reported as
a. 74 cm^2
b. 74.0 cm^2
c. 74.1 cm^2
d. 75 cm^2
What is 1.245 633 501 x 10^8 rounded to four significant figures?
a. 1246
b. 1.2456 x 10^8
c. 1.246 x 10^8
d. 1.246 x 10^4
When 1.92 x 10^ -6 kg is divided by 6.8 x 10^2 mL, the quotient equals
a. 2.8 x 10^ -4 kg/mL
b. 2.8 x 10^ -5 kg/mL
c. 2.8 x 10^ -8 kg/mL
d. 2.8 x 10^ -9 kg/mL
When 6.02 x 10^23 is multiplied by 9.1 x 10^ -31, the product is
a. 4.3 x 10^ -8
b. 4.3 x 10^ 54
c. 4.3 x 10^ -7
d. 4.3 x 10^ -53
In oxides of nitrogen, such as N2O, NO, NO2, and N2O3, atoms combine in small whole-number ratios. This evidence supports the law of
a. conservation of mass
b. multiple proportions
c. definite composition
d. mass action
The principles of atomic theory recognized today were conceived by
a. Avogadro
b. Bohr
c. Dalton
d. Rutherford
Which of the following is not part of Dalton's atomic theory?
a. Atoms cannot be divided, created, or destroyed
b. The number of protons in an atom is its atomic number
c. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged
d. All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms
A positively charged particle with mass 1.673 x 10^ -24g is a(n)
a. proton
b. neutron
c. electron
d. positron
Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the
a. nucleus
b. nuclides
c. electrons
d. protons
The smallest unit of an element that can exist either alone or in combination with other such particles of the same or different elements is the
a. electron
b. proton
c. neutron
d. atom
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different
a. principal chemical properties
b. masses
c. numbers of protons
d. numbers of electrons
The atomic number of oxygen, 8, indicates that there are eight
a. protons in the nucleus of an oxygen atom
b. oxygen nuclides
c. neutrons outside the oxygen atom's nucleus
d. energy levels in the oxygen atom's nucleus
All atoms of the same element have the same
a. atomic mass
b. number of neutrons
c. mass number
d. atomic number
Atoms of the same element can differ in
a. chemical properties
b. mass number
c. atomic number
d. number of protons and electrons
An aluminum isotope consists of 13 protons, 13 electrons, and 14 neutrons. Its mass number is
a. 13
b. 14
c. 27
d. 40
Chlorine has atomic number 17 and mass number 35. It has
a. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 18 neutrons
b. 35 protons, 35 electrons, and 17 neutrons
c. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 52 neutrons
d. 18 protons, 18 electrons, and 17 neutrons
The mass of 1 mol of chromium (atomic mass 51.996 amu) is
a. 12 g
b. 198 g
c. 51.996 g
d. 6.02 x 10^ 23 g
How many moles of atoms are in 50.15 g of mercury (atomic mass 200.59 amu)?
a. 0.1001 mol
b. 0.1504 mol
c. 0.2500 mol
d. 0.4000 mol
A sample of tim (atomic mass 118.71 amu) contains 3.01 x 10^ 23 atoms. The mass of the sample is
a. 3.01 g
b. 59.3 g
c. 72.6 g
d. 11 g
The distance between two successive peaks on an adjacent wave is its
A quantum of electromagnetic energy is called a
Max Planck proposed that a hot object radiated energy in small specific amounts called
For an electron in an atom to change from the ground state to an excited state...
energy must be absorbed
The electron in a hydrogen atom has its lowest total energy when the electron is at its...
ground state
Which model of the atom explains why excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light?
The Bohr Model
The region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is the..
electron cloud
The quantum number that indicates the position of an orbital about the 3 axes in space is the...
Magnetic Quantum Number
The main energy levels of an atom are indicated by the...
Principle Quantum Number
The letter designations for the first 4 sublevels with the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in each sublevel are..
s:2, p:6, d:10, f:14
For the sublevel f, the number of orbitals is...
How many electrons can occupy the s orbitals at each energy level?
2, if they have opposite spins
If 8 electrons completely fill in a main energy level, what is n?
The statement that an electron occupies the lowest available energy orbital is...
Hund's rule
The statement that no 2 electrons in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers is...
The Pauli's Exclusion Principle
The element with electron configuration 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^2 is..
According to VSEPR theory, an AB2 molecule is
a. linear
b. tetrahedral
c. trigonal-planar
d. octahedral
The concept that electrostatic repulsion between electron pairs surrounding an atom causes these pairs to be separated as far as possible is the foundation of...
a. Lewis theory
b. VSEPR theory
c. the hybridization model
d. the electron sea model
The forces of attraction between molecules in a molecular compound are...
a. stronger than the forces among formula units in ionic bonding
b. approximately equal to the forces among formula units in ionic bonding
c. zero
d. weaker than the forces among formula units in ionic bonding
Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of carbon dioxide, CO2.
a. tetrahedral
b. bent
c. linear
d. octahedral
If a material can be shaped or extended by physical pressure, such as hammering, which property does the material have?
a. conductivity
b. luster
c. ductility
d. malleability
How many electrons must be shown in the Lewis structure of the hydroxide ion, OH-?
a. 9
b. 10
c. 1
d. 8
Bonding in molecules or ions that cannot be correctly represented by a single Lewis structure is
a. resonance
b. polyatomic
c. single bonding
d. double bonding
To draw a Lewis structure, one must know the
a. atomic mass of each atom
b. ionization energy of each atom
c. number of valence electrons in each atoms
d. bond length of each atom
A chemical bond formed by the attraction between positive ions and surrounding mobile electrons is a(n)
a. ionic bond
b. metallic bond
c. polar covalent bond
d. nonpolar covalent bond
The energy released when 1 mol of an ionic crystalline compound is formed from gaseous ions is called the
a. bond energy
b. potential energy
c. lattice energy
d. energy of crystallization
Nonpolar covalent bonds are not common because
a. one atom usually attracts electrons more strongly than the other
b. the electrons usually remain equally distant from both atoms
c. dipoles are rare in nature
d. ions always form when atoms join
In metallic bonds, the mobile electrons surrounding the positive ions are called a(n)
a. electron cloud
b. dipole
c. Lewis structure
d. electron sea
Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of the magnesium hydride molecule, MgH2
a. bent
b. linear
c. tetrahedral
d. octahedral