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76 Cards in this Set

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Definition of periodic table

It organizes info avout all the known elements

What part of the periodic table tells us the number of electron shells and orbitals?


7 characteristics of metals

-Ductile and shiny


-react w water

-good conductor


-Easily lose electrons

-High melting point

6 characteristics of nonmetals

-Poor conductors

-Nor ductile/dull color

-Brittle and light

-low melting point

-tend to gain electrons

-are mostly gases

Has a family of its own


Memorize some elements in different families


Rule: when atoms of an element react. They tend to lose, gain and share electrons to achieve 8 stable valence electrons such as the noble gases.

Octet rule

A process in which one or more pure substances are converted to one or more pure substances

Chemical reaction

Two laws of physics: bonding

1. Opposites attract and likes repel

2. Nature moves in the direction of the least resistance (lowest energy)

Relative ability of a molecule to attract shared electrons to itself


Electronegativity increases from ___ to ____ and decreases _____

Left to right, decreases down the group

Metals are more electropositive


What is the most electronegative element and the least electronegative one?

Fluorine, Francium

When elements obtain a charge, they become


Ionic bonding

Attraction between negative and positive ions

forms ionic compounds

Why do ions stick together?

Electrostatic force

Properties of ionic compounds

-crystalline structure (magnet electrostatic force)

-Ions are bonded sTronger

-conduct electricity

-high melting point

Non metal.shares electrons with another nonmetal

Covalent bonding

Covalent bonding is represented by

Lewis dot structures


Compounds containing hydrogen and carbon

A bond between non-metal atoms that have the same electronegativity; thus have an equal sharing of the bonding of electron pair

Non-polar covalent bond

Polar covalent bond

A bond between 2 nonm metal atoms that have different electronegativities amd thus have an equal sharing of the bonding electron pair

Replacement of the nucleus. Releases radiation

Radioactive decay

True or false: The position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with precision


Who discovered the uncertainty principle?

Discovered by W. Heisenberg

Quantum Mechanics

Explains how atoms behave

Electrons are not particles but more as ____ w/c gain electronz


Quantum/ quanta

Amount of energy that electrons need to gain to move to the next energy level

An area where u can find electrons

Atomic orbitals

Calculates the probabilities where you will be able to find electrons

Quantum mechanics

4 quantum numbers

Principal quantum number




Describe s orbital (shape and where nucleus is)

Spherical, nucleus at center

Describe p orbital

Dumbbbel shaped, nucleus at middle

Describe d orbital

Elongated dumbell, nucleus at center

Describe f orbital

Shaped like a jackstone, nucleus in middle

Describes the behaviour of an electron w/in a magnetic field

Electron spin

Principal quantum number

Represents an energy level

Angular Quantum Number (2)

1. Sublevels

2. Rep. The type/shape of an orbital

Spin Quantum number

An energy level can hold a max of 8 electrins and must have opposite spins

Describe Pauli's exclusion principle

Paired electrons occupying the same orbital must have opposite spins

Electron spin is described as:

Quantum (m): -1/2, -/12

Magnetic Quantum Number

The orientation/ position of the orbitals

How many orientations do s, p, d, f have?





Shorthand description of how electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom

Electron configurarion

Predicts whether two elements will react or not, predict chemical behaviour

Electron configuration

In order to write electron configuration, we need to know 3 rules:

1. Aufbau principle- Niels Bohr

2. Pauli's Exclusion principle- W. Pauli

3. Hund's Rule- F. Hunds

Explain Aufbau Principle

"Construction" in German

Electrons enter the lowest energy levels

Explain Hund's Rule

"Empty bus rule"

-states that every orbital in a subshell/orientation is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied

Explain Hund's Rule

"Empty bus rule"

-states that every orbital in a subshell/orientation is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied

Three scientists that gave definitions to acids and bases

1. S. Arrenhius

2.Johannes Bronsted and T. Lowry

3. Gilbert Lewis

Which scientist said that acids produce and increase H+ while bases produce and inc H-

Svante Arrhenius

What scientist said that acids donate h+, proton donor while bases accept H+

Johannes Bronsted and Thomas Lowry

A solution that has an excess of H+ ionz


Latin of acid

Acidus meaning "tart" or "sour"

Which scientist said that acids accept electron pairs while bases donate electron pairs?

Gilbert Lewis

The more H+ ions, the more acidic the solution


H ions do not exist as hydrogen in water. Instead...

They bond to water molecules

Formic Acid (symbol and definition)

HCO2H. "Pissemyre", "myr' means ant

Properties of an acid (8)

1. Tastes sour

2. Conduct electricity

3. React w/active metals

4. Many acids can corride fabric. Skin and paper

5. Turns blue litmus paper red

6. Gives h+ ions

7. Neutrakize bases

8. Ionic compound

Uses of acids (5)

Acetic acid-

Citric acid

ascorbic acid

sulfuric acid

car batteries

A solution that has an exvess OH-ions


Another word for base


Contains properties of bases

Basic/ alkaline solution

Properties of a base (8)


-Feels slippery


-can conduct electricity (alkaline batteries)

-do not react w/ metals

-can turn litmus paper red into blue

-neutralize acids

-Ionic conpounds

Uses of Base

Soap, ammonia and many other cleaning products, chalk

A measure of how acidic or basic a solution is


Ph scale ranges from


A solution of ph 0 is

Very acidic

Pure water has a pH of


True or falze. A change of 1ph unit represents a tenfold change in the acidity of the solution


A reaction between an acid and base is called


A solution that resist the change in pH when an acid


Common salts

1. Sodium chloride- food preservative and flavoring

2. Potassium iodide - additive in iodized salt that prevents iodine deficiency

Saturated hydrocarbons


If alkalenes have single bonds, they are called


Functions of carbons (6)

1. Halocarbons- halogen based

2. trichloromethane- chlorofoam

3. Methanol - methyl alcohol

4. Ethanol - ethyl alcohol

5. ether-

6. Carbonyl.group