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60 Cards in this Set

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which atoms are found within the nucleus of an atom
protons and neutrons
charge of a proton/electron?
atomic number(Z)
Mass number(A)
Protons + Neutrons
structure of Element from the periodic table? X^(?)_?
where A is the superscript
Z is the subscript
same proton#, different Neutron number
electron <<< proton in mass
know this
lower electric potential of electron =
closer to nucleus
higher electric potential of electron =
further from the nucleus
trend: further from nucleus = higher energy level
know this
outer shell electrons that feel the least electrostatic pull towards the nucleus are _____
valence electrons
-more likely to become involved in bonds with other atoms
valence electrons determine the _____ of an atom
neutral state of an atom =
equal number of electrons and protons
gain of electrons is _____
negative charge; anion
loss of electrons is ______
positive charge; cation
electrons are found ____ the nucleus in separate but defined ______
outside; shells or orbitals
determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in Ni
P: 28
N: 30
E: 28
atomic mass
aka the mass number (P + N)
atomic weight
-look off the periodic table
avogadro's number
isotopes of Hydrogen
hydrogen/protium = 1P, 1E, 0N
deuterium = 1P, 1E, 1N
tritium = 1P, 1E, 2N
energy equation
E =hf

E = joules
f = frequency
h = 6.6e-34J*s
Bohr model of hydrogen
angular momentum =
energy of the electron =
L = nh/2(pi)

n = quantum number
h = 6.6e-34

E = -Rh/n^2

Rh = 2.2e-18
n = quantum number
trend within angular momentum equation?

L ~ n since (h/2(pi)) is a constant
trend with energy of the electron equation?

E ~ 1/n^2
so as one goes up in quantum numbers(n) the energy is drastically increased since the E value approaches "0" which is getting larger
orbit with the smallest radius around the nucleus is the ______ state which corresponds to n = ?
ground state
n = 1
excited state
n > 1
electrons can obtain an excited state through ______
use of heat
use of radiation
excited --> ground = ____
emission of light/energy
ground --> excited = _____
absorption of light/energy
emission of light occurs in _____ amounts of energy in the form of ______
electromagnetic energy equation
E =
E = hc/lambda

h = 6.6e-34
c = 3e8
lambda = wavelength (e-9)
trend within the electromagnetic equation?
E ~ 1/lambda; as lambda becomes larger(800nm) the Energy level decreases

as lambda becomes smaller(closer to 0) the energy value increases

this is in relation to frequency;
higher frequencies produce smaller wavelengths thus higher energy outputs!
emitted wavelength ~ to energy transition experienced
know this
Bohr + Planck theory EQ
E = hc/lambda = -Rh(Ni^-2 - Nf^-2)
know this
trend with bohr/planck theory?
yes; energy is proportional to frequency (inversely to lambda)

this means that the larger the difference between Ni^-2 - Nf^-2 is, the larger the energy will be

ex) 1 --> 2 vs 1 --> 4
1-->2 will be smaller in energy than 1-->4
electrons move within ____ around the nucleus
heisenberg uncertainty principle
can not determine position and momentum at the same time

momentum = p = mv
can determine momentum and velocity though!
quantum numbers(4)
n, l, M(l), M(s)
principal quantum number

-max number of electrons?
= n
associated with valence shell energy level and radius size

max number = 2n^2
difference in energy between energy levels(n)....
decreases with increased n value

ex) 1-->2 vs 3-->4
using 1/Ni^2 - 1/Nf^2

=1 - .25 = .75
= .111 - .0625 = .04861
azimuthal number

max number?
= l
the number of subshells within an energy level

max number is 4l + 2
range of (l) values?
0 to n-1
magnetic number
= M(l)
orbital within the subshell
values for M(l)
-l to l
M(l) values of:
s -->
p -->
d --->
f --->
s = 0
p = -1,0,1
d = -2,-1,0,1,2
f = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3
s shell =
p shell =
p orbitals broken into Px,Py,Pz
spin number
= M(s)
+ 1/2
- 1/2
if two electrons are in the same orbital, they must have ____ spins
electrons in different orbitals but same M(s) values are in _____
orbitals are filled
low to high energy
show the pattern of filling for the element Carbon
1s2 /2s2/ 2p2
what orbital in n = 3 has the largest energy?
3d...dont forget that this is part of n = 3!!!
to gain/lose a charge, what is manipulated?
hunds rule
orbitals are filled until all are filled
(either not full, half full or completely full)
what is the exception to metal cations within the d shell?
they will lose their s electrons before they lose their d electrons
what are two elements within the d shell that fill weirdly?
Mn and Te
Mn+ = [Ar]4s1,3d5
Te+ = [Kr]5s1, 4d5
unpaired electrons; weakly attracted to magnetic field
all paired electrons; repelled by magnetic field
ex) Be = 1s2, 2s2
elements on the right side of the table
valence electrons
outermost electrons