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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the steps in the scientific method?
What is the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data?
What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable?
The independent variable is changed, and the dependent variable is what changes because of the independent variable.
What is the control in an experiment?
The control is an unchanged part of an experiment.
What is a theory and what is a scientific law?
A theory is an conclusion based on many observations and investigations over time, and a law is supported by many experiments.
What is the equation for converting Kelvin to Celsius or vice versa?
K=C+273, C=k--273`
What is density?
A physical property of matter
What is the density equation?
What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to an accepted value, and precision refers to how close a series of measurements are to one another.
What is the percent error equation?
Percent error=experimental value--accepted value/accepted value x 100
What numbers are significant?
-nonzero numbers
-zeros between nonzero numbers
-all final zeros to right of decimal
-not placeholder zeros
Why do we use sig figs?
Because they tell us how precise the instrument we used is
When multiplying and dividing the answer must have the same number of sig figs as the...
Least precise measurement
When adding and subtracting the answer must have the same number of sig figs as the...
Smallest decimal place
If number you are rounding is >5, what do you round to?
You round up
If number you are rounding is <5, what do you round to?
You round down
If number you are rounding is =5, what do you round to?
You round up if odd, down if even
What is chemistry?
The study of matter
What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to an accepted value, and precision refers to how close a series of measurements are to one another.
What is the percent error equation?
Percent error=experimental value--accepted value/accepted value x 100
What numbers are significant?
-nonzero numbers
-zeros between nonzero numbers
-all final zeros to right of decimal
-not placeholder zeros
Why do we use sig figs?
Because they tell us how precise the instrument we used is
When multiplying and dividing the answer must have the same number of sig figs as the...
Least precise measurement
When adding and subtracting the answer must have the same number of sig figs as the...
Smallest decimal place
If number you are rounding is >5, what do you round to?
You round up
If number you are rounding is <5, what do you round to?
You round down
If number you are rounding is =5, what do you round to?
You round up if odd, down if even
What is chemistry?
The study of matter
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass=stuff, weight=force of gravity
What is the density of water?
D=1g/1mL(or cm^3)
Name five rules for the chemistry lab?
-Wear goggles
-Wear aprons
-Closed-toed shoes
-Pick up/open bottle put hand on label side
-Wash hands after each lab
Wear are the fire extinguishers?
-By door, prep room, behind files
Name three safety devices?
-Fire Blanket
-Emergency shower
Name five pieces of glassware?
-Graduated cylinder
-Stirring rod
-Erlenmeyer flask