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25 Cards in this Set

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Cathodic Protection
A means of protecting a metal against corrosion by making it the cathode in a voltaic cell. this can be achieved by attaching a more easily oxidized metal to be protected
A positively charged ion
Cell potential
A measure of the driving force or "electrical pressure" for an electrochemical reaction; it is measured in volts also called electromotive force
A polysacharide of glucose; it is the major structural element in plant matter
Celsius scale
A temperature scale on which water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 at sea level
A solid inorganic material, either crystalline (Oxides, carbides, silicates) or amorphous (glasses). most melt at high temperatures
Chain reaction
A series of reactions in which one reaction initiates the next
Changes of state
Transformations of matter from one state to a different one, for example, from gas to liquid
A form of carbon produced when wood is heated strongly in a deficiency of air
Charles law
A law stating that at constant pressure, the volume of a given quantity of gas is proportional to absolute temperature
Chelate effect
The generally larger formation constants for polydentate ligands as compared with the corresponding monodentate ligands
Chelating agent
A polydentate ligand that is capable of occupying two or more sites in the coordination sphere
Chemical Bond
A strong Attractive force that exists between atoms in a molecule
Chemical changes
Processes in which one or more substances are converted into other substances
Chemical equation
A representation of a chemical rection using the chemical formulas of the reactants and products
Chemical equilibrium
A state of dynamic balance in which the rate of formation of the products of a reaction from the reactants equals the rate of formation of the reactants from the products, the concentration s of the reactants and the products remain constant
Chemical formula
A notation that uses chemical symbols with numerical subscripts to convey the relative proportions of atoms of the different elements in a substance
Chemical kinetics
The area of chemistry concerned with the speeds, or rates at which chemical reactions occur
Chemical nomenclature
the rules used in naming substances
Chemical properties
Properties that describe a substance's composition and its reactivity; how the substance reacts or changes into other substances
Chemical reactions
Processes in which one or more substances are converted into other substances; also called chemical changes
The scientific discipline that treats the composition, properties, and transformation of matter
A term describing a molecule or an ion that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image
Compounds composed entirely of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon
A plant pigment that plays a major role in conversion of solar energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis