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36 Cards in this Set

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Name some of the oldest metals/elements.

Copper, gold, silver, lead, tin, iron, and mercury

Around what time were these metals first used and discovered?

From between 6000 BCE (Copper & Gold) and 2000 BCE (Mercury)

Why are atoms called atoms?

Because of the Greek word atomos which means 'that which cannot be cut'.

Why was Robert Boyle the first step to modern chemistry?

1. Boyle was the first chemist to prove and to back up his arguments and theses with careful quantitative experiments.

2. He argued that elements are simple and unmixed substances and therefore if something can not be broken down it is an element.

State some of Dalton's ideas.

1. Elements are made of very small particles called atoms

2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass and other properties

3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created or destroyed

4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple integer ratios to form chemical compounds

5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated or rearranged

Who was one of the first scientists to notice patterns in the elements? What did he suggest?

A German scientist called Wolfgang Dobreiner.

He suggested that elements could be arranged in groups of three similar elements, called triads.

What was John Newland's idea?

His idea was to arrange the elements in order of their relative atomic mass. By doing this he found that each element had properties similar to the elements eight places behind and in front in the list.

Who made the periodic table?

What did he do?

Mendeleev is considered to be the father of the periodic table.

He arranged the elements correctly, left space for undiscovered elements and switched the position of two elements which turned out to be correct later.

What does an atom contain/look like?

The atom has a nucleus (center) and several shells for the electrons.

In the nucleus you will find the neutrons and the protons. On the shells you will find the electrons.

Both protons and neutrons have relative mass of 1 and electrons have very little mass (0.0005).

Electrons are very small but because of their movement, they take up the majority of the space in an atom.

Define atomic number and mass number.

How do you calculate the number of neutrons?

Atomic number (Z): The number of protons (which is equal to the number of electrons) the atom has.

Mass number (A): The sum of the protons and neutrons the atom has.

To find the number of neutrons, you subtract the atomic number from the mass number.

How are electrons organised in atoms?

1. Electrons are organized on electron shells

2. The first shell is filled first and can have a maximum of 2 electrons.

3. Second shell can have a maximum of 8 electrons and the third to sixth shell is allowed 8 or 18 (for elements with an atomic number of 20)

4. Last shell can never have more than eight electrons.

What is the electron configuration of Boron? Calcium? Argon? Gallium?

Boron: 2,3

Calcium: 2,8,8,2

Argon: 2,8,8

Gallium: 2,8,8,13

Draw models to show the electron arrangement of Phosphorus, Sodium and Bromine.


What are the mass and atomic number of Chlorine?

How many neutrons, electrons and protons does Chlorine have?

Mass Number: 35

Atomic Number: 17

Neutrons: 18

Protons: 17

Electrons: 17

What happens when you go done in group 8, noble gases?

The elements get denser and their boiling point increases.

Why were the noble gases called inert? Why was this useful?

Because they did not react as their outer shell is already full.

It was useful because it lead to many uses of the noble gases.

How are alkali metals stored safely so that they do not react with their surroundings?

They are often stored under oil or in dry glass tubes where the air has been removed from.

Why are alkali metals so reactive? What group do they want to become?

They are very reactive because they only need to lose one electron to obtain the same electron configuration of a noble gas. They badly want to get rid of their 1 valence electron. They want to become noble gases.

What happens when you move down group 1 (alkali metals)?

Their reactivity increases and this is because

1. Outer electron gets further from the nucleus

2. Outer electron is lost easier

Halogens (group 7) are not reactive.

True or False?

False Halogens are reactive because they only need to obtain one more electron to become like noble gases.

State some properties of transition metals

They are less reactive than the metals in group 1 and 2, more similarities are found in this group going left to right rather going down, they have relatively high densities, melting and boiling points, their compounds are usually colored for example copper sulfate (blue).

Define Isotope

An isotope is when it is the same element, but the number of neutrons varies.

The element will have the same chemical properties but different physical properties.

Define electronegativity

The tendency of an tom to attract electrons towards itself or how easily an atom attracts electrons.

Define Ionization potential

It is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom.

What happens when you move left to right on the periodic table?

1. Atomic radius decreases

2. Electronegativity increases

3. Ionization potential increases

What happens when you move top to bottom on the periodic table?

1. Atomic radius increases

2. Electronegativity decreases

3. Ionization potential decreases

The number of the group in which an element is found indicates:

The number of valency electrons (number of electrons on the outer shell)

The number of the period in which an element is found indicates:

The number of electron shells the atom will have

What is MIC?

Metallic, ionic and covalent bonding.

What are the three types of bonding?

Metallic: Bond between two metals

Ionic: Bond between a metal and a non metal

Covalent: Bond between two non metals

What is ionic bonding?

Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electrons between atoms. The metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.

How do you name an ionic compound?

Put the name of the metal first and then the name of the non metal, changing the ending to -ide. For example, sodium chloride.

Draw an electron dot diagram for the following:

K+Cl, Mg+Cl, Mg+O, Al+Cl and Al+O

See booklet

What are the charges on the ions in each group?

Alkali Metals: 1+

Alkaline Earth Metals: 2+

Transition Metals: 2+, but this can vary

Group 3: 3+

Group 4: Do not form ions easily

Group 5: 2-

Halogens: 1-

Noble Gas: Do not form ions

What are polyatomic and monatomic ions?

A monatomic ion is an atom that carries a charge.

A polyatomic ion is a group of atoms that carry a charge

How do you use swap and drop for ionic compounds?

Drop the charges and swap the number. If they are the same number, they cancel out and if there is a one, take it away.