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40 Cards in this Set

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negatively charged ions produced by the ionization of acids and salts.


True or False?

Anions are separated into groups based upon the solubilities of the calcium, barium, cadmium, and silver salts


includes ions whose calcium salts are insoluble in slightly basic solution.

GROUP 1 Anions

includes ions whose calcium salts are soluble but whose barium salts are insoluble in slightly basic solution.

GROUP 2 Anions

is composed of anions whose calcium and barium salts are soluble but whose cadmium salts are insoluble in slightly basic solution.

GROUP 3 Anions

is composed of anions whose calcium, barium, and cadmium salts aresoluble but whose silver salts are in soluble in solution slightly acid with nitric acid.

GROUP 4 Anions

contains anions whose calcium, barium, cadmium, and silver salts are soluble in water and acids.

GROUP 5 Anions

Carbonate ion Chemical Formula


Sulfite ion Chemical Formula


Arsenite ion Chemical Formula


Arsenate ion Chemical Formula


Phosphate ion Chemical Formula


Oxalate ion Chemical Formula


fluoride ion Chemical Formula


Reagent for detection of Carbonate Ions

Dilute HCl and KClO3

decomposes carbonate ion and forms carbon dioxide gas thus, the effervescence.

Dilute HCl

Chemical Reaction for Carbonate

CaCO3 + H3O <-> Ca2+ + CO2 + H2O

is the escape of gas from an aqueous solution and the foaming or fizzing that results from that release.


will oxidize the sulfite, sulfide, and thiosulfate ions, an acid solution, to the sulfate ion or free sulfur


Reagent that involves removal of heavy metals (common: Mercury, Lead, Chromium, Zinc and Copper)

Sodium Carbonate Solution

The Precipitating Agent of Day 1 Procedure 3

Calcium Acetate

Reagent that dissolves all calcium salts except CaF2 and CaC2O4 (residue in third day analysis).

Acetic Acid

Confirmatory Reagent for the Identification of Sulfite ions (SO3-2)

Hydrogen Peroxide

Positive Indicator for the Identification of Sulfite ions (SO3-2)

White Precipitate

Chemical reaction for sulfite ions

H2SO3 +H2O2 + H2O -> SO4- + 2H3O+

SO4 + Ba+ -> + BaSO4

Confirmatory Reagent for Identification of Arsenite ions (AsO2-)


Positive Indicator for Identification of Arsenite ions (AsO2-1)

Yellow Precipitate

Chemical Reaction for Arsenite ions

2H3AsO3 + 3H2S -> As2S3 + 6H2O

Confirmatory Reagent for the Identification of Arsenate ions (AsO4-3 )

Potassium Iodide (KI)

Positive Indicator for the Identification of Arsenate ions (AsO4-3)

Brown Precipitate

Chemical Reaction for Arsenate Ion

H2AsO4- + 3H3O+ + 2I- <-> As2S6 + 10H2O

Confirmatory Reagent for the Identification of Phosphate ions (PO4-3)

Ammonium Molybdate Solution ((NH4)6Mo7O24)

Positive Indicator for the Identification of Phosphate ions (PO4-3)

Yellow Precipitate

Chemical Reaction for Phosphate ion

H2PO4- + 12MoO4- + 22H3O+ + 3NH4+ <-> (NH4)3 PO4 + 12MoO3 + 34H2O

Confirmatory Reagent for the Confirmation of Oxalate ions (C2O4-2)

Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4)

Positive Indicator for the Confirmation of Oxalate ions (C2O4-2)

Dissapearance of Pink Color

Chemical Reaction of Oxalate Ion

5H2C2O4 + 2MnO4- + 6H3O+ <-> 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 14H2O

Confirmatory Reagent for the Confirmation of Fluoride ions (F-)

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)

Positive Indicator for the Confirmation of Fluoride ions (F-)

Etching (cut)

Chemical Reaction for Fluoride ions

CaF2 + 2H3O+ -> Ca2+ + 2H2 + 2HF