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45 Cards in this Set

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democritus believed that atoms were...
indivisible and indestructable.

all elements are composed of _________ particles called _________
all elements are composed of INDIVISIBLE particles called ATOMS

atoms of the same element are _________
atoms of the same element are IDENTICAL

atoms of different elements can physically mix together or chemically combine in simple __________ ratios to form __________
atoms of different elements can physically mix together or chemically combine in simple WHOLE NUMBER ratios to form COMPOUNDS

chemical ______ occur when atoms are _______, _______, or _______
chemical REACTIONS occur when atoms are SEPARATED, REARRANGED, OR JOINED
individual atoms are ___________ with instruments such as _________ tunneling microscope
individual atoms are OBSERVABLE with instruments such as SCANNING tunneling microscopes.
There are ______ kinds of ______ particles that make up the atom.
there are THREE kinds of SUBATOMIC particles that make up the atom.
electrons were discovered by ____________
electrons were discovered by JJ THOMSON
___________ used a _______ ray tube. The electrons were attracted to the __________ charged plate.
JJ THOMSON used a CATHODE ray tube. The electrons were attracted to the POSITIVELY charged plate.
like charges ________, opposite charges ________.
like charges REPEL, opposite charges ATTRACT.
The charge of an electron was discovered by ______________
the charge of an electron was discovered by ROBERT A. MILLIKAN
the mass of an electron is _________ of a _____ atom
the mass of an electron is 1/1840 of a hydrogen atom.
__________ thought that _______ were evenly distributed throughout an atom filled __________ with positively charged material. it was called the _________ model.
JJ THOMSON thought that ELECTRONS were evenly distributed throughout an atom filled UNIFORMLY with positively charged material. it was called the PLUM PUDDING model.
is the plum pudding model correct?
___________ gold foil experiment disproved _______'s plum pudding model.
RUTHERFORD's gold foil experiment disproved THOMSON's plum pudding model.
_________'s gold foil experiment stated that most of an atom was made of _______, and that the _______ charge was concentrated in a ________.
RUTHERFORD's gold foil experiment stated that most of an atoms was mode of EMPTY SPACE, and that the POSITIVE charge was concentrated in a NUCLEUS.
The atomic number is.....
the atomic number is the number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom.
what letter is the atomic number represented by?
the atomic number is represented by the letter Z
The mass of the atom depends on the number of _______ and __________
The mass of the atom depends on the number of PROTONS and NEUTRONS
what letter is the mass number represented by?
the mass number is represented by the letter A

# of neutrons = ________ - __________
the mass number represents......
the mass number represents the SUM of the number of PROTONS and NEUTRONS in the nucleus.
to calculate the atomic mass.....
to calculate the atomic mass, MULTIPLY the mass of EACH ISOTOPE by its NATURAL ABUNDANCE, then ADD the PRODUCTS
_______ are protons and neutrons
NUCLEONS are protons and neutrons
the stability of the atom depends on __________
the stability of the atom depends on THE PROTON tO NEUTRON RATIO.
__________ __________ is the like charges repelling each other
ELECTTROSTATIC REPULSION is the like charges repelling each other.
______ _____ _____ is a force that actos on subatomic particles that are extremely ______. It overcomes ________ _______ between ________.
STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE is a force that acts on subatomic particles that are extremely CLOSE. it overcomes ELECTROSTATIC REPULSION between PROTONS
as atomic number ________, more _____ are needed to produce _________ _______ _______
as atomic number INCREASES, more NEUTRONS are needed to produce STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE
band of stability is a region on a graph which all stable ________ are found when plotting the number of ______ vs. the number of _______
line of stability is a region on a graph which all stable NUCLEI are found when plotting the number of NEUTRONS vs. the number of PROTONS.
a positron is......
a positron is a particle with the SAME mass as an electron, but a DIFFERENT charge.
Positron emission is....
positron emission is when a PROTON is convereted to a NEUTRON
_______ ______ occurs when the ______ draws in an electron.
ELECTRON CAPTURE occurs when the NUCLEUS draws in an electron.
positron emission decreases the # of _________ by __
positron emission decreases the # of PROTONS by ONE
what does electron capture produce?
an elecctron capture produces a NEUTRON
during electron capture, the ___________ ______ decreases by ___
during electron capture, the ATOMIC NUMBER decreases by 1.
what is the Radioactive Decay Series?
it is a series of nuclear reactions that start with an unstable nucleus and end with a stable nucleus.
substances that spontaneously emit radiation are called ________
substances that spontaneously emit radiation are called RADIOACTIVITY
rays and particles emitted by radioactive material are called _________
rays and particles emitted by radioactive material are called RADIATION
alpha radiation deflect toward the __________ charged plate
alpha radiation deflect toward the NEGATIVELY charged plate
alpha particles contain two __________ and two _________
alpha particles contain two PROTONS and two NEUTRONS
alpha particles have a ______ charge
alpha particles have a +2 charge
beta particles are deflected toward the __________ charged plate
beta particles are deflected toward the POSITIVELY charged plate
beta particles are fast _____ ____ with a _____ charge
beta particles are fast MOVING ELECTRONS with a -1 charge
gamma rays are _____ energy radiation that possess ____ mass.
gamma rays are HIGH energy radiation that possess NO mass.
gamma rays have _____ charge.
gamma rays have NO charge.