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90 Cards in this Set

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A semimetal that has both metallic and nonmetallic properties. Elements located in between the metals and nonmetals.
Located in group 7A; nonmetals; do not occur in nature in pure forms but only in combined forms with other elements. (F), (Cl), (Br), (I), (At).
The study of the matter and its changes; study of the biological and physical sciences.
Found on the right side of the periodic table; do not have the capacity to conduct electricity.
Transition Metals
10 groups found in the middle of the periodic table with the letter B.
Alkaline Earth Metals
Group 2A; these are less reactive than alkali metals. (Be), (Mg), (Ca), (Sr), (Ba), (Ra).
Alkali Metals
Group 1A; these react rapidly in water; Hydrogen is not included in this group. (Li), (Na), (K), (Rb), (Cs), (Fr).
Always contains atoms of different elements. A pure substance that can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions.
Potential Energy
Energy that is stored.
The capacity to do work.
Each horizontal row in the Periodic table.
This property of a substance relates to how a substance behaves during a chemical reaction.
Chemical Formulas
Represent compounds which use element symbols and integer numbers in subscript if the compound has more than one atom of an element.
Two or more atoms held tightly together.
A pure substance than cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions. Can refer to a single atom or many identical atoms that are bonded together.
Physical Change
No change occurs in the identities of substances.
A blend of two or more substances.
Kinetic Energy
The energy generated by a moving object.
Each vertical column in the Periodic table.
A measure of a property that reflects the random motion of particles, such as molecules.
The transfer of energy as a result of the motion of particles.
The Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.
These have the capacity to conduct electricity; are found on the left side of the Periodic table.
Mixtures and Pure Substances
Matter is made up of what two things?
Homogenous Mixtures and Heterogeneous Mixtures
What are the two things mixtures are made up of?
Compounds and Elements
What are the two things pure substances are made up of?
Anything that occupies space and has mass.
The smallest particle of the matter that can still retain its distinct properties. (Atomos - "not to cut")
Pure Substance or Substance
A piece of matter that has uniform chemical composition; it is homogenous (it has uniform properties).
Heterogenous Mixture
Contains substances that are visibly distinguishable such as wood, rocks and a mixture of sand and iron.
Periodic Table
Lists the symbols of the 114 known elements in a tabular format. Divided into groups and periods.
Main Groups
The eight groups labeled with the letter A (1A through 8A); representative groups.
Noble Gases
Group 8A; These are inert and do not usually react with other elements; thus, they occur mostly in pure forms. (He), (Ne), (Ar), (Kr), (Xe), (Rn).
Diatomic Element
A molecule that contains two atoms of the same element.
Polyatomic Element
Element that requires two or more atoms bonded into a molecule to exist naturally.
Monatomic Element
An element consisting of only a single atom such as (He) or (Ne).
Gas, Liquid, and Solid
What are the three states of matter?
States of Matter
Matter that exist as a gas, a liquid, or a solid.
Intermolecular Distance
The key factor that differentiates each state from the others is the distance between the molecules.
Chemical Change
A change in the identities of substances occurs during this. These occur during chemical reactions.
Chemical Property
Any property of a substance that involves the change in the identity of the substance.
Chemical Energy
The kind of energy stored in the structure of a compound.
Thermal Energy
Energy expressed as heat, which is associated with the random motion of atoms and molecules.
Chemical and physical changes that result in a release of heat energy.
Changes that result in an absorption of energy.
Chemically Pure
A material is considered to be _________ if all the units that make up the material are all the same. This can mean that a material is made up of only one type of atom or one type of molecule.
Atomic Number
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
A molecule that contain two oxygen atoms are connected or _______ together.
Units in these are generally very close to each other.
The simplest form of matter; always pure. Frequently called the "building block" of matter.
Substances that have molecules, which contain more than one type of atom.
The _______ in molecules are always bonded to each other in a specific ratio and the way they are bonded to each other in a molecule is always the same.
Definitie Composition
All molecules have a specific ratio of atoms.
Traits or characteristics.
Physical Properties and Chemical Properties
What are the two broad types of properties that we discuss in chemistry?
A different material is not formed because the molecules do not change. Since the molecules don't change, there are not changes in composition
Explain why different material is not formed in physical changes.
Phase Changes
The processes by which a particular substance is converted between a liquid, solid, and a gas.
The conversion of a solid to a liquid.
The conversion of a liquid to a solid.
The conversion of a liquid to a gas.
The conversion of gas to a liquid.
The conversion of a gas to a solid.
The conversion of a solid to a gas.
Chemical Reactions
Chemical properties are characteristics of what?
Chemical Changes
Chemical reaction are called what?
Chemical reactions change matter into different kinds of matter. These different kinds of matter have different molecules. Chemical reactions involve changes in composition.
Explain how chemical reactions work.
What is an example of a chemical property in which you would have to burn the material.
These have their own properties. These properties are not like the properties of the elements they come from
Produce new substances with new properties and new molecules. There is a change in the composition of matter.
What do chemical reactions produce?
Intensive Property
This property is independent of the quantity of matter you have.
Extensive Property
This property depends on the amount of matter you have.
Volume and Mass
What are examples of extensive properties?
Color, Odor, Taste, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Density, and Flammability
What are examples of intensive properties?
The mass you start with must equal the mass you end up with.
What does the Law of Conservation of Mass mean?
Reactants; Products
Use the Law of Conservation of Mass, which says that the total mass of the _______ in a chemical reaction must equal the total mass of the _______.
All compounds contain a _______ percentage of their elements by mass.
The percentage of all the elements in a compound must add up to _______.
Chemical Energy and Heat Energy
What types of energy (2) is often discussed in chemistry?
Chemical Energy
This type of energy is contained in material. An example is gasoline.
Heat Energy
This type of energy refers to the energy that is transferred as a result of a temperature difference (ice cube in a cup of warm water).
The faster an object move the _______ its kinetic energy.
Endothermic, energy is added (physical change)
Liquid water to gaseous water (endothermic or exothermic)?
Exothermic, energy is removed (physical change)
Liquid water to solid water (endothermic or exothermic)?
Exothermic, energy is released (chemical change)
Methane + oxygen gas to water + carbon dioxide (endothermic or exothermic)?
Endothermic, energy is absorbed (chemical change)
Acetic acid + sodium bicarbonate to water + carbon dioxide + sodium acetate (endothermic or exothermic)?
Pure or substances
Mixtures are not _______.
Sugar water, air, vegetable oil and water, sand and water
What are some examples of mixtures?
Equally distributed throughout the mixture
Homogeneous mixtures are mixtures where all the units (molecules) are what?
Does not look the same throughout
Heterogeneous mixtures do not what?
Main Group Elements, Transition Elements, and Inner Transition Elements
What are the three (3) collections of individual Groups on the Periodic table?