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43 Cards in this Set

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Suzuki Reaction
1. phenyboronic acid reacted with benezyl halide
2. Pd(PPh3)4 and NaOH = catalysts
3. product = two connected benzene rings
Suzuki Reaction Mechanism
1. dissosciation of organometallic complex
2. oxidative addition bw/ halide benzyl and metal
3. substitution of Br to OH
4. OH attaches to B, creating negative charge
5. nucleophilic attack; products: B(OH)3 and Pd(Ph2PPh3)
6. reductive elimination to get Pd(Ph3)2 and connected benzyls
Olefin Metathesis
1. couple two olefins together
2. split the double bonds down the middle
3. rearrange them in order to form new compounds
compound with a double bond
Grubbs catalyst
1. Ru bonded to 2 PCy3, 2 Cl, and CHPh ligands
2. Ru: Ru+4, d4, 16 e
3. ring closing metathesis
4. can release ring strain (ROMP)
5. trisubstituted reactions
What is special about the CHPh ligand of the Grubbs catalyst?
1. has a 2X oxidation value
2. allows for the Ru transition metal to be double bonded
how is equilibrium of a Grubbs catalyst formed?
1. if olefin products under go reverseibel association, cycloadditions, cycloreversions, and dissociations
forms a 4 membered ring
breaks cycloring, and forms a new olefin product
ring closing metathesis
1. use in order to connect 2 double bonds within the same linear compound to form a ring, and a gaseous olefin
2. does not form trans double bonds
Ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP)
1. release ring strain within an unstable cyclic compound
2. forms a more stable polymer of rings
trisubstituted reactions
1. not very reactive
2. create ethylene as a product
Alkene polymerization
i. used to create a polymeric chain of carbons
ii. TiCli3, AlEt2Cl
1. benzene ring with a alcohol group directly attached to it
2. more acidic than regular alcohol and cyclohexanol
why is phenol more acidic?
1. delocalization of conjugate base adds extra stability
2. sp2 is more electron withdrawing than sp3
what increases the acidity of a phenol?
1. adding a more electron withdrawing group as a substituent
2. location of substituent: ortho/para positions cause more acidity than meta
WIlliamson Ether Synthesis
1. conjugate base of phenol used to create ethers
1. phenol used throughout the electron transport chain
2. consists of quinine rings connected to isoprene
1. radical formed from BHT does not propagate (steric hinderance)
2. BHT used to slow down radical ractions
What happends when HBr reacts with phenolic ester
1. simple phenol bound to OH
2. alkane bromide
3. no Sn2 sub
What happens when HBr reacts with 2 connected benzene rings?
1. no reaction
Stille Reaction
1. used to couple C-C bonds between phenols and tin containing carbon compounds
2. good for connecting alkyl groups to benzene rings
carbonyl group
1. contains aldehydes and ketons
2. C=O
carbonyl group at end of C chain
carbonyl group within C chain
1. C=O between 2 hydrogens
2. H-(C=O)-H
3. aldehyde
1. H-(C=O)-C-C-C
2. aldehyde
1. Ph-(C=O)-CH3
2. ketone
1. Ph-(C=O)-Ph
2. ketone
1. H3C-(C=O)-CH3
2. ketone
methyl ethyl ketone
1. H3C-(C=O)-CH2CH3
acyl (Ac-)
Benzoyl (Bz-)
suffix for an aldehyde
suffix if there are two aldehydes
1. dial
suffix if aldehyde is on a ring
suffix for ketone
at what peak does carbonyl group show up on IR?
approx 1700cm-1
IR uncojugated ketone?
IR unconjugated aldehyde?
conjugated aldehyde
IR of strained rings
1. peak at greater frequencies
2. the more strained, the greater the frequency of peak