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58 Cards in this Set

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Deviation from average
observe what behaviors are rare or occur infrequently in a specific society or culture and label those deviations from the norm "abnormal
deviation from the ideal
considers behavior abnoraml if it devciates enough from some kind of ideal or culture standard
Sesnse of personal discomfort
behavior is considered abnormal if it produces a sense of personal distress, anxiety, or guilt in an individual or if it is harmful to others in some way
Inability to function effectively
people who are unable to function effectively and to adapt to the demands of society are considered abnormal
legal concept
to the judicial system, the distinction between normal and the abnormal behavior rests on the definition of insanity, which is a legal, but not psychological term
Abnormal behavior
behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives
medical perspective
the persepective that suggests that when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behaviro, the root cause will be founjd in a physical examintation of the individual, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency or a brain injury
behavior perspective
the perspective that looks at the behavior itself as the problem
cognitive perspective
the perspective that suggests that a person's thought and beliefs are a central component of abnormal behavior
system devised by the American Psychiatric Associtation, used by most professionals to diagnose and classify abnormal behavior. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition Text Revision
Schizophrenia and Psychotic disorders
declines in functionning thought and language disturbances, perception disorder, emotional disturbances, and withdrawal from other. Ex. disorganize, paranoid, catatonic, indifferent, residual
Anxiety Disorder
the occurrence of anxiety without an obvious external cause, affecting daily functioning
intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations
Panic Disorders
anxiety disorder that takes the form of panic attacks lasting from a few seconds to as long as several hours
Generalized anxiety disorder
the experience of long-term, persistent anxiety and worry
a disorder characterized by obsessions or compulsions
Somatoform Disorder
psychological difficutlies that take on a physical (somatic) form, but for which there is no medcial case
a disorder in which people have a constant fear of illness and a preoccupation with their health
conversion disorder
a major somatoform disorder that involves an actual physical disturbance, such as the inablity to use a sensory organ or the complete or partial inablity to move an arm or leg
Dissociative Disorders
psychological dysfunctions characterized by the separtaion of different facets of a person's personality that are normally integrated
Dissocitative Amnesia
a disorder in whcih a significant , selective memory loss occurs
Dissociative Fugue
a form of amnesia in which the individual leaves home an dsometimes assumes a new identity
mood disorder
a disturbance is emotional experience that interferes with concentration, decision making and sociablity
an extended state of intense, wild elation
bipolar disorder
a disorder in which a person alternates between periods of euphoric feelings of mania and periods of depression
Personality disorder
a disorder characterized by a set of inflecible, maladaptive behavior patterns that keep a person from functioning appropriately in society
antisocial personality disorder
a disorder in which individuals show no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society or the rights of others
borderline personality disorder
a disorder in which individuals have difficulty developing a secure sense of who they are
narcissistic personality disorder
a personality disturbance characterized by an exaggerated sense of self importance
evalutations of a particular person, behavior, belief, or concept
message source
person who delivers a persuasive message
characteristics of the message
two sided message
characteristcs of the target
target of the message may determine whether the message will be accepted
Central route processing
message interpretation characterized by thoughtful consideration of the issues and arguments used to persuade
peripheral route processing
message interpretation characterized by consideration of the source and related general information rather than of the message itself
cognitive dissonance
the conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts (referred to as congnitions)
attribution theory
the theory of personality that seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samles of an individual's behavior that the specific causes of that person's behavior are
situational causes (of behavior)
perceived causes of behavior that are based on internal traits or personality factors.
dispositional causes (of behavior)
perceived causes of behavior that are based on internal traits of personality factors
halo effect
a phenomenon in which an inital understanding that a person has positive traits is used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics
assumed-similarity bias
the tendency to think of people as being similar to oneself, even when meeting them for the first time
self-serving bias
the tendency to attribute personal success to personal factors (skill, ability, or effort) and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself
fundamental attribution error
a tendency to over attribute others behavior to dispositional causes and the corresponding minimization of the importance of situational causes
social influence
the process by which the actions of an individual or group affect the behavior of others
asch experiment on conformity
three lines
behavior that occurs in response to direct social pressure
-foot in the door
-door in the face
-thats not all
-not so free
- ask something big then little
-big amount of money then just a small amount
a change in behavior in response to the commands of others
milgrams study of obedience
shocking people
a set of generalized beliefs and expectations about a particular group and its members
a negative (or positive) evaluation of a particular group and its members
behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group
factors affecting attraction
proximity, mere exposure, similarity, and physical attractiveness
a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal, psychological interest, and caring for the needs of another
the strong affection we have for those with whom our lives are deeply involved
feelings of closeness and connectedness
the intentional injury of, or harm to, another person
diffusion of responsiblity
the tendency for people to feel that responsiblity for acting is shared, or diffused, among those present.