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69 Cards in this Set

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Allows one to solve problems

Allows one to answer questioins efficiently and effectively

NOT is something that is not important

NOT Doesn't exist

The Scientific Method

Which statement is a testable and falsifiable hypothesis?

Vitamin C boosts the funciton of the immune system to protect us from colds.

Physical health is maintained by a proper balance of psychic energy

Vitamin C boosts the function of the immune system to protect us from colds.

It is wrong to eat meat

Ghosts are responsible for spreading the flu.

Which statement is a testable hypothesis?

Consumption of carrots will decrease your risk of cancer.

Having a clean aura will make you healthy.

The saver tooth tiger was an omnivore

Consumption of carrots will decrease your risk for cancer.

Living in a haunted house will decrease your risk for cancer

Being a bad driver will make you unhealthy

Which hypothesis is not testible

Eating meat will make you a bad person.

Drinking green tea will reduce stress

A high fiver diet will increase heart health

Lycopene found in tomatoes helps maintain a healthy prostate

Eating meat will make you a bad person

Eating whole grains reduces heart disease

In order to be a scientific hypothesis it must be:

Faslifiable, Testable, A proposed explanation for one or more ovservations



Able to be proven true

A propsed explanation for one or more observatiotns

What type of reasoning uses if/then statements to make predicitons?


Something that is not constrained by the laws of nature and its behavior cannot be predicted using our current understanding of the natural world is called:


A set of actions or observaitons designed to test specific hypotheses are called a/an:


The variable that is being manipulated by the scientist in an experiment is called:


The _ in an experiment is the group that is not manipulated and not exposed to the experimental treatment.


When opinions influence the results of an experimment, the experimental results are said to be:


If you were testing the effects of a Drug S on reducing stress, the control group woul receive:

A placebo or sugar pill

When individuals in an experiment do not know which group they belong to but the researchers do, this is called a:

Blind experiment

What is not a criteria for medical research

Endanger the subjects

+ Randomized experiments, placebo-controlled experiments, double blind experiments, endanger the subjects

What is not a good model organism use in medical research







When the researcher makes consistent errors in the measurement and evaluation of results it is called:

Observer bias

In order to be considered statistically significant, _

The sample size should be large

The results should have less than 5% probability that differences in results are due to chance alone

The sample size should be large

The standard error should be greater than 5%

The results should have less than 5% proabability that differences in results are due to chance alone

When experimenters look at their data, they need to determine what is the likelihood that the results are due to sampling error


What can a statistical test NOT tell us?

The accuracy of an experiment

The accuracy of an eperiment

The chance of sampling error

The amount of variability in a sample

The probability that the results obtained were due to sampling error

The probability that the differences between the experimental and control group were due to chance

The standard error is used to generate the:

Confidence interval

The process of peer reviewing of reports of research:

Is done by other researchers who critique the results and condlusions

Is only valuable with anecdotal evidences

Is done by other ersearchers who critique the results and conclusions

Is only valuable with anecdotal evidences

Helps increase confidence in scientific information

Is considered a waste of time in primary sources

What is not an example of a primary source?

New York Times

Journal of the American Medical Association



New York Times

What is an example of anecdotal evidence

Aund Ruth says that drinking dandelion tea will cure acne, it did for her

Research shows dark chocolate contains 25% cocoa and cocoa is rich in antioxidants

Scientists have found through extensive research that fiver helps regulate bowel movements

Aunt Ruth says that drinking dandelion tea will cure acne, it did for her.

Research shows beta-carotene is an antioxidant that also converts to Vitamin A in the body.

Which of the subatonic particles is located in the nucleus and has a positive charge?


The atonic number tells you how many _ the atom has.


The transfer of electrons between atons will form a/an:

Ionic Bond

The atomic weight or mass number is determined by:

The number of protons plus the number of neutrons.

If carbon has a atomic weight or mass number of 12 and its atomic number is 6, how many neutrons does it have?


When atoms share electrons in their outer shells, they form a/an:

Covalent Bond

Atoms with a positive or negative charge are called:


A substance that dissolves when mixed with water is called a:



In water, oxygen attracts more electrons than hydrogen, this makes oxygen more:


What represents a hydrogen ion?


A compound that donates hydrogen ions to a solution is called a/an:


If you have a beferage with a pH of 3 it is considered to be:


Swea contains a number of ions, such as sodium and potassium. When dissolved in a solution such as sweat, these ions are commonly called:


Carbon is ideal for forming organic molecules because it can bind up to _ other atoms.


Sucrose is a _ composed of _

Disaccharide: glucose and fructose

Dietary fiber is composed of a polysaccharide called _, which cannot be digested in the human body.


The building blocks of proteins are:

Amino acids

Trans fats are created through a process called:


Cholesterol is carried by _. One type is called _ which carries excess cholesterol to the liver.

Lipoproteins, HDL

The only vitamin that human cells can synthesize is:

Vitamin D

Which viamin is made in our bodies by bacteria found in our large intestine

Vitamin K

Inorganic elements that are essential for many cell functions are called:


Many vitamins and minerals are thought to play a role in the prevention of certain diseases. These micronutrients belong to a class of substances called:


Excess energy can first be stored as _ in the liver and muscles.


When the energy stores of the liver and muscles are adequate, energy is stored as:


The energy currency of the cells is called:


ATP is made up of:

A sugar, adenine base and three phosphates

What is not a component of the nucleus



Nuclear envelope



Nuclear pores

ATP is made in this organelle and is often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.


This organelle contains digestive enzymes that will destroy old and worn out organelles.


DNA is found in this organelle


These cytoskeleton components play a role in cell division and the formation of the dilia and flagella.


This component of cells is composed of a single phospholipid bilayer

Plasma membrane

The plasma membrane of cells contains more than the phospholipid bilayer. What else is/are components of the membrane.

transport proteins




Transport proteins




The movement of substances down its concentration gradient is called:


Due to the hydrophobic core of the phospholipid bilayer, hydrophilic molecules can not diffuse through the membrane. They require a different mode of transport called:

facilitated diffusion

The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from areas of low solute to high solute is called:


If you have a cell with water concentration of 90% and a solute concentration of 10% and you place it into a solution that is 80% water and 20% solute, what will happen?

Water will move out of the cell into the solution.

A cell with water concentration of 80% and a solute concentration of 20% is placed in pure water (100% water). How would you describe the pure water and what direciton will water move in?

Hypotonic; into cell causing it to swell and burst.

This type of transport requires ATP to move substances agains the concentration gradient.

Active transport

The process of using oxygen to completely break down glucose to produce ATP is called:

Aerobic cellular respiration.

What accepts the electron at the end of the electron transport chain?


The process of fermentation occurs when there is no _ and results in the conversion of pyruvic acid into _.

Oxygen; lactic acid

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius is called:


Very low body fat can lead to a condition that inhibits menstruation, thus causing:


How is the body mass index (BMI) assessed

Height and weight