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36 Cards in this Set

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What concept in the 17th century convinced intellectuals in scientific theory?

Newton's physics

What was known as the teleogical argument for the species problem?

The complexity of nature, must have resulted from an intelligent creater

Who made the teleology analogy of a watchmaker and the watch?

William Paley

What did Erasmus Darwin propose, and what was his role in the species problem?

All warm blooded organisms arose from a single micro-organism (filament).

Rejected the bible version of creation.

Similar to Erasmus what did Lamarck propose?

1.‘chain of being’ :all species could be arranged on a linear scale with reference to complexity.

2.‘inheritance of acquired characteristics’ or ‘soft inheritance’: important mechanism of evolution was the idea that changes occurring during the lifetime of an organism could be passed onto the offspring of that organism

Why did the chain of being end up get condemned by naturalist?

lacked both empirical support, and Lamarck couldn't outline the ladder

What was the name of the structure that allowed Darwin to sing : "I'm on a Boat!"

HMS Beagle

How long did Darwin spend on his boat?

5 years bb <3

Main purpose of that boat was?

survey the southern coasts of South America to allow the British merchant fleet to retain its edge in competition for trade with these developing countries

Who influenced Darwin with his book called Principles of Geology”?

Charles Lyell

Describe 1) ‘catastrophism' and 2) ‘uniformitarianism’ in theories of geology?

1) geological change occurred abruptly and dramatically as the result of major catastrophic events under the control of God (floods, plague)

2) assumption that uniform laws of nature were in operation in nature to produce gradual geologic change

galápagos stands for _____ in spanish?

Huge penises


jk giant turtles!

Birds with different beaks on galapagos known as________ today?

Darwin's finches

Who was Emma wedgwood?

Darwin's hoe

Thomas Malthus' influence on Darwin involved?

The struggle for existence

What clue provided Darwin insight for natural selection?

Breeders, such as pigeon breeders that displayed artificial selection. From this he made the jump and came up with the idea for natural selection.

What made Darwin suddenly release his theory?

there was the threat in the form of Alfred Russel Wallace’s very similar theory set to be put forward to the scientific community

Darwin's theory included elements of (4 things)

1)Mutation is the primary means of creating individual differences within a species

2) Malthus in his book, arguing that, in nature, species face an inevitable struggle to survive

3)natural selection

4)explained extinction and the reason why modern species resemble fossils of extinct species found in the same geographical region

Darwin's most important contribution to psychology?

The evolution theory

Darwin's lesser contributions to psychology?

publishing in the British journal Mind an article called a “Biographical Sketch of an Infant” Based on extensive notes written years before on the physical and psychological development of his firstborn

How did the evolution theory influence psychology? (4 things)

1) consciousness was said to serve the adaptive function

2)implication that a continuity of mental processes existed between humans and other species

3) emphasis on individual variation

4) increased interest in what came to be called comparative psychology

What was darwin's most direct (not most important) contribution to psych?

a book that was the first scientific attempt to study emotional expressions

4 methods proposed by darwin to study emotion?

1) to use children, as well as insane individuals, as sample populations

2)galvanization (not gavinization)

3)cross-cultural study

4)study the emotional expressions of animals

Describe and list Darwin's 3 basic principles of emotion?

1) serviceable associated habits: emotions were once adapted to serve an adaptive function

2)antithesis: opposite emotions have opposite expressions

3)direct action of the nervous system: physical expression of emotion is a side effect of the physiological arousal that accompanies strongly-felt emotions

who was the person most directly responsible for initiating the study of individual differences?

Francis Galton

who was the first to observe relationships between high- and low-pressure systems and how they influenced the weather

Francis Galton

What was Francis Galton's major beliefs?

1) the belief that intelligence was innate

2) intelligence was key in enabling physically weak humans to survive the struggle for existence

How did Galton attempt to support his claims? (3 methods)

1)looked at the family trees of these highly capable people and discovered that talent tended to run in families


3) twin studies

Who argued against Galton's theory, and what did they argue?

Swiss botanist called Alphonse de Candolle responded to Galton and showed the importance of environmental factors in paving the way for someone to achieve eminence

According to Candolle where was eminence in science most likely found?

more likely in democratic countries, and nations with higher standards of living rather than totalitarian countries or nations with lower standards of living

What was wrong with Galton's data?

both his questionnaire wording and his interpretation of the results were affected by his preconceptions about intelligence

What is eugenics, who founded it?

society should take active steps toward improving its genetic material by encouraging certain people to reproduce.


What was the mentioned measuring instruments created by Galton in lecture?

Galton's whistle

What was measured in the The Anthropometric Laboratory and why?

simple physical measurements (auditory, visual etc.), because galton belevied superior mental capacity was related to neural efficiency and sensory ability

What did Galton believe that may have offended Beyonce?

argued that women were intellectually inferior to men and traced the deficiency to inadequate sensory capacity

Galton had a lot of not useful information, so what was his main contribution to psych?

Galton’s effort is noteworthy as the first serious attempt to measure individual differences in human ability