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66 Cards in this Set

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blood compostion
a fluid connective tissue
- plasma + formed elements
1.erythrocyte (red blood cells or RBCs)
2.leukocyte (white blood cells or WBCs)
3,platelets (血小板)

-Hematocrit (% of RBCs)
[Male] 47%+- 5%
[Female] 42%+- 5%
Centrifuge the blood sample
plasma 55%
-Least dense component

Formed elements
1.Buffy coat
-leukocyte and platelets <1%

2.Erythrocytes 45%
-most dense component
physical characteristics and Volume
-Sticky, opaque fluid (metallic smell from iron)
-color scarlet (O2 rich) to dark red (O2 poor)
-pH 7.35 -7.45 (strictly controlled - critical for life)
-38C (100F)
-〜8% of body weight
-average volume
[Male] 5-6 L
[Females] 4-5 L
Function of Blood
1.Distribution of
-O2 and nutrients to body cells
-Metabolic wastes to the lungs and kidneys for elimination
-hormones from endocrine organs to target oranges

2.Regulation of
-body temperature by absorbing and distributing heat
-Normal pH using buffers
-Adequate fluid volume in the circulatory system

3.protection against
-blood loss
--plasma proteins and platelets initiate clot formation

--complement proteins
--WBCs defend against foreign invaders
blood plasma
-straw colored
-90% water + over 100 solute
--proteins are mostly produced by the liver
--60% albumin: transporter, maintain osmotic pressure
--36% globulins: alpha, beta, gamma
--4% fibrinogen: clotting proteins

-Nitrogenous by-products of metabolism -lactic acid, urea, creatinine, other ammonium wastes
-Nutrients- glucose, carbohydrate, amino acids
-Electrolytes- Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, HCO3-
-respiratory gases- O2, CO2
Formed Elements
-only WBCs are complete cells
-RBCs have no nuclei or organelles
-Platelets are cell fragments
-Most formed elements survive in the bloodstream for only are few days
-most blood cells originate in bone marrow and do not divide once in the blood
-biconcave discs, anucleate, essentially no organelles
-Filled with hemoglobin (Hb) for gas transport
-contain the plasma membrane protein spectrin and other proteins
--provide flexibility to change shape as necessary
--provide antioxidant enzyme
-Are the major factor contributing to blood viscosity
-structural characteristics contribute to gas transport

--biconcave shape: huge surface area relative to volume (30% more surface area)
-->97% hemoglobin (not contain water)
-- No mitochondria; ATP production is anaerobic: no O2 is used in generation of ATP

-A superb example of complementarity of structure and function
Enthyrocyte3 function
-RBCs are dedicate to respiratory gas transport
-hemoglobin binds reversibly with oxygen
-hemoglobin structure
--protein globin: tow alpha and two beta chains
--heme pigment bonded to each globin chain

-iron atom in each heme can bind to one O2 molecules
-Each Hb molecule can transport 4 O2 molecules
-Each RBC has 250 million Hb molecules
--1 billion molecules O2 per RBC
Hemoglobin (Hb)1
-O2 loading in the lungs
--produces oxyhemoglobin (ruby red)

-O2 unloading in the tissues
--produces deoxyhemoglobin or reduced hemoglobin (dark red)

-Co2 loading in the tissues
--produces carbaminohemoglobin (carries 20% of CO2 in the blood- binding to an AA, not to the hemo)
Hematopoiesis (hemopoiesis)
-blood cell formation
--occurs in red bone marrow of axial skeleton, girdles and proximal epiphyses of humerus and femur

-Hemocytoblasts (hematopoietic stem cells)
--Give rise to all formed elements
--hormones and growth factors push the cell toward a specific pathway of blood cell development

-new blood cells enter blood sinusoids
Erythropoiesis 1
-erythropoiesis: red blood cell production (3-15 days)
--A hemocytoblast is transformed into a proerythroblast
--proerythroblasts develop into early erythroblasts
--phases in development
1.Ribosome synthesis
2.Hemoglobin accumulation
3.Ejection of the nucleus & formation of reticulocytes
-reticulocytes then become mature erythrocyte
Erythropoiesis 2
A hemocytoblast (transformed)

proerythroblasts (develop)

early erythroblasts

Ribosome synthesis

hemoglobin accumulation

ejectiont the nucleus
fromation of reticulocyte

Regulation of erythropoiesis
- too few→tissue hypoxia
--hemorrhage or ↑RBC destruction →↓RBC numbers
--insufficient hemoglobin (iron deficiency)
--↓ availability of O2 (high altitudes)
-Too many RBCs ↑blood viscosity
-Balance between RBC production & destruction depends on
--hormonal controls
--adequate supplies of iron, amino acids, & vitamin B
Hormonal control of erythropoiesis
-Erythropoietin (EPO)
--Direct stimulus for erythropoiesis
--Released by the kidneys in response to hypoxia

-effects of EPO
--more rapid maturation of committed bone marrow cells
--↑ circulating reticulocyte count in 1-2 days

-testosterone also enhances EPO production, resulting in higher RBC counts in males
Erythropoietin mechanism for regulating erythropoiesis
1 stimulues: hypoxia due to
-↓ RBC count= ↓ hemoglobin = ↓ availability of O2
2 Kideny >& liver release eryhtropoietin
3 Erythropoetin stimulates red bone marrow
4 Enhanced eryhtopoiesis ↑ RBC count
5 O2 Carying ability of blood ↑
Dietary requirements for erythropoiesis
-Nutrients- amino acids, lipids,& carbohydrates
--stored in Hb (65%), the liver, spleen, and bone marrrow
--Stored in cell as ferritin & hemosiderin
--transported loosely bound to the protein transferrin (free iron is toxic)
--small amounts lost daily: sweat, faces, urine, menstrual
-Vitamin B12 and folic acid- necessary for DNA synthesis for cell division
Fate and destruction of erythrocytes
-life span: 100-120 days
-Old RBCs become fragile, and Hb begins to degenerate
-Macrophages engulf dying RBCs in the spleen
-heme and globin are separated
--iron is salvaged for reuse
--heme is degraded to yellow the pigment bilirubin
--liver secretes bilirubin (in bile) into the intestines
--Dgraded pigment leaves the body in faces as stercobilin
--globin is metabolized into amino acids
Erythrocyte disorders
: blood has abnormally low O2- carrying capacity
-a sign rather than a disease itself
-blood O2 levels cannot support normal metabolism
--accompanied by fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath and chills
causes and type of Anemia 1
1 insufficient erythrocytes

-hemorrhagic anemia: acute or chronic loss of blood

-Hemolytic anemia: RBCs rupture prematurely

-Aplastic anemia: destruction or inhibition of red bone marrow
causes and type of Anemia 2
2.Low hemoglobin content
-iron-deficiency anemia
--secondary result of hemorrhagic anemia or
--inadequate intake of iron-containing foods or
--impaired iron absorption

-Pernicious anemia
--deficiency of Vitamin B12
--Lack of intrinsic factor needed for absorpiton of B12
--Treated by intramuscular injection of B12 or application of Nscobal
causes and type of Anemia3
Abnormal hemoglobin
--absent or faulty globin chain
-RBCs are thin, delicate, & deficient in hemoglobin

-Sickle-cell anemia
--defective gene codes for abnormal hemoglobin (HbS)
--CauseRBCs to become sickle shaped in low-oxygen situations
Erythrocyte Disorders
-polycythemia: excess of RBCs that ↑ blood viscosity
[Results from:]
--polycythemia vera- bone marrow cancer
--hematocrit as high as 80%

-secondary polycythemia- when less O2 is available (high altitude, smokers) or when EPO production ↑

-blood doping- RBC2 removed, EPO naturally stimulated, RBCs reinjected = high (RBCs)
Leukocyte (WBCs)
-Make up < 1% pf total blood volume
-Can leave capillaries via diapedesis
-move through tissue spaces by ameboid motion & positive chemotaxis
-Leukocytosis: WBC count over 11.000/mmm3
--Normal response to bacterial or viral invasion
WBCs: Granulocytes or agranulocyte
-Granulocytes: neurophils, eosinophils, & Basophils
--Cytoplasmic granules stain specifically with Wright's stain
--Langer and shorter-lived than RBCs
--Lobed nuclei

-Agranulocytes: lymphocytes & monocytes
--Lack visible cytoplasmic granules
--Have spherical or kidney shaped nuclei
most numerous WBSs
-Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
-Fine granules take up both acidic &basic dytes
-Give the cytophasmatic a lilac color
-Granules contain hydrolytic enzyme or defensins
-Very phagocytic-"bactereria slayers"
-Red-staining, bilobed nuclei
-red to crimson (acidphoilic) carse, lysosome- like granules
-Digest parasitic worms that are too large to be phagocyytized
-Modulators of the immune response
-rarest WBCs
-Large, purple-black (basophilic) granules contain histamine
--histamine: an inflammatory chemical that acts as a vasodilator & attracts other WBCS to inflamed sites
-Are functionally similar to mast cells
-Large, dark-purple, circular nuclei with a thin rim of blue cytoplasm
-mostly in lymphoid tissue; few circulate in the blood
-crucial to immunity
-2 types
1. T cell act against virus- infected cells
2.B cells give rise to plasma cells which produce antibodies
-The largest luekocytes
-Abundant pale-blue cytoplasm
-Dark purple-staining, U- or kidney- shaped nuclei
-Leave circulation, enter tissues, & differentiate into macrphages
--actively phagocytic cells; crucial against viruses, intracellular bacterial parasite,& chronic infections

-activate lymphocytes to mount an immune response
-Production of WBCs
-Stimulated by chemical messengers from bone marrow & mature WBCs
--Interieukins (ex:IL1,IL2)
--colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) named for the WBC type they stimulate (ex: granulocyte-CSF stimulates granulocyte)

-All leukocytes originate from hemocytoblasts
-Many hematopoietic hormones (EPO, CSFs) are used clinically to stimulate bone marrow and the immune response (Cancer, AIDS patients)
Leukocyte formation
(Stem cells) Hemocytoblasts differeniate into myeloid stem cells & lymphoid stem cells
(Committed cells)
-Myeloid stem cells become myeloblasts or monoblasts
-Lymphoid stem cells become lymphoblasts
Leukocyte disorders
-leuopenia: abnormally low WBC count- drug induced

--cancerous conditions involving WBCs
--Named according to the abnormal WBC clone involved
=myelocytic leukemia involves myeloblasts
=Lymphocytic leukemia involves lymphocytes
-A cute leukemia involves blast-type cells and primarily affects children
-Chronic leukemia is more prevalent in older people
-bone marrow totally occupied with cancerous leukocytes
-Immature nonfunctional WBCs in the bloodsteam
-Death caused by internal hemorrhage & overwhelming infections
-treatment include irradiation, antileukemic drugs, and stem cell transplants
-small fragments of megakaryocytes
-formation is regulated by thrombopoietin
-blue-staining outer region, purple granules
-granules contain serotonin, Ca2+, enzymes, ADP, & platelet- derived growth factor (PDGF)
-Form a temporary platelet plug that helps seal breaks in blood vessles
-Circulating platelets are kept inactive and mobile by NO & prostacyclin from endothelial cells of blood vessels
-Fast series of reactions for stoppage of bleeding
1.vascular spasm: smooth muscle contracts, causing vasoconstriction

2. Platelet plug formation: injury to lining of vessel exposes collagen fibers; platelets adhere
-Platelets release chemicals that make near by platelets sticky; platelet plug forms

3.Coagulation (blood clotting): fibrin forms a mesh that traps red blood cells & platelets, forming the clot
1. Vascular spasm
-vasoconstriction of damaged blood vessel
--direct injury
--chemicals released by endothelial cells and platelets
--Pain reflexes
2. Platelet plug formation (〜1 min)
-positive feedback cycle
-At site of blood vessel injury, platelets
-stick to exposed collagen fibers with the help of von Willerbrand factor, a plasma protein

-Swell, become spiked & sticky, & release their contents
--ADP cause more platelets to stick & release their contents
--serotonin & thromboxane A2 enhance vascular spasm & mor e platelet aggregation
3. Coagulation (3-6 min)
-a set of reactions in which blood is transformed from a liquid to a gel
-reinforces the platelet plug with fibrin threads
-3 phases of coagulation
1. prothrombin activator is formed (intrinsic & extrinsic pathways)
2.Prothrombin is converted into thrombin
3. thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen to form a fibrin mesh
Coagulation phase1
Tow pathways to prothrombin Activator
-Initiated by either the intrinsic or extrinsic pathway (usually both)
--triggered by tissue-damaging events
--involves a series of procoagulants
--each pathway cascades toward factor X

-Factor X complexes with Ca2+, PF3 & factor V to form prothrombin activator

[Intrinsic pathway]
-is triggered by negatively charged surfaces (activated platelets, collagen, glass)
-Uses factors present within the blood (intrinsic)

[Extrinsic pathway]
-is triggers by exposure to tissue factor (TF) or factor III (an extrinsic factor)
-Bypasses several steps of the intrinsic pathway, so is faster
Coagulation phase2
Pathway to thrombin
-prothrombin activator catalyzes the transformation of prothrobin to the active enzyme thrombin
coagulation phase3
common pathway to the fibrin mesh
-thrombin converts soluble fibrinogen into fibrin
-Fibrin strands form the structural basis of a clot
-Fibrin causes plasma to become a gel-like trap for formed elements
-thrombin (w/ Ca2+)
activates factor XIII which:
--cross-links fibrin
--strengthens & stabilizes the clot
clot retraction
-actin & myosin in platelets contract within 30-60 minutes
-platelets pull on the fibin strands, squeezing serum from the clot
clot repair
-platelet- deriverd growth factor (PDGF) stimulates division of smooth muscle cells & fibroblasts to rebuild blood vessel wall
-Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulates endothelial cells to multiply & restore the endothelial lining
-begins within tow days
-plasminogen in clot is coverted to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), factor XII & thrombin
-plasmin is a fibrin-digesting enzyme
[Factors limiting clot growth or formation]
-Tow homeostatic mechanisms prevent clots from becoming large
1. Swift removal & dilution of clotting factors
2.Inhibition of activated clotting factors
2.inhibition of clotting factors
-most thrombine is bound to fibrin threads, & prevented from action elsewhere
-Antithrombin III, protein C, & heparin inactivate thrombin & other procoagulants
-heparin, another anticoagulant, also inhibits thrombin activity
Factors preventing undesirable clotting
pletelet adhesion is prevented by
-smooth endothelial lining of blood vessels
-Antithrombic substances nitric oxide & prostacyclin secreted by endothelial cells
-Vitamin E quinine which acts as potent anticoagulant
Disorders of Hemostasis
1. thromboembolytic disorder: undesirable clot formation

2.Bleeding disorders: abnormalities that prevent normal clot formation
1.Thromboembolytic conditons
[thrombus]: clot that develops & persists in an unbroken blood vessle
-may block circulation, leading to tissue death

[Embolus]: a thromus freely floating in the blood steam
-pulmonary emboli impair the ability of the body to obtain oxygen
-cerebral emboli can cause strokes
[prevented by]
-aspirin= antiprostaglandin that inhibits thromboxane A2
-Heparin= anticagulant used clinically for pre & postoperative cardiac care
-Warfgarin= used for these prone to atrial fibrillation
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
-Eidespread clotting blocks intact blood vessels
-severe bleeding occurs bc residual blood unable to clot
-Most common in pregnancy, septicemia, or incompatible blood transfusions
2.bleeding disorders
[Thrombocytopenia]: deficient number of circulating platelets
-petechiae appear due to spntaneous, widespread hemorrhage
-due to suppression or destruction of bone marrow (ex, malignancy, radiation)
-platelet count < 50000/mm3 is diagnostic
-treated w/ transfusion of concentrated platelets

[impaired liver function]
-inability to synthesize procoagulants
-causes include vitamin K deficiency, hepatities, and cirrhosis
-Liver disease can also prevent the liver from producing blile, impairing fat & vitamin K absorption
2.bleeding disorder
hemophilias include several similar hereditary bleeding disorders
-Hemophilia A: most common type (77% of all cases); due to a dificiency of factor Vlll
-Hemophilia B: deficiency of factor IX
-Hemophilia C: mild type; deficiency of factor XI

symptoms include prolonged bleeding, especially into joint cavities

theated with plasma transfusions & injection of missing factors
-whole-blood transfusions are used when blood loss is substantial
-packed red cells (plasma removed) are used to restore oxygen-carrying capacity
-transfusion of incompatible blood can be fetal
Human blood groups
*RBC membranes bear 30 types glycoprotein antigens that are
-perceived as foreign if transfused blood is mismatched
-unique to each individual
-promoters of agglutination are called agglutinogens
*Presence or absence of each antigen is used to classify blood cells into different groups
Blood groups
-humans have 30 varieties of naturally occurring RBC antigens
-antigens of the ABO & Rh blood groups cause vigorous transfusion reactions
-other blood groups (MNS, Duffy, Kell, & Lewis) are usually weak agglutinogens
*agglutinogens (〜antigens)+agglutinins(antiblodies) =agglutination
Rh blood groups
-there are 45 different Rh agglutinogens (RH factors)
-C,D,&E most common
-Rh+ indicates presence of D
-Anti-RH antibodies are not spontaneously formed in Rh- individual
-A second exposure to Rh+ blood will result in a typical transfusion reaction
Homeostatic imbalance: hemolytic disease of the new born (or erythroblastosis fetalis)
-Rh- mother becomes sensitized when exposure to Rh+ blood causes her body to synthesize anti Rh antibodies
-Anti-Rh antibodies cross the placenta & distroy the RBCs of an Rh+ baby
-the baby can be treated w/ prebirth transfusions & exchange transfusions after birth
-RhoGAM serum containing anti-Rh can prevent the Rh- mother from becoming sensitized
transfusion reactions
*occur if mismatched blood is infused
*Donor's cells
-are attacked by the recipient's plasma agglutinins
-agglutinate & clog small vessels
-rupture & release free hemoglobin into the bloodsteam
[result in]
-diminished oxygen-carrying capacity
-hemoglobin in kidney tubules & renal failure
-self-transfusions (autologous tissue donation)
Blood typing
-when serum containing anti-A or anti-B agglutinins is added to blood, agglutination will occur between the agglutinin & the corresponding agglutinogens
-positive reactions indicate agglutination
Blood type A
[RBC agglutinogens] A
[serum reaction]Anti-A+, anti-B-
[plasma antibodies(agglutinins)] B
[possible transfusion]
Blood type B
[RBC agglutinogens] B
[serum reaction]Anti-A-, anti-B+
[plasma antibodies(agglutinins)] A
[possible transfusion]
Blood type AB
[RBC agglutinogens] AB
[serum reaction] anti-A+, anti-B+
[plasma antibodies(agglutinins)] None
[possible transfusion]
AB+=AB+,AB-,A+,A-,B+,B,-O+,O- *universal receiver
AB-=AB-,A-, B-,O-
Blood type O
[RBC agglutinogens] None
[serum reaction] None
[plasma antibodies(agglutinins)] anti-A, anti-B
[possible transfusion]
O-=O- (universal donor)
restoring blood volume
*death from shock may result from low blood volume
*volume must be replaced immediately w/
-Normal saline or multiple-electrolyte solution that mimics plasma electrolyte composition
-plasma expanders (ex purified human serum albumin, hetastarch, & dextran)
--mimic osmotic properties of albumin
-more expensive & may cause significant complication
diagnostic blood test
-blood glucose tests
-microscopic examination reveals variations in size & shape of RBCs, indication of anemias
-differential WBC count
-prothrombin time & platelet counts assess hemostasis
-SMAC, a blood chemistry profile
-Complete blood count (CBC)
development aspects
-fetal blood cells from in the fetal yolk sac, liver,& spleen
-red bone marrow is the primary hematopoietic area by the seventh month
-blood cells develop from mesenchymal cells called blood islands
-the fetus forms HbF, which has a higher affinity for O2 than hemoglobin A formed after birth
-blood diseases of aging
--chronic leukemias, anemias, clotting disorders
--usually precipitated by disorders of the heart, blood vessls, & immune system